By Sherrie | Learning-Mind
We’ve established that for some, aliens exist and for others, this is just fantasy. There is a belief, however, that aliens are already here and have been here for quite some time.
It is said that they are secrets kept by our government. This is old news, to be honest. Hundreds of articles, documentaries and books have professed this “truth”. There are secrets yet left to be brought into the light. The point is, who are these people who hold the secrets of alien existence?
The secret is out: aliens are already here
Every year, at the Davos resort in Gaubunden, among the eastern Alps of Switzerland, the WEF forum, a non-profit organization, meets to discuss world issues. Issues such as health and environment are on the annual menu for over 2,000 world leaders, journalists and politicians. A few statements from Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev are included in an MFA (Minister of Foreign Affairs) report.
Medvedev says,
“The time has come.”
So, what does Medvedev speak of? Medvedev believes that aliens are already here among us. In his statement, he says that the time has come to tell the world about aliens, and if the U.S. doesn’t do so, the Kremlin will do the honors.
It’s important to note that WEF has already scheduled talks in theXfactor from nature category for some time now. This includes discussions about alien lifeforms.
“Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”
Men in Black
On December 7, 2012, after an interview, Medvedev didn’t realize that his microphone was still on. During after interview confessions, the interviewer asked Medvedev if he knew anything about the president receiving secret files along with the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal. Medvedev answered.
“The president has been given a file of top secret information. This folder contains information about aliens who have visited our planet. There is also a secret special service which governs the activities of these aliens. For more information, you can check out a movie called “Men in Black”.”
Of course, Medvedev is not referring to Men in Black, as in the fictional 1997 American production. He is rather referring to the well-known Russian documentary by the same name. This documentary details information about aliens and UFO visitations.
More statements and evidence
While most people laugh at Medvedev, he holds true to his statements. Even the Vatican, on November 2009, stated that it was preparing for alien disclosure.
Some U.S government officials are also “losing their minds”. Former Pentagon consultant Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret, The Worldwide UFO Cover-up, stated,
“Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens. A pact was made to keep their agenda secret to the rest of the earth.”
It’s safe to say that one of the most important speculations in the history of man is whether we are alone or not. Considering the evidence, 300 million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel found in Vladivostok, Russia, the European Space Agency reporting of an ancient Martian river and reports in the UK and Sri Lanka of fossilized algae in ameteorite, there is little doubt left.
So basically, the secret is out. Whether or not the rest of the world follows suit, the Kremlin plans to share their views on alien life. Medvedev will try to convince the president and other government officials that now is the time to tell the rest of the world that…
So basically, the secret is out. Whether or not the rest of the world follows suit, the Kremlin plans to share their views on alien life. Medvedev will try to convince the president and other government officials that now is the time to tell the rest of the world that…
…we are not alone, and we haven’t been for some time.
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source: Learning & Mind
Yes I do
Yes, we’re here!
Hahahaha, and it’s all good. People dramatize everything because it’s more entertaining and its scarier. natural actors.
Humor and drama are great tools for trying to understanding truth. :)♡♡♡
Prettiest alien I have ever seen… ?
would make an interesting conversation/contact if so huh etc haha
Enfin on en parle….
Of course, they are. But I am sure: it makes no sense looking for them without starting to work on ourselves. When we work on ourselves and are ready for contact, then they woö
This is old
How Old?
I know I saw it a year ago.
then they will appear to us in the way that’s right for us.
I am ready to meet with them
Who do you think runs this fucked up world?
As if there was ever any doubt.
Yes i do
… they are ever stayed here … they are our creators but not gods …
Yes I Deeply Believe? , Blessing Be.
They been here for many years and they’re called mitochondria !
Good point…
Hillary and Bernie
Humans are there experiment
I heard about this years ago, apparently, Thatcher was in on it too…I swear I saw Cameroon’s eyes shift the other day at question…Hxx
The grays. Tell us about it sir.
Might be them
I always knew you were an alien Carol Schaaf.
Ah yay…have ya met my brother Mike Schiller? Odd fella….ll
Medvedev… The only thing he said in 6 years is this? No wonder no one takes him seriously.
I have seen a mother ship and 3 scout ships. It was 1972 and about 3am. It was amazing. The local government said next day it was weather balloons ???
Lets invite them on a friendly football match……against “galaxy 11” ?
The ones crying disclosure! disclosure! discourse run run run fear for your life are the aliens and demons…
Reminds me of the cartoon where all the aliens are running around and their brains are exploding because of a frequency coming over the loudspeaker national alert system… well be
READY FOR THE REAL VOICE OF GOD… the wicked device created to wipe out mankind by demonic entities will actually destroy it’s spiritually wicked creators
some of them are even commenting here.
