By Dr. Joseph Mercola |
- According to a November 17, 2020, Gallup poll, 58% of Americans now say they’re willing to take the vaccine. However, a recent Lancet paper estimates 75% to 90% must take the vaccine in order to achieve “herd immunity”
- As a result, we’re now seeing all sorts of tricks being employed to increase vaccine uptake: among them, a proposal to pay each vaccine recipient $1,500. Others have suggested the U.S. government make a $1,000 pandemic stimulus payment incumbent on COVID-19 vaccination
- If you are injured by a pandemic vaccine, you cannot sue any of the parties involved in getting the vaccine to you. Within one year of vaccination, you would have to file a claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), run by the Department of Health and Human Services, which is also sponsoring the COVID-19 vaccination program
- The maximum CICP payout is $250,000 per person; however, you’d have to exhaust your private insurance policy first. CICP will only pay the difference between what your insurance covers and the total CICP payout amount established for your case
- To boost vaccine uptake, companies are also encouraged to make COVID-19 vaccination a condition of employment. Yet another trick used is an entirely semantic one. By renaming adverse reactions as “immune responses,” they hope people will be less likely to be concerned if they get sick from the shot
While there’s considerable resistance against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, it appears avoiding it will be more than a little difficult for most. As detailed in “Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required for Travel,” The Commons Project, the World Economic Forum, and The Rockefeller Foundation have joined forces to create the CommonPass,1 a digital “health passport” framework expected to be adopted by most if not all nations.
The CommonPass will eventually be integrated with personal health apps such as Apple Health and CommonHealth, and if you want to travel, your personal health record will be evaluated and compared to a country’s entry requirements. If you don’t meet them, you’ll be directed to an approved testing and vaccination location.
The groundwork for CommonPass was laid out in an April 21, 2020, white paper2 by The Rockefeller Foundation, and based on this paper, it’s clear that proof of vaccination is part of permanent surveillance and social control structure — one that severely limits personal liberty and freedom of choice across the board.
There’s absolutely no indication that proof of vaccination status will become obsolete once the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over, and the reason for this is because the pandemic is being used as a justification for the Great Reset, which will usher in a new system of technocracy that relies on digital surveillance and social engineering to control the population. Proof of vaccination allows for the rollout of a highly invasive form of tracking that will undoubtedly expand with time.
Tricks Used to Increase Vaccine Uptake
They have a significant problem, however, and that is how to get a majority of the global population to agree to this novel, fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine. According to a November 17, 2020, Gallup Poll,3 58% of Americans now say they’re willing to take the vaccine. In September, that percentage was only 50%.
Still, 58% is unlikely to satisfy the technocrats' hell-bent on global control of resources and people. Typically, a much larger percentage of the population — probably between 75% and 90%, according to a November 2020 Lancet paper4 — would need to be vaccinated in order to achieve what is wrongfully described as herd immunity (a concept that only applies to natural infection, not vaccination).
As a result, we’re now seeing all sorts of tricks being employed to increase vaccine uptake: among them, a proposal to pay each vaccine recipient $1,500.5 The suggestion was raised by U.S. Representative John Delaney.
“The faster we get 75% of this country vaccinated, the faster we end COVID and the sooner everything returns to normal,” Delaney told Alabama news site “We have to create, in my judgment, an incentive for people to really accelerate their thinking about taking the vaccine.
If you’re still afraid of the vaccine and don’t want to take it, that’s your right. You won’t participate in this program. But guess what? You’re going to benefit anyhow, because we’ll get the country to herd immunity faster, which benefits you. So I think everyone wins.”
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang and economic adviser N. Gregory Mankiw have made similar propositions, suggesting the government make a $1,000 pandemic stimulus payment incumbent on COVID-19 vaccination.7,8
Is Risking Your Health Worth $1,500?
If this sounds unfair to you, you’re not alone. I’m sure there are many out there who are struggling to survive right now and could use that stimulus check, yet aren’t keen on playing Russian roulette with their long-term health to get it. As explained by Dr. Meryl Nass in a December 4, 2020, blog post:9
“If you are injured by a vaccine or other ‘countermeasure’ designated by the DHHS Secretary as intended for a pandemic or bioterrorism threat (COVID-19, pandemic flu, anthrax, smallpox) your options for receiving any financial benefit are very limited.
First, everyone involved with getting the vaccine to you has had their liability waived under the PREP Act … Congress did create a program to compensate some victims, but it is much less generous than the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). (And no one ever accused the NVICP of being generous.) It is called the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).”
