By Dr. Joseph Mercola | mercola.com
- We must get mercury, a neurotoxic heavy metal, out of dentistry. Dental amalgam, 50% mercury, is a primitive, pre-Civil War pollutant. The alternatives today are far superior technically, yet amalgam is still being used by dentists who won’t train for 21st-century dentistry, and in most government programs
- Consumers for Dental Choice created an effective worldwide coalition, led by my friend Charlie Brown to lead the campaign to eradicate further use of dental amalgam (50% mercury) from the earth. The campaign’s string of successes across the globe – especially ending amalgam for children – is building unrelenting pressure on the U.S. government to act
- I will match every donation this week to Consumers for Dental Choice. I am so enthusiastic about this cause and its potential to win that I have raised my cap this year by 20%, to match all dollars raised up to $150,000. To get your donation matched, you must donate by August 31, 2019
- I recommend that you spend your dental dollars only on mercury-free dentists. Dentists still using amalgam for anybody are mercury polluters, and even put their own staffs at risk from the mercury vapors in their dental offices
This week, Mercury-Free Dentistry Week, we celebrate amazing progress around the world, and we urge you to support the two keys to victory: Consumers for Dental Choice and mercury-free dentists.
Consumers for Dental Choice is dismantling one of history’s major mistakes: the implanting of mercury in human teeth. Resistance from the pro-mercury wing of dentistry, which has its tentacles deep inside government agencies and insurance companies, is rapidly eroding due to nonstop and strategic pressure from Charlie Brown and this small but effective organization.
Equally, we urge support for the mercury-free dentists of North America and the world. They are providing nontoxic dentistry; they merit your business. Not meriting your dollars are the dentists still using amalgam. Sure, try to change your dentist’s mind if she/he still uses amalgam. But if they are still implanting amalgam, it’s time to exercise your power as a consumer.
If consumers move en masse to mercury-free dentists as I recommend, the dentists still sticking with amalgam will follow, regardless of pleading by the pro-mercury American Dental Association. Please join me in donating to Consumers for Dental Choice, and I will match every dollar you give (up to a grand total of $150,000) during Mercury-Free Dentistry Week, August 25-31, 2019.

Just click the donate button above to contribute online or you may mail a check to Consumers for Dental Choice, 316 F St., N.E., Suite 210, Washington DC 20002.
Four more European countries announce amalgam phase-out
Consumers for Dental Choice, working closely with their European allies, carried out an intense campaign that resulted in a new European Union regulation that banned the use of amalgam in children under 15 years old, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, starting July 1, 2018. That same regulation requires EU countries to submit national plans to phase down their overall use of amalgam. So Consumers for Dental Choice and team took action. :
- Sent our team to meet with decision-makers in national capitals
- Brought a team to Strasbourg, the seat of the European Parliament
- Sent guidance to European Union countries on how to construct an effective national plan
- Had meetings with key government officials in the European Parliament, at the European Commission, and in the European Council
- Worked with other nonprofit groups in the same way we create coalitions on every continent, including North America
Good news: Four more European countries — Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, and Slovakia — announced their end date for amalgam use! These countries join Sweden and Norway to lead all of Europe to mercury-free dentistry.
Victories in developing countries too
The European Union campaign is far from an isolated success: Consumers for Dental Choice’s work in developing countries — via their international arm, the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry — sees similar victories and helps to share these success stories with other nations. Here is a partial list of those successes:
In Southeast Asia, Vietnam’s government directed its provinces this past May to 1) stop using amalgam in children now; and 2) develop a road map to phase out amalgam use as of 2021. |
In South Asia, both the Bangladeshi Armed Forces and the Indian Armed Forces provide only mercury-free fillings for their soldiers, sailors and airmen — and their families. |
In Central Africa, the Cameroon Baptist Convention ended amalgam use more than a decade ago in its large hospital system and dental clinics that dot the nation. |
In West Africa, the Nigerian federal Consumer Protection Council distributes a brochure urging parents and consumers to consider mercury-free fillings for themselves and their children. |
In the island nation of Mauritius, amalgam use for children has been effectively ended. |
Internationally, the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry, teamed with UN Environment to co-sponsor a workshop on “Promoting Dental Amalgam Phase-Down Measures Under the Minamata Convention and Other Initiatives, For ‘Especially Women, Children and, Through Them, Future Generations’” in Bangkok. Experts hailing from 21 countries shared their wealth of experience in phasing down amalgam use — especially for children — in a variety of settings. |
The US campaign heats up
As more and more countries are moving toward mercury-free dentistry, the United States is increasingly isolated. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration refuses to lift a finger to protect American children from this toxic source of mercury, even though the agency admits that amalgam has not been proven safe for this population. As explained in the FDA’s 2009 dental amalgam rule,
“The developing neurological systems in fetuses and young children may be more sensitive to the neurotoxic effects of mercury vapor. Very limited to no clinical information is available regarding long-term health outcomes in pregnant women and their developing fetuses, and children under the age of six, including infants who are breastfed.”
