We have all experienced times in our lives where life is chaotic and our patience and faith are tested. Usually,...
Read moreDetailsGregg Braden takes you on a journey of exploration, discovery, mystery, and insight that leads you to the wisdom of...
Read moreDetailsNot even “science” can explain away the amazing things that love can do, or the seemingly unexplained “abilities” that people...
Read moreDetailsHere's how your preferred state of being can become the navigational device that enables you to create the parallel reality...
Read moreDetailsAll physical manifestations from the smallest organism to the highest mountain, stars, suns, and galaxies go through cycles of creation...
Read moreDetailsIf we look deeper, we may begin to see why the circle is considered such a sacred symbol and we...
Read moreDetailsMy sense is that we have until 2050 until this 3D destruction cycle completes. But that doesn't mean everything will...
Read moreDetailsYet it can still be challenging when you feel this and wonder why the outer isn't yet reflecting the new...
Read moreDetailsBreathing is one bodily function we have a strange amount of control over and interaction with and I’ve come to...
Read moreDetailsReality shifting has really taken off since I first wrote about this topic in the 1990s. Now that so many...
Read moreDetailsEssentially, synchronicities could simply be explained as meaningful coincidences. While I have a firm respect for the honesty and governance...
Read moreDetailsThe Universe will also tell you when you’re making the wrong decision. No matter what you call the Eternal Force...
Read moreDetailsOnce we have taken the proverbial reigns of our own awareness and continue to make these conscious choices as to...
Read moreDetailsBenevolence has responded in the most quietly phenomenal of ways - the return of the cosmic catalyst the Shiva. A...
Read moreDetailsWatch this inspirational video with visionaries Harlan Emil & Xi Earthstar whose mission is to create a higher-dimensional, new earth...
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