I've been hearing from many people this past month who are noticing life seems more chaotic than usual, so they are wondering what's going on.
What's going on?
This has been called a time of great awakening, and it's been long anticipated as a challenging time of spiritually evolutionary significance. The Hopi anticipated a time after two “great shakings” (world wars) when humans would move from the fourth world to the fifth.
Dowsers who track energy lines around the planet, such as Hamish Miller, author of “The Sun and the Serpent” and other books, have documented the way energy lines around the Earth are aligned with sacred sites, such as standing stone circles, churches, and cathedrals. Author and dowser Rory Duff have noted that these energy lines encircling the globe have been growing larger and more energized in recent years, leading up to a peak energy point in December 2024. Duff anticipates that the largest “Dragon” energy lines are expected to expand to a point where they completely cover the entire Earth's surface by the end of 2024.
It seems that with expanding energy lines covering every square inch and mile of the Earth, the resulting subtle energy effect will be something akin to all humans on Earth undergoing a Kundalini awakening together. Kundalini awakenings are experienced uniquely and differently by all who have experienced them, but there are some aspects of this energetic experience of awakening and empowering one's entire energy body. Some possible aspects of experiencing Kundalini include: enhanced intuition, high sense perception, increased synchronicity, thoughts manifesting very quickly or instantly, seeing repeating numbers, experiencing reality shifts, quantum jumps, the Mandela Effect, and much more.
We are also noting that the Earth's geomagnetic field has dropped significantly since the mid 1800s, down some 20 percent or more. This reduced energetic shield allows a great deal more solar and cosmic energy to reach us than used to be the case. While some of these energies are likely quite beneficial in terms of providing us with information that is helpful for this evolutionary time, these times of high energies can contribute to us having more difficulty falling asleep at night, staying asleep, and feeling well rested when we awake.
Why is there so much chaos?
With humans experiencing tremendously increased energies all at the same time, emotions can run quite high to the point at its peak that it may feel like an energetic or spiritual storm. “Shadow issues” involving unresolved emotional issues can flair up tremendously, and people can feel inexplicably frightened, angry, or filled with despair. It's important when running tremendous amounts of internal energy, or Ki, to stay grounded, in order to not feel constantly energetically and emotionally triggered when external events or people's words or actions lead you to presume you're facing a situation that is really mostly created by your own perception–by your own observer effect.
This past couple of weeks, I've witnessed some people feel triggered by the smallest things, such as misunderstanding or misinterpreting something they thought someone else said or did. And once these misunderstandings arose, a most amazing series of subsequent synchronicity and coincidences provided further cause for them to feel increased fear and alarm.
This past week I've seen people I've previously known to be delightfully rational human beings feeling like they were besot upon by tremendous negative energies and dark forces. They endured car accidents, missed flights, mysterious illnesses and strings of inexplicably extreme bad luck. When they spoke to friends about what they were going through, they often heard comments such as, “What did you do to create all this?” Such comments are not as helpful to others as one might hope, and actually there does appear to be a dark presence exerting negative influence in peoples' lives, such as Kingsley Dennis outlines in his excellent book, The Inversion. In an inverted world, the very organizations we trust to bring healing instead bring illness, while those tasked with protecting us welcome invaders, and so forth. Never has it been more evident that some kind of malevolent forces are exerting influence, yet unless this topic is raised, it goes quietly unobserved and ignored.
Essentially, this time of heightened energies is releasing individual and collective shadow energies and issues at such levels that we're not accustomed to. This can be viewed as a time of “spiritual warfare,” since the chaos factor of so much karmic and energetic “dirty laundry” flying around all at once makes it difficult, if not impossible at times, to clearly determine exactly what is going on.
What can we do?
Even when there may seem to be chaos all around, we can be the calm inside the storm. While we may not feel that our lives are perfect or exactly as we might wish them to be, we are each capable of feeling a sense of inner peace, gratitude, reverence, and connection. Such as sense of internal direct connection with All That Is can be felt no matter what might be happening, and thus is available to any and all of us. There are some actions we can take, some kinds of meditation we can practice, and some intentions we can set that can help to ensure we're living our best possible lives.
ACTIONS: With so many people experiencing greatly increased energies all at the same time, it's helpful to be able to find time and space for personal rest and relaxation and grounding. Spending time in nature is tremendously helpful to reconnect with divine goodness, as is walking barefoot, gentle self-massage, and softly humming to help reset the nervous system and attain and maintain a sense of being safe, calm, connected, and loved.
MEDITATION: With awareness that there exists a great deal of negative conscious agency operating with apparent active intent to interfere in human relationships, we can benefit from focusing our attention and intention on connecting with the Absolute / Creator / Source / God and requesting assistance in removing any and all interference between oneself and the Absolute / Creator / Source / God. There are many ways to make a connection to personal divinity and to absolute divinity; one of my favorites is to meditate in such a way that:
(1) slow thoughts down to a stop,
(2) experience moments of graceful sublime stillness, and
(3) return from meditation to daily life with a new observational perspective–and a new reality.
INTENTIONS: Our intentions are powerful, and when we humbly acknowledge and accept ourselves as we are right