Seeing the progress in other countries has led more Americans from all walks of life to speak out against the FDA’s failed amalgam policy than ever before:
- The Chicago Declaration to End Dental Mercury Use was signed on to by more than 50 nonprofit groups, including Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Health Care Without Harm, Organic Consumers Association and Learning Disabilities Association of America.
- The Journal of the National Medical Association published a commentary entitled “Is Dental Amalgam Toxic to Children of Color?” Its authors included two physicians, a dentist, and bioethics professor, and a research scientist calling for “eliminating mercury exposure wherever possible for everyone, especially the most vulnerable.”
- When the FDA invited the public to comment about patient preferences regarding medical devices, it got a mouthful of amalgam! In the public docket that closed July 2, approximately 94% of comments were from patients opposing amalgam, compared to only 6% addressing all other devices combined.
- More than 48,000 people have joined them in speaking out, signing the Consumers for Dental Choices petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration demanding the end of amalgam use in children.
One reporter noted the “unrelenting pressure” by Consumers for Dental Choice on FDA to act. By isolating FDA’s policy from the world, by showing intense support for change in FDA policy from the American people and by spotlighting the massive inconsistencies in its position, Consumers for Dental Choice is setting the plate for action in Washington.
Please donate today to Consumers for Dental Choice, and I will match your gift made by August 31 (up to a grand total of $150,000).

You may instead mail a check to Consumers for Dental Choice, 316 F St., N.E., Suite 210, Washington DC 20002.
Dental boards held accountable for pro-mercury dentistry
Consumers for Dental Choice engineered the collapse of the state dental board-enforced gag rule on mercury-free dentists, freeing up dentists to advertise, advocate and advise mercury-free dentistry. The next step was amalgam fact sheet laws in some states and cities, giving consumers the information they need to make informed decisions about their fillings — information they frequently don’t receive from the pro-mercury dentists.
Consumers for Dental Choice learned that the Maine Board of Dental Practice is not enforcing the state’s fact sheet law: Pro-mercury dentists are violating Maine law by not giving the fact sheet to patients or posting it on their walls. So, Consumers for Dental Choice petitioned the Maine dental board saying they must enforce that law. July 25, 2019, the Maine dental board agreed to Consumers for Dental Choice’s demand, and will begin the rule-making process to enforce the fact sheet law!
Crucial Minamata Convention meeting on mercury is in 3 months
For three years, Consumers for Dental Choice and their team worked to get amalgam included in the Minamata Convention on Mercury, a major environmental treaty — and they did it!
As president of the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry, Consumers for Dental Choice’s Charlie Brown led a delegation of talented environmental and dental nonprofit group leaders from five continents at the treaty talks. By outworking, out-strategizing, and out-pointing the pro-mercury World Dental Federation (the American Dental Association’s international arm), they ensured that the treaty includes a provision requiring that each nation reduce its amalgam use.
Furthermore, Brown and his team found a legal route to victory: They outsmarted the ADA by getting amalgam into the treaty’s annex, which permits a later amendment that could provide the road map to the end of amalgam.
At the upcoming third Conference of the Parties, that opportunity arrives! Several African governments, leading the charge, have sponsored an amendment that sets the end date for all amalgam use and earlier end date for children — the route that Sweden and Norway took to ban amalgam use in their countries.
These governments asked the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry for technical assistance and for help in rallying the cause, so Brown and his team are focused on this upcoming Conference of the Parties.
Help stop mercury fillings!