CICP Payments Are Insignificant and Hard to Get
As noted by Nass, the CICP is administered within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which is also sponsoring the COVID-19 vaccination program. This conflict of interest makes the CICP less than likely to find fault with the vaccine.
Your only route of appeal is within the DHHS, where your case would simply be reviewed by another employee. The DHHS is also responsible for making the payment. “DHHS therefore essentially acts as the judge, jury, and defendant,” Nass writes.10
While the NVICP pays some of the costs associated with any given claim, the CICP does not. This means you’ll also be responsible for attorney fees and expert witness fees, for example.
According to the CICP director, the maximum payout you can receive — even in cases of permanent disability or death — is $250,000 per person; however, you’d have to exhaust your private insurance policy before the CICP gives you a dime. CICP will only pay the difference between what your insurance covers and the total payout amount established for your case.
For permanent disability, even $250,000 won’t go far, let alone a one-time payment of $1,000 or $1,500. The CICP also has a one-year statute of limitations, so you have to be quick. Of course, a significant problem with the COVID-19 vaccine is that no one really knows what injuries might arise, or when, making tying the injury to the vaccination a difficult prospect. For all of these reasons, I agree with Nass when she says:11
“If you become injured after receiving a designated ‘countermeasure’ vaccine, do not anticipate that you will get help from the government nor from the manufacturers. Please inform yourself of the benefits and risks beforehand.”
Compulsory Vaccination as a Condition of Employment
To boost vaccine uptake, companies are also encouraged to make COVID-19 vaccination a condition of employment. Rogge Dunn, a labor and employment attorney in Dallas, Texas, told CNBC that “Under the law, an employer can force an employee to get vaccinated, and if they don’t, fire them.”12
For years, I and others have warned that unless you get involved in protecting vaccine choice, even if and when it doesn’t affect you personally, eventually it will indeed affect you and it’ll be too late to do anything about it.
We’re now at that point. This affects everyone, not just teachers and health care workers. It affects all ages. Any company can implement compulsory COVID-19 vaccination. No one is automatically excluded. Anyone could soon have to face the choice of vaccination or unemployment.
According to CNBC,13 anti-discrimination laws might enable some employees to get an exemption, but I would not count on it. Union workers may also have enough clout to prevent a mandate, provided the union is willing to take a stand against it. Dunn claims some of his corporate clients are already considering mandatory vaccination, including restaurant owners.
“They think it gives them a competitive advantage. They could say to their customers, ‘Hey, our restaurant is safe. All of our employees have been vaccinated,’” Dunn said.
Keep in mind that if your employer mandates the vaccine, they will not be liable for side effects. According to the experts CNBC spoke to, “claims would be routed through worker’s compensation programs and treated as an on-the-job injury.”
In the absence of a mandate, some companies are baiting staff to get voluntarily vaccinated by promising vaccinated employees will be able to forgo temperature checks and/or other PPE requirements. Others are considering giving out cash bonuses to those who get vaccinated.
Reducing Vaccine Hesitancy by Relabeling Side Effects
Yet another trick used to reduce vaccine hesitancy is an entirely semantic one. By renaming adverse reactions and referring to them as “immune responses” instead, they hope people will be less likely to be concerned if they end up feeling horrible after the shot.
A December 1, 2020, CNBC article,14 which looked at the frequency of adverse reactions, noted that 10% to 15% of participants in the Pfizer and Moderna trials reported “significantly noticeable” side effects.
Buried way down at the bottom of the article is a suggestion from a past advisory committee member, who proposes the nomenclature of “serious adverse reaction” be changed to “immune response,” so they can reprogram how people think about these side effects, even if they end up having to stay home from work because of them.
Dr. Eli Perencevich, a professor of internal medicine and epidemiology at the University of Iowa Health Care, has suggested essential workers should be granted three days of paid leave after they’re vaccinated, as many will feel too sick to work.15 Even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that the vaccine’s side effects are “no walk in the park.”16
No Vaccine, No Entry — How Far Can It Go?
In related news, Canadians who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine should be prepared to comply with a mandatory mask rule and to be restricted in their ability to move about society, according to Ontario’s chief medical officer, Dr. David Williams. As reported by Summit News December 4, 2020:17
“Williams acknowledged that ‘we can’t force someone to take a vaccine,’ but [went] on to explain how people who didn’t take it would have their freedom of mobility severely restricted …
‘What may be mandatory is proof of … vaccination in order to have latitude and freedom to move around … without wearing other types of personal protective equipment’ … As we previously highlighted, governments do not have to make the vaccine mandatory, they can simply make life unlivable for people who refuse to take the vaccine.
If bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports venues, airlines, employers and others all make the vaccination a mandatory condition of service, anyone who refuses to take it will be reduced to a personal form of de facto lockdown with their social lives and mobility completely stunted.”
Indeed, if vaccination is a condition both for employment and enjoyment, just how voluntary is it? The tactic of restricting personal freedom to coerce people into getting vaccinated is no different from a vaccine mandate that has no exceptions.
It’s blackmail, pure and simple, and it will disproportionally affect the middle and lower classes who can’t afford to remain unemployed for any length of time and can’t pay for the care that might be needed should something go wrong.
Overall, this kind of coercion is a disaster in the making, and it’s particularly egregious considering SARS-CoV-2 infection poses a minuscule risk to the vast majority of the population, as detailed in “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated on an Unsuspecting Public.”
What Can You Do?
If this information in this article concerns you, as I believe it should, then I would strongly encourage you to consider joining the NVIC vaccine portal.
![join nvic vaccine portal](
This is a large number of dedicated individuals that you can connect with within your local community to make a difference with your local legislature. It is the best shot you have to make a difference in preventing these draconian tyrannical short-sighted mandates that will inevitably devastate the health of many and take many other lives prematurely.
One of the Most Powerful Videos I've Ever Seen
The following video from Barbara Loe Fisher is one of the most powerful videos that I have ever seen. I am hopeful that watching this video will inspire you to take up the cause and join the fight for vaccine freedom and independence.
There are a cultural war and collusion between many industries and federal regulatory agencies that result in a suppression of the truth about vital important health issues. If this suppression continues we will gradually and progressively erode our private individual rights that our ancestors fought so hard to achieve. Please take a few minutes to watch this video.
Protect Your Right to Informed Consent and Defend Vaccine Exemptions
With all the uncertainty surrounding the safety and efficacy of vaccines, it's critical to protect your right to make independent health choices and exercise voluntary informed consent to vaccination. It is urgent that everyone in America stand up and fight to protect and expand vaccine informed consent protections in-state public health and employment laws. The best way to do this is to get personally involved with your state legislators and educate the leaders in your community.
Think Globally, Act Locally
National vaccine policy recommendations are made at the federal level but vaccine laws are made at the state level. It is at the state level where your action to protect your vaccine choice rights can have the greatest impact.
It is critical for EVERYONE to get involved now in standing up for the legal right to make voluntary vaccine choices in America because those choices are being threatened by lobbyists representing drug companies, medical trade associations, and public health officials, who are trying to persuade legislators to strip all vaccine exemptions from public health laws.
Signing up for NVIC's free Advocacy Portal at gives you immediate, easy access to your own state legislators on your smartphone or computer so you can make your voice heard. You will be kept up to date on the latest state bills threatening your vaccine choice rights and will get practical, useful information to help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your own community.
Also, when national vaccine issues come up, you will have the up-to-date information and call-to-action items you need at your fingertips. So, please, as your first step, sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal.
Share Your Story With the Media and People You Know
If you or a family member has suffered a serious vaccine reaction, injury, or death, please talk about it. If we don't share information and experiences with one another, everybody feels alone and afraid to speak up. Write a letter to the editor if you have a different perspective on a vaccine story that appears in your local newspaper. Make a call into a radio talk show that is presenting only one side of the vaccine story.
I must be frank with you: You have to be brave because you might be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the “other side” of the vaccine story. Be prepared for it and have the courage to not back down. Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true about vaccination will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it.
We cannot allow the drug companies and medical trade associations funded by drug companies or public health officials promoting forced use of a growing list of vaccines to dominate the conversation about vaccination.
The vaccine injured cannot be swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than “statistically acceptable collateral damage” of national one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies that put way too many people at risk for injury and death. We shouldn't be treating people like guinea pigs instead of human beings.
Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More
I encourage you to visit the website of the nonprofit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), at
- Vaccine Requirements and Exemptions by State — Vaccine laws vary from one U.S. state to another. By knowing the specific policies where you live, you’ll learn how you can get exemptions and better protect your right to make informed vaccine choices.
- NVIC Memorial for Vaccine Victims — View descriptions and photos of children and adults who have suffered vaccine reactions, injuries, and deaths. If you or your child experiences an adverse vaccine event, please consider posting and sharing your story here.
- If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions — Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and prevent vaccine injuries.
- Vaccine Freedom Wall — View or post descriptions of harassment and sanctions by doctors, employers, and school and health officials for making independent vaccine choices.
- Vaccine Failure Wall — View or post descriptions about vaccines that have failed to work and protect the vaccinated from disease.