By Conscious Optimist | Stillness In The Storm
Some secrets are “secret” due to being deliberately undisclosed—other items of interest are secret because no matter how often you try to tell people, they remain pathologically deaf to such disclosure. This is the case, in my opinion, with regard to the role of microbial and fungal life in the regeneration of our planet. Put simply, mushrooms are the master chemists of the biosphere, and with their help, we can solve a lot of the impending ecological catastrophes. We could, perhaps, avoid the prospect of rendering our own habitat uninhabitable for our species by using a wealth of knowledge regarding mushrooms that have been online now for years.
If someone found a way to assure a clean environment and the restoration of the biosphere, surely you'd know about it, right? Surely someone would have mentioned it in the news, right?
Well, it turns out life isn't so simple.
Human perception filters out that which is unfamiliar to the beholder, and this is one of many easily identifiable reasons why society continuously ignores medical, scientific, and spiritual breakthroughs that have the potential to solve many of our problems. Of course, there is the added complication that wherever you see solutions to key problems in human society, you are sure to find those solutions suppressed—if not outright censored and banned.
Related Article: Clinical Trials Reveal Magic Mushrooms Can Lift Severe Depression
Luckily you, dear reader, need not be part of the problem, and instead can become part of the solution—by becoming aware of solutions to problems! Amazing, isn't it?
With that said, let me introduce you to a solution right now: mycoremediation, aka the process of healing one's body and the environment through the introduction of beneficial fungi. The field of mycoremediation is a very promising source of solutions to many ecological and health problems currently facing everyone in our current era of widespread chemtrailing. This knowledge could not be more important or timely.
I could go on and on about this wonderful topic, but instead, I'll hand the floor over to pioneering mycologist Paul Stamets, whose presentation should be spread far and wide.
(As an aside, I would highly recommend purchasing his book Mycelium Running, for it contains numerous tables correlating mushroom strands to the specific types of toxins they remediate. I could not stress enough how amazing this information truly is!)
This article (6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World — A Short and Powerful Presentation) by Conscious Optimist originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Strongly suggest you visit http://www.nammex.com for an up-to-date view of the medicinal mushroom world if you want to provide clear, helpful, research-based alternative health info to your readers. It doesn’t rely solely on mycelium. Or the myceliated grain product commonly produced in North America that is often referred to as “mushrooms.” Even though mushroom fruiting bodies are never grown or part of the end product.