Health Ranger Mike Adams talks about the mind-blowing health benefits of hemp:
* I'm a food scientist running LC/MS instrumentation to examine organic compounds and contaminants in foods and plants.
* What I'm seeing in HEMP is mind-blowing. The complexity and intricacy of the plant is extraordinary.
* The molecular constituents of hemp are FINE-TUNED molecules for spontaneous human healing. This cannot be a coincidence…
* THC and CBD have exactly the same elements; they are just arranged differently!
* There's almost something about hemp that seems “intelligently designed.” It's way beyond typical botanicals found in nature.
* Hemp almost seems to have a literal “divine purpose” for humanity.
* All the different molecules have different medicinal uses and properties, from CBD to CBN, THC, etc.
* How does HEMP harvest Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen and then synthesize powerful medicine from it?
* The hemp plant is literally manufacturing powerful medicine… for free!
* Hemp can help save humanity… with medicine, fiber, nutrition, agricultural economics… even polymers!
* Humanity is looking for answers. HEMP is the answer at so many levels… so why have the governments of the world kept it illegal?
* Governments don't want humanity to have powerful, free medicine. There's too much PROFIT at stake with the “sick care” industry.
* Hemp offers an abundance of real answers for many of the problems plaguing humanity.
* There are a thousand other molecules in hemp, each of which may have some yet unknown medicinal or technological application for humanity.
* How might hemp molecules interact with intestinal flora to produce additional synthesis or transformation of molecules into even more powerful healing medicines for humanity?
* We have to start looking at hemp components working in conjunction with other phytochemicals.
* Natural plant molecules tend to work in SYNERGY when combined, while synthetic toxic chemicals made by Man tend to multiply their toxicity when combined.
* Every living plant has an INTENTION… a purpose for existing. Plant consciousness is real. Hemp wants to be medicine.
* There is a structural resonance among hemp's therapeutic molecules and human neurology. If you could “hear” it, it would sound like a beautiful symphony.
* I don't smoke hemp… but I am INSPIRED by what the science is revealing about this extraordinary plant.
* This plant is changing my world view of what's possible with botanical healing.
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Nailed that one! Thank by: Hemp can help save humanity… with medicine, fiber, nutrition, agricultural economics… even polymNews, Articles, and Information for Conscious Living on Planet Earth
I don’t do marijuana but when younger I had a panic attack when I smoked it. I’m concerned about how it will be dispersed to the public. I have no problem with it’s medicinal help to those who suffer.
Hemp. Not Marijuana.
Well I know marijuana is being lobbied. Just a matter of time.
Panic attacks are in the brain. There is nothing in marijuana/Cannabis that caused you to have a panic attack. Most likely it was you over thinking as you were smoking it.
Funny I didn’t start a fast heart beat until I smoked it. I’m the one who experienced it.
My friends who toke also drink and most will.
Things hemp can supplant and/or prevent: fracking, coal mining, oil spills, deforestation, opiate abuse, suicides brought on by PTSD, depression and drug abuse and alcoholism.
Jolena, Hemp and Marijuana aren’t the same thing although they are both of the same family of plant. Hemp isn’t smoked…you can’t get high off it. It’s uses are vast! Marijuana has many benefits medically. If you choose not to smoke, great…you don’t have to. If you use hemp fro any reason…don’t worry, you won’t get high. 😉 Peace
At least you are a nice gentleman! This guy on this page was a real jerk. Called me a retard because I don’t partake. The girlfriends I have constantly tell me how they are treated by their men and I’m going to start charging by the hour! 🙂 It has become commonplace and I don’t take it. Anyway thanks for your information. And have a pleasant eve!
Yep! Smoke more hemp!
Okay smarty pants. LOK
Okay smarty pants. LOK
Lol, obviously somebody did not read the article
Yes I read the article and no I’m not an expert on the plant but it’s only a matter of time. Marijuana is going to be here soon. But again I don’t have to partake in it. Any form. Might wear a hemp hat. Period
Things hemp can be used for or replace: biofuel, paper, packaging, a substitute for wood, medical care (autism, PTSD, dietary supplements, depression, cancer treatment), clothing, et al. It can decrease our dependence on oil, cotton, opiates, coal, wood, even metals. Not partake? Then you’re a retard, and a wasteful one at that.
As I said earlier I’m not privy on all the names associated with marijuana nor what it can be used for. If it can stop opiate abuse so be it and I don’t use opiates so that is foreign to me. I’m sorry you are offended by others opinions and no retard could graduate The University of Tennessee with a 3.5 gpa and be a member of The Golden Key Honor Society. I’m used to todays disreguard and treatmentof women and so you are to be pittied sir.
Richard Jensen….I think you can be informative without being insulting. It’s rather childish.
Yes he’s very infantile. But I could care less.
what if you are alergic?
stop that bullshit idea caz we now the out come of that fucken plant
Tell us, oh wise one.
time will tell you when you are addicted to that and loosing every thing you have to perform whether you are young or not but i am dare to say that fukin plant that i have passed bad moments and make my life miserable in a prison but inow glory to god i am fried up of the prison and attending my study msc carefully in geotecnical engineering . but bro i would like to say sorry for your alltitude to the plant like i was before but for me still it is fukin plant in my life i am aware of the game now my friend you the briliant one. elias from ethiopaia shashmane
It surely does, honestly it enhanced my brain. People who don’t dig it they should not.
Take to the streets, armed to the teeth. If you like or retweet your thoughts won’t mean sheet.
Yes let us move away from oil..and the side effects of some medicine! I can’t understand the big deal because they let companies sale harmful products that ruin our health and environment. How does hemp ruin anything?