The holiday season is known as the time of year that the average person will “pack on the pounds.” During the holiday season, most people tend to indulge in rich comfort foods and decadent desserts made by their favorite aunt or their grandmother.
And yes, we all love to partake in tradition and eat the dishes we usually don't get to eat on a daily basis. However, that doesn't mean your waistline will love it with you. The average person can gain two to five pounds from holiday splurging.
While two to five pounds don't sound like much, if not kept under control, the weight can carry on well into the new year. If you're one of those individuals who love to join the festivities and eat during the holiday season, here are healthy dieting tips for you to try during the holidays.
1) Eat before the party.
Yes, this sounds like you're missing out on one of the holiday party perks. However, it's a great way to control your eating. People often skip breakfast or lunch to “save their appetite or calories” so that they can indulge later. This actually has the opposite effect as you may overeat once you do eat. If you go to the party having already eaten, you're less likely to go to a party and overeat. Try to eat foods that are rich in fiber, so that you'll feel full and satisfy that feeling of hunger. Besides, they are lower in calories.
2) Bring a dish.
If eating before the party is out of the question for you, then bringing a dish is a great option. By bringing a dish, you can contribute a healthy choice to the fete to ensure there's something for you to indulge in, without the feeling of being left out.=
3) Eat smaller portions.
This may sound like a no-brainer. However, many don't think ahead when it comes to holiday eating. Try bringing or using a smaller plate, which leads to smaller portions. Portion control allows you to indulge, even eat dessert, without consuming too many calories. Another trick to that is to add vegetables and salad to your plate first, which leaves less room for the calorie-heavy entrees and desserts.
4) Eat before you shop.
The holiday season is such a busy time that we can go straight from school or work, then go directly shopping, trying to get our holiday lists out of the way. To cut down on the risk of stopping and eating fast food, don't go shopping on an empty stomach. We typically make poor food choices when we're hungry while out and about. If you're not able to eat a complete meal before shopping, pack healthy snacks that can help satisfy you until you can get home and eat a proper meal.
5) Stay active.
Lastly, it's essential to continue your exercise routine during the holiday season. Don't skip your workout days; just make the necessary adjustments. If you're not able to get into the gym, then try to exercise at home before the party.
The holidays are always a magical time of the year – a chance to put your worries to the side and focus on family. Try not to worry about your diet so much that you don't get to enjoy yourself. If you've managed to find ways to curb the calories, but cannot seem to manage gym time, the pink heals suggests taking a walk to chat with family members after dinner. If the kids are outside playing a catch or a game of football, join them. That way, you won't miss a moment of precious family time!