By Dr. Joseph Mercola | mercola.com
Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes — all of these fruits are well-known and easy to find when you want them. But stepping out of your comfort zone and expanding your nutritional horizons offers you the chance to try a new flavor and reap some pretty amazing health benefits. Though it may take some time to find them, here are 10 little-known fruits you should try:
1. Ackee
Native to the tropical forests of West Africa, ackee has a characteristic red skin that, when opened, exposes three large, black seeds. The only edible part of this fruit is the yellow, fleshy portion attached to each seed. Ackee has a mild flavor and a buttery, creamy texture. It’s rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C and fiber.
2. Cherimoya
Cherimoya fruits are native to Ecuador and northern Peru. Sometimes heart-shaped, the fruit is about the size of a large grapefruit. It has a creamy white, sweet and slightly tart flesh, green skin and large, black seeds. The flesh, which is the only edible part of this fruit, has a flavor profile that resembles a blend of pineapple and banana. Cherimoya fruits are packed with powerful cytotoxins, vitamin C and health-boosting B vitamins.
3. Feijoa
Native to Mexico, feijoa fruits are oval-shaped and resemble green, unripe guava and taste like a mix between guava and pineapple. Fejoa fruits offer a wide range of nutrients, including vitamin C, iron, B vitamins, manganese, copper, calcium, potassium and plenty of immune-boosting antioxidants.
4. Guarana
If you need a natural boost, guarana can help. This small, red fruit, native to the forests of the Amazon, contains twice as much caffeine as coffee beans. It has somewhat of a bitter taste and it’s often sold as a powder which can be used to make coffee or tea or added to smoothies. It’s said to contain even more antioxidants than green tea!
5. Mangosteen
Mangosteens are common in the rainforest areas of Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. This round and glossy purple fruit are filled with sweet white segments similar to the design of an orange. Its flavor profile is somewhat of a mix between a nectarine and a strawberry. Low in calories and high in fiber, mangosteens offer plenty of potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins.
6. Pomelo
Sometimes confused with grapefruit, pomelos originated from Southeast Asia. Known as the largest citrus fruit, pomelos have a rose-red flesh that tastes like a sweeter version of grapefruit. Pomelos are packed with vitamin C and offer a powerful immune system boost.