By Patrick Arundell |
The above video contains an astrological overview for the week of 16th March 2020.
To get this week's video horoscope for your specific zodiac sign, click on the link corresponding to your sign:
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Astrology Overview for March 16-22, 2020
The begins with Mercury return into the sign of Pisces which it first entered on 3rd February. If you recall Mercury then went into retrograde on 16th February theb inverted into the sign of Aquarius on 4th March before going forwards on the 10th March. If you have encountered a situation which has been rather stop-start-backwards and repeat, this change will be enormously helpful, though it Pisces still not Mercury's favourite zone it will be until April 11th when the messenger moves into Aries, that communications and plans really gain traction.
When it comes to form and function this week the Sun tangled Saturn can be particularly helpful and enabling but this Sextile is going to involve four zodiac signs, as both the Sun (Friday) Saturn (Sunday) move into new Zodiac signs, of Aries and Aquarius respectively. First off to is link in Pisces on Saturday, provides a great opportunity to link intuition with careful planning, and responsible decision-making. However by the weekend we really do have a new dawn, one which is very much more about working hard on new initiatives but ones that link is altogether more successfully and this is going to be vital in tackling the Covid-19 crisis.
Monday to Wednesday of this week also continues to see Mars in a Sextile with Neptune. This is a perfect opportunity to use the drive of Mars, in a way which is good for others not just for ourselves. Mars is essentially about ego therefore our own desires, and in the sign of Capricorn very much to do with achieving status, power and money. But if we can bring a more compassionate dimension to bear, we will be working this energy well. So good deeds, charitable donations, and care for those less fortunate, can bring its own karmic reward.
Ironically, Mar's tightens up it's conjunction with Pluto from Wednesday onwards, along with Jupiter and the power broker Pluto. Mars and Pluto are the two ruling planets of Scorpio, so very much to do with transformation. But this intense duo also tempts people to take shortcuts, or to dominate people in order to achieve their our own ends. In terms of Mundane astrology, based on world events, this could see a run on the stock markets, as speculators driven by greed sell off equities, or Nation States may be involved in military conflict. In our own personal situations we need to ensure that we do not adopt ruthless tactics to deal with our opponents. Power, simply, needs to be used wisely.
Still, the Friday ushering in the Spring Equinox, and the astrological Vernal point we start the new western tropical celestial year, and the Sun returns to Aries. This is all about initiation, new starts, fresh energy instinctive actions, and as Saturn moves on Sunday 3:59 AM GMT into Aquarius, we get the first blush of an opportunity to evolve our relationship with one another and the planet, which will come more strongly to the for from December 17th, once Saturn settles into this area the following Two & Quarter years, but initially it will be just through to 1st of July.
Some have argued that Saturn moving into Aquarius, almost be like a saviour for some of the less positive and polarising trends that have shaped up in recent years. However I do believe it could actually be, in this initial transit something of a crisis point but it could also act as a significant wake up call, but the lesson of Saturn through Aquarius will be the need to come together, and work collaboratively, something that some people may resist. For more information on how this will pan or your zodiac sign or to watch your zodiac sign Weekly Video forecast or join me at Free Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes
![Patrick Arundell](
Conscious Life News Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1993. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. Enjoy Patrick’s forecasts every day on CLN. Learn more about Patrick or order one of his Personal Horoscope Reports based on your Time, if known, Date and Place of Birth here