Some ancient meditative practices of Tibetans and shamans going back thousands of years recognize synchronicity, and that even when we are awake, we can still experience a sense of being in a dream. This awareness includes the idea that you have access to awareness of being one with everything that is, and there is therefore an entanglement that is happening between you and the universe. And through this connection, we are capable of exerting non-local effects.
What this means is that it's possible for us to sometimes have synchronicities when we're in a very highly-charged, positively charged state while being relaxed and energetically grounded. So we might say something, and suddenly we notice there they are–or they might phone or text or email us.
Or we might say something or think about something, and notice that same thing is on the radio or TV show that we're watching or listening to. There's no way we could have affected those shows real-time, so it's an obvious synchronicity. When we notice Mandela Effects, reality shifts, and quantum jumps, we are actually playing with reality much like we would do in a lucid dream.
Synchronicity & Carl Jung
Synchronicity is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung to signify “the simultaneous occurrence of two meaningful but not causally connected events,” or as “a coincidence in time of two or more casually unrelated events which have the same or similar meaning… equal in rank to a causality as a principle of explanation.”
Synchronicity is the occurrence of a physical event in the world that occurs at or near the same time that it is being discussed or thought about. This playfulness we so often feel in creativity allows us to find connections between ideas without a structured, rational, mechanical process — discovering that what we need comes to us when and where we need it. Carl Jung once had an amazing synchronicity where he was talking to someone about a scarab beetle, and just then a scarab beetle showed up at his window.
As Jung treated this particular patient, he realized that she required a change of perspective from her overly-rational view of the world to one which allowed greater freedom of thought and feeling. Jung was intrigued to notice that this kind of rebirth that he considered so important for his patient was also indicated by the timely arrival of the scarab beetle at the window!
The ‘Pauli Effect'
Many of us have noticed similar synchronicities. I find it very interesting that one of Carl Jung's friends was physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who started experiencing bizarre phenomenon. Pauli wanted to know what was going on, and to better understand the psychology behind some of his experiences, and he consulted with his friend, Carl Jung. Pauli himself was quite well-known amongst the physics community as someone you don't want to invite to your laboratory, because if he comes, the equipment breaks down. So those who might have been wanting to demonstrate an experiment can't because once Pauli arrives, nothing works. Everything would seem to stop functioning as soon as Pauli entered the room.
This so-called “Pauli Effect” is an example of another kind of entanglement of the sort that can happen when you are not grounded. There's an energetic effect that can occur that I've experienced. Before I regularly practiced energetically grounding myself, I would walk into rooms and the equipment would fail. I know what that feels like, and it's not fun: the lightbulb blows out, the appliances break down, the computer stops working. So I quickly learned that I need to stay grounded when I'm doing martial arts, when I am doing Tai Chi, when I am doing lower abdominal breathing and basically boosting my inner Qi / Ki to high levels–then I need to stay grounded. This “Pauli Effect” is thus something like the flip side to synchronicity.
Experiencing Lucid Living
Lucid living is analagous to having a lucid dream. In a lucid dream, dreamers often recognize you can look at your hand in a dream and notice, “My hand looks a little different.” The other weekend I was away from home, and in my dream I went back home to check on things. In my dream, I was walking through my house toward the front door, and I opened the front door in my dream, but then there was a car outside of the door, blocking everything. It was a little tiny white car on my porch, completely blocking me from being able to open my front door. So in my dream, I looked at my hand, and I could easily expand it to be very big. I was surprised to see the car on my porch, so that woke me up inside the dream. Then I knew I was dreaming so I could just make my hand really big, pick the car up, move the car, and then go back to being “normal” and walk through the front door as usual. That's an example of lucid dreaming.
When we have reality shifts and Mandela Effects, these are capable of getting us to ask the question, “WHY are these things happening?”
When we ask this question, you might remember when you were little and adults might annoy you by answering your questions of “Why?” with the answer, “Because!” This answer in this case is a good one, since when you look at the parts of the word because you find: Be Cause. This is a clue that you–as consciousness– are the cause of reality shifts and Mandela Effects.
When we globally work together, we are literally capable of changing the world, so you can get global effects.
One version of the idea of lucid living is shown in the movie ‘Inception' in which events unfolding around characters who are actively dreaming can be steered by their consciousness. In the movie, Inception, it's pointed out that you can never remember the beginning of a dream, dreams that seem to cover hours might only last a short time, and often you don't know that when you're dreaming.
You also don't necessarily know how you are connected–or entangled–with others, and whether you are in their dream, or they are in yours, or you are together in a shared dream. In the movie, Inception, a dreamer can tell whether he is in a dream or whether he's awake by spinning a top. This dream marker thus provides a clue by which it's possible for him to know whether he is dreaming or awake. In the movie, Inception, there was a spinning top that helped characters in that science fiction movie recognize that they were in a dream, and not totally in the real reality.
You can actually move your level of observation back a step, and that's the key principle of all of these ideas of reality shifting, Mandela Effects and quantum jumps. The idea from quantum physics is that the Observer who is observing the other observers is the one who's going to get the outcome of that entire entangled network of observations. That final level Observer is the one who can call the shots and decide what's going on.
The big idea here when considering entanglement and lucid living is to, as always, keep asking “How good can it get?” Stay positive, and realize that when you leave that positive question open-ended and evolving, it's possible to find win-win solutions for all of us.
You can watch the companion video to this blog post below: