Video Source: scienceandnonduality
Deepak Chopra describes the 11 laws of reality and then talks about time spent with George Harrison including a song that George shared with him.
The 11 Laws of Reality
1. Matter or mass is an experience in consciousness/awareness. It is sense perception.
2. The subatomic matter is both an experience and a concept in consciousness. As particles, it is an experience. As waves of possibilities, it’s a concept.
3. Experiences and concepts are activities in consciousness, occur in consciousness, are known in consciousness, and are modifications of consciousness.
4. Energy is the ability to do work (and is an experience in consciousness). It is the same as matter. As kinetic energy in motion, or potential energy (which is position and rest mass), is also an experience in consciousness. (E=mc^2)
5. Neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed.
6. Since the source of energy and matter as concept and experience is consciousness, consciousness cannot be created or destroyed.
7. Consciousness eternally modifies itself as experience in the form of concepts and the experience of matter and energy. All experience can be summarized as SIFT = Sensations (including sense perceptions), Images, Feelings, Thoughts. There is no experience outside of SIFT. Consciousness is SIFTing itself as an experience that we call mind, body, and universe.
8. The ground state of all modified experiences is Pure Consciousness or infinite possibilities.
9. Beyond all states, at source, Reality is Pure Consciousness, which is infinite possibilities. We are a species of consciousness.
10. When we stop identifying with transient, modified states, we know ourselves as Pure Consciousness or infinite possibilities.
11. This is freedom from the constructs (all constructs including birth and death) and total freedom to endlessly create and transform ourselves and our experiences of reality, which is endless creativity and evolution from human to meta-human and beyond.
Deepak then talks about time spent with George Harrison including a song that George shared with him. A video of the song, “Rising Sun” is shared.