By Cyndi Dale
Our immune system is like the Holy Grail for our health and happiness. That’s because about 80 percent of our immune health is linked to our microbiome or the “gut-brain” that operates as our digestive, emotional, and stress center.
You can see why it’s so important to select foods that will boost your digestive system.
But that’s not so easy to do, is it? It seems like there are more diets than there are foods in the grocery stores. It turns out that there is a trick to figuring out which foodstuffs will boost your immune system.
It lies in your chakra system.
Chakras are subtle energy centers along the spine (think yoga) that manage every part of our lives. However, we each have one major chakra through which our true personality expresses.
Every chakra is linked to a specific endocrine gland and requires different foods to be healthy. That means if you stoke that chakra and its related gland with its best-case foods, you’ll aid your immune system—while you’re supporting your inner self.
To help you pinpoint your major chakra, I’ve developed a simple quiz that outlines the traits of each of the seven, in-body chakras. Select the list of traits that best describe you. Next, match your chakra number in the Answer Key. Then read the chakra descriptions and the types of food required for assuring an amazing immune system.
Select one of the following seven lists that best describes your personality:
a) Emotive. Colorful. Playful. When your feelings are sluggish, so is your health.
b) Romantic. Heart-based. Interactive. Have you noticed? You get sick less often when you’re in love or feeling loveable.
c) Aesthetic. Pictorial. Perceptive. When you feel attractive, you’re naturally healthier.
d) Intellectual. Organized. Structured. Your health spirals when your schedule is out of control.
e) Devoted. Meditative. Harmonious. When you’re in flow spiritually, you’re hale and hearty.
f) Busy. Active. Productive. You move too fast to get sick—until you’re felled like a tree in the forest. Crash.
g) Thoughtful. Verbal. Musical. If you’ve enough new ideas to ponder, you hardly get sick. Bored? You seem to catch everything.
(Answer Key)
See the answer key below to determine your major chakra and the label best describing the related personality. Then use the tips provided to pep up that immune system.
a) The Second Chakra-Creative. Found in the abdomen, this orange chakra is governed by the ovaries or testes. Maintain hormonal balance by selecting hormone-free and organic foods and food combine, putting together a healthy fat, protein, and carb for every meal. Feeling slothful? Consider cutting out the gluten and cow dairy. Cook with nutritional carbs like quinoa or brown rice and try Greek yogurt with lots of probiotics. Veggies and fruit are your best friends, as well as fatty fish or plant-based proteins like beans and legumes.
b) The Fourth Chakra-Relator. Ahh, love. Your health is directly tied to your heart, the endocrine gland related to this chest-based green chakra. Eat as the Mediterranean as possible. Those good fats, like avocado or olive oil, drizzled on lean proteins and plenty of whole grains. Throw in ample amounts of veggies and fruits and a bit of robust seasoning, and you’re in. As a Realtor, it’s equally important to focus on energies like Faith, Hope, Truth, and Love. A diet of loving emotions improves your immune system.
c) The Sixth Chakra-Visualizer. This brow-based purple center is also called the Third Eye. It operates through the pituitary, known as the master gland. Help your hormones by following a diet replete with fish, eggs, fruits, and nuts. Throw in leafy veggies, and partner carbs with proteins. Consider making breakfast your biggest meal and eating dinner at least three hours before bedtime. A dark chocolate snack aids your inner vision, and you can balance blood sugar with a little apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, and fenugreek.
d) The Third Chakra-Thinker. Located in the solar plexus, this yellow chakra is pancreas-based. This supremely sensitive organ rules your blood sugar, making your cravings swing. Stay even with “mini-meals.” Eat several small meals a day, each combining healthy fat, protein, and carb. Refrain from high-fat foods and simple sugars and choose foods like bran, beans, and veggies. Select fruits with digestive enzymes, like papaya and pineapple, and maybe drizzle with probiotic yogurt.
e) The Seventh Chakra-Spiritualist. Pure white radiates from this top-of-the-head chakra, located in the pineal gland. Go for a balanced diet, with fish, poultry, or a vegan alternative paired with complex carbs. Round out with healthy fats, fruits, and veggies, and try tryptophan-rich foods found in turkey and salmon. This amino acid converts to serotonin in the pineal gland. (Think good mood!) Overall, choose alkaline foods, like chives, cucumbers, onions, peppers, and sweet potatoes. And oh. Get sunshine! Otherwise, you’ll be SAD (have Seasonal Affective Disorder).
f) The First Chakra-Manifestor. Those tiny adrenals linked to the hip-based, red first chakra afficiando are sure powerful! Keep yourself from burnout by fueling yourself with hormone-free proteins. Limit your fruit and go for the greens and high-glycemic carbs. Please, try and eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Then you won’t reach for those Snickers bars. Fermented foods will aid your digestion and lucky you, a pinch of salt every so often is A-okay. Another tip? Think of lots of minerals and vitamins!
g) The Fifth Chakra-Communicator. Eat for your throat-based, blue chakra and thyroid gland with lots of veggies, fruits, and lean meats, and moderate those grains. Good-bye inflammatory foods, like gluten or cow dairy, and know that you’re super sensitive to toxins and chemicals. Hello, free-range, wild-caught, organic, etc. Consider avoiding goitrogens, compounds in foods like soy and raw cabbage, and broccoli, while eating with minerals in mind. (Smoothie, anyone?)
If you want to know which exercises the best suit the five out-of-body chakras featured in my co-authored book, Chakras, Food, and You, take a look there!
Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned master energy healer and the co-author of Chakras, Food and You.