Who is from Jupiter ??
The Hebrews minted Coins to Athena and to Baal/Yahweh/Zeus as well. The Golden Calf, its a BULL and in Control of WALL STREET. Sweet Dreams Slaves.
You found me
The men in black will be at your door shortly lol
I have the gift invisibility
Of course, but God protects our lives by not allowing us to see them in their real form.
I’m E.T..
Cody Sabattus
Have you seen Donald Trump??
This is why I love the Russians, they dont give a crap whos toes they stand on to out all the bullshit. The one running the Catholic church (and Illuminati) needs to fess up and humans hopefully wont freak out given the scifi training and slow release of information we have all had.
Yah ..I am one of them
Knew it all along ! The U .S. immigration papers even asks if one is an alien or not?
Extraterrestrials are visible outside the frequencies / dimensions that can be seen with the human brain.
The human brain has the hardware and software capable of seeing <1% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum of light. That means that humans cannot see 99% of what is right in front of us.
… greeting Jeff. message: be very careful with visitor which is recognise by sound of crumple cellophane foil. mentioned sound is recognise by ear in about 0,5 to 1,5 sec before his arrive. Good Luck.
Time for “humans” to be more aware of themselves. If you say “Hello” in your head… then yell “Hello” in your head. Which “senses” did you use? How did you “hear” yourself? What is that place in your head anyway and who is there other than you?
He’s mistaken ‘aliens’ for what he sees in the mirror. But seriously… Medvedev should consider that once they are ‘outed’, they will be under no constraints. If they truly are superior to humans (as many alien-theorists believe), mankind’s reign over this planet will end. Is that what the Russians really want?
:/ don’t think it’s up to the Russians if they here they are here
why would you believe human rein will end if aliens are here, who put humans here in the first place
Finding something bigger than us is exactly what we need, we are too cocky as a species
I’m not so sure we control as much of the goings on of this planet as we think.
we are them
they are our sisters and brothers, we all came from the same source.
it’s a no- brainer
Molly Denson Bandy
I meet 1 the other day Lolx
the alien hybrid bloodline rule, have issued a nwo, and plan to kill all red blooded humans. the 99% are on a need to know basis
Nanoo Nanoo
Yah they know that eversince coz u.s has a lot of illegal aliens. Heheh
Yes, I believe. Now, let’s move on.
No intelligent life one earth so cant be..locking forward to to see the meeting between D.Trump and Putin about this matter ..
I hope so ?
Sheree Walsh
How do you know we are here? Or just fantasising? ?
Hey that’s me on the left….?
if they are here because people must know.
if they are here because people must know.?
it’s time I left in mediocrity and count all of the existence of these beings
we all know that the universe is too big to be alone in.
They have been here for many years.
Why not? If they look like us, how would we know? Why does everyone think earth is so wonderful that aliens would want it? Id fly by.
Had a beer with one the other day..
I am almost sure that I have dated a few
There are more than several types, just like the human race.
I am one of them & rightnow am in Area 51 Lol…!!!
and I wanted to work there, in that place will not accept crazy.
Chris Thorpe read abt it the other day ?
I’ve been telling you this for god knows how long….
Fadel hak bash tzid tkhaf
Breanne Curtis Mark Martin
Allan T. Kang
Mark valdez
This has been going on for ages now: X country knows about aliens and wants the world to know but the US doesn’t want us to know/doesn’t want to talk about it, and if they don’t X country will do it?
Might be new career moves, scouting outer planets
We know …. Angela Merkel
If Russians say they exist- they exist .
I don’t care if they are real or live among us humans Just don’t Kidnap me and Violate my body by putting some chip on me like if I am an animal ?
We (humans) do it to the inferior animals….. ?
what’s concrete evidence you have that you are not already chipped
The only mark I have is God In Heaven’s mark and no other but the scar’s I have growing up,No chip….?
My mind is not narrow………….
Zaid Shawabka
lol, can’t believe people believe this shit
I’m from Roswell-of course they are real!
Tyson Austin Eberly
How’s the article? Solid read?
No , I don’t believe aliens are in our world , if they do visit us , then , they would have made moon as their base long long years ago .
They already live here on our street!!!
if by aliens that mean people not legally here, then yes they are among us all over the world
They need to define the term alien
Yes I do !!!
…Yeah…and one of them is Donald Trump
heck yes and Mr Trump is building a wall to keep them out!!
If it is so then, cut the crap, grow balls and come out in the open to broadcast the same rather than using different websites each time to seek attention.
Of course I believe it. One of them is the governor of Florida!!
