By Patrick Arundell |
The above video contains an astrological overview for the week of 1st July 2019.
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Astrology Overview for July 01-07, 2019
What a BLOCKBUSTER this week promises to be. Of course rightly, much of the attention and talk is going to be about the Solar Eclipse in Cancer, but Mars moves on Monday into one of its strongest locations in the zodiac, in the sign of Leo where it will be through till 17th August. Through that six week period this is going to be a very bolstering influence, especially for those people who are outgoing, sociable and openly demonstrative and especially from the 2nd of August to the 17th, when Mars will be going through the Decan of Leo that is sub-ruled by Mars.
But the Solar Eclipse on Tuesday at 20.16 BST and 10.37 degrees, is going to provide a powerful backdrop for the rest of this year. So what does this energy represent? Well, with the Moon and the Sun, our celestial luminaries coming together in Cancer is especially notable, because Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Therefore the energies this sign is known for of nurture, care, security, empathy are given a significant boost. This is a TOTAL Solar Eclipse so if you have any personal planets of positions that angle to the Eclipse it can be an especially potent energy.
But Cancer is also a Cardinal sign, from its Mode or Quality and one of the four zodiac signs associated with leadership. And the area of leadership that Cancer’s shine around, is the organization of resources, and many Cancer people find themselves in supervisory or management positions. Of course, the most important areas of management is our own lives and homes, so Cancer people can be seen as being somewhat territorial in this domain, perhaps by some as even controlling. With Venus, the planet of love and attraction also moving into Cancer this week, a sign that is comfortable in, this combination can see us all seeking greater security, and tranquility wherever we can achieve it.
Saturn does though continue to oppose the North Node and as this month progresses, more complex energies do come into play, which reinforce the polarity between the signs of Cancer and Capricorn, and what they represent of home, hearth and emotions on one hand, and success, goals, and worldly interaction on the other.
For more information on how this will pan or your zodiac sign or to watch your zodiac sign Weekly Video forecast or join me at Free Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Conscious Life News Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1993. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. Enjoy Patrick’s forecasts every day on CLN. Learn more about Patrick or order one of his Personal Horoscope Reports based on your Time, if known, Date and Place of Birth here