You can help Consumers for Dental Choice stop mercury fillings today! Will you consider a donation to this 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating mercury-free dentistry? I’ll match all donations during Mercury-Free Dentistry Week (August 25 to 31, 2019) up to $150,000. Donations are tax-deductible and can be made online at toxicteeth.org/donate.aspx. Checks can be mailed to:
Consumers for Dental Choice
316 F St., N.E., Suite 210
Washington DC 20002
Thank you for supporting mercury-free dentistry!

Go to a mercury-free dentist
Take it another step: Find a mercury-free dentist! Spend your time and money only with mercury-free dentists — they understand the risks of mercury, refuse to expose their patients and staff to mercury vapors and protect our environment from mercury pollution.
Dr. Mercola will match your gift for mercury-free dentistry
On August 25 through August 31, we launch Mercury-Free Dentistry Week. Mercury is an incredibly potent neurotoxin; it doesn't take much to cause serious damage because it's an absolute poison, it should never be used in dentistry — which is why I partner with Consumers for Dental Choice to get it banned from the planet.
I am so passionate about this cause that I am raising my match cap by 20%! Instead of matching $125,000, I will match up to $150,000 for all donations during Mercury-Free Dentistry Awareness Week. When it comes to mercury-free dentistry, I am proud to put my money where my mouth is!

The sole mission of Consumers for Dental Choice and of its leader Charlie Brown (pictured with me above) is to end the use of mercury fillings.
This nonprofit group busts down one barrier after another to shift an entire medical profession from reliance on mercury fillings to foreswearing mercury fillings — spurred forward by a massive shift in consumer demand and key changes in government policies. Well on its way to success, this Herculean undertaking must continue — and it will continue if donors like you and I step up together!
Three major accomplishments
Consumers for Dental Choice leads the campaign to transition the world to mercury-free dentistry. Their campaign is not just working — it’s accelerating!
- Consumers for Dental Choice’s success at the Minamata Convention treaty talks resulted in a requirement that countries must reduce their amalgam use. Now, many countries want to go even further: they have proposed an amendment to phase OUT amalgam use.
- Consumers for Dental Choice’s ongoing European campaign resulted in a ban on amalgam use in children under 15, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers in the EU. This summer four more EU countries — Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, and Slovakia — announced the full phase-out of amalgam use on a timetable!
- Consumers for Dental Choice is bringing the momentum of the Minamata Convention on Mercury home, igniting changes here in America:
- The Chicago Declaration to End Mercury Use in the Dental Industry (2018), endorsed by more than 50 nonprofit groups including several environmental powerhouses, calls for the end of amalgam for children now, and the general phase-out with time-limited exceptions by 2020.
- Uniting grassroots activism with mercury-free dentists, Consumers for Dental Choice is building the heat on the Food and Drug Administration. Almost 50,000 people signed the Consumers for Dental Choices petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration demanding the end of amalgam use in children.And more than 80% of all comments that flooded to FDA in response to its request for patient preference information in medical devices focused on amalgam. See a recent Op-Ed by Charlie.
- Via its campaign against the state dental boards, Consumers for Dental Choice freed up mercury-free dentists to advertise, advocate and advise mercury-free dentistry. This summer, putting the Maine dental board under fire for disregarding its duty to implement the fact sheet law, Consumers for Dental Choice took legal action to compel the board to enforce the law.
How you can help the campaign for mercury-free dentistry
Consumers for Dental Choice and its team have made amazing progress toward mercury-free dentistry. But there's still hard work ahead as Consumers for Dental Choice is breaking barriers that limit consumer access to mercury-free dentistry, forcing federal and state government agencies to be accountable, and mobilizing synergistic campaigns around the world.
Please consider making a generous donation. If you donate between August 25 and August 31, 2019, I will match your gift dollar for dollar! This year, I am putting up the highest match amount I ever have tor this cause: $150,000.
To succeed in the battle against the FDA, they need to reach this goal — please push the “DONATE TODAY” button below. Or if you prefer, you may mail your donation to Consumers for Dental Choice, 316 F Street N.E., Suite 210, Washington DC, 20002
All donations made from August 25 to August 31, 2019, are matched by Dr. Mercola (up to a cap of $150,000).