Yes we know they are among us,since the days of big head yacub! But ain’t all evil some are loving
What do you think
Is anybody out there or here. ?????
Donald Trump could please bring me a Slurpee from 7-11?
Hell ya. Jimmy carter wouldn’t release the files cuz he’s a born again christian and he doesn’t believe in it. Got to have an open mind. Everyone else sees them.
If aliens give birth in the US we have new American citizens. Oh, sorry.
Has been happening for years.
Confusing the use of the word “aliens” much? I know.
Yes. They live inside Earth. We are just like fish in a tank. We are kept here to keep to decorate the outer crust, & keep there enemies away. Nobody cares about human monkeys. Were a fungus on this rock!
This is circulating for a while, but still no disclosure….
have no dobt,they are here
Take DMT and you see them
Been here longer than we have
DO IT..!
I would love to see the day
Looks like he celebrated 4/20 early.
Old news
I believe them to already be here!
I sincerely believe these creatures were the result of experiments on humans, dark NAZI secrets.
Only a tiny percentage of the extra terrestrials piloting UFOs are anything other than fake space aliens / GMO humans / Secret Space Program Pilots.
This video was from 4 years ago. If the Russians are going to prove it, why haven’t they?
Because our media doesn’t release the truth
You never know if something is real until you see it or have evidence of life on another planet, but honestly they could not even be aliens but just another lifeform waiting to be discovered
Najia Nabil Nabizada
Ben Carson, for starters.
The latin word alieni exists already for more than two thousands years. It juist means “foreign”. Romans divided people into two categories. Civilized Romans and Barbarian Aliens, like the Germanic tribes.
He was JOCKING !!!
Christ, if I see another one of these headlines, I’m going to scream! Fuck! Stop telling me someone is ABOUT to announce the existence of fucking aliens. Feel free to tell me that they actually did it. And share links to credible articles about it.
Muovi nuken paloja.
It’s kinda funny that you never see movies that include aliens with demons. But then who are the Fallen Angels? Everything that has been constructed as an organized hierarchy, a system of money, a system of religion, and the educational system was created to keep us under their control. So, rethink it!!! Who are the 13 Richest families in the world???
Your know much about it the 13 Number Was generated since kabballa before Templars and Manson is a secret number that has secret meaning it start for the Aliens bloodline families
Zionists are the hybrids of alien demons!
If that’s so…welcome them & have bteakfast. See how they react…& post it.
Oh absolutely YES! Name one. Ok, easy. Putin.
This is a last sign that economy is going to really plunge into shit, they start brainwashing you with Aliens are coming holy moly shiaaaat ???????
the satanic alliance,
Emma Brett
Jewell Tagab imung idol
there are now “Aliens”, there is nothing but one life, and we are part of it!
Maybe they will be better neighbours than Zuma, Malema and key!
What say Shakthi Arvind
Beautiful read ! Nice videos ! That’s what I keep saying they are here !
No doubt!
nope, liars
Let someone come clean about them ( ets)
There are angels, good and bad, no aliens. It is safe to say, that since GOD and the angels made earth, they are not from earth.
You were there Cecily when Archangel Michael said. We come in many forms to get mankind’s attention. NO aliens, other than advanced souls in human bodies.??
for sure ….. since beginning …… now i just incarnated to be bit more effective in this free will sphere
we are really all one
Hell Yes! Trump is definetely from another planet!
Sikkander Sayam FYI
Keegan Ellett
Wowsers crazy to me
Mary Anne Aden
They have been here for a long time. They have underground bases out west so maybe they have bases in Russia too. Many a witness has come forward if you do your homework.
Yes I believe Alien is live in the world
Can’t wait to hear this … So there are aliens
Im seeing alot of ‘ they they they’.. Admittedly, haven’t read this, or any links regarding, but crazy so it, or I may sound, I don’t think my/your/or any government actually has, or will have any relevance in a discussion of this magnignitude.. Without even getting into it, my beliefs, facts, or thoughts, I think it really just suffices to say (‘cliché as it may be, I feel certain ppl will understand the) … It is, what it is.
Of course, they’re here. The question is, are we spiritually mature enough, as a species, to face the questions and answers that will come with their revelation. I pray so.
What if the real aliens look just like us ; not like in the movies.
Yes we’re ready for it to be formally announced.. effin governments really think we don’t know or believe something until they tell us. Seriously?
Did you miss that the reporter was laughing and so was Medvedev by the end? It was a joke.
This idiot has turned the aliens loose. There’s one in my barn playing with the sheep.
Would we call these arrivals illegal aliens ?
Sure, Donald.
Ορμα Γκαιμπελς!
James Evans