The word “order” can often mean different things to different people. That meaning can also shift or be influenced, I...
Read moreDetailsDr. Rashid A. Buttar: lease click on THIS LINK HERE and sign the petition for NO MORE CENSORSHIP and TO...
Read moreDetailsOver 200 artists and scientists issued a demand to world leaders that the planet's leaders do not attempt to "go...
Read moreDetailsIn this short video, Jonny Sinclair of Unite Planet talks about Bill Gates' depopulation agenda, as well as simple solution...
Read moreDetailsResilience does not mean simply bouncing back – it is about boldly advancing into the post-crisis world with fewer vulnerabilities...
Read moreDetailsIt is taking the scale of a horrific pandemic to expose flaws in the social structure that should have been...
Read moreDetailsPart 3: How did Fauci know in 2017 that there would be a "surprise" outbreak during the Trump presidency? Part...
Read moreDetailsDr Rashid A Buttar: It's Time to WAKE UP! Part 1: Instead of reporting on businesses returning to normal by...
Read moreDetailsMake sure to take this action every time the clock hit's 11:00 am and 11:00 pm in your own time...
Read moreDetailsRegardless of your environment, your culture, your religious (or not) upbringing, we all get a say (and honestly, the final...
Read moreDetailsJosh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media reports on one of the biggest lies ever told. It is becoming more and...
Read moreDetailsWatch this incredibly informative video with Dana Ashlie in which she goes into a great amount of detail about what...
Read moreDetailsDr. Bruce Lipton talks about the good that has already come from the COVID-19 quarantine, and what we need to...
Read moreDetailsTwitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey announced that he will be pledging $1 billion to help fund coronavirus economic relief...
Read moreDetailsPaul Atkins, a coauthor of Prosocial, explains how we can work together and thrive when the pandemic is driving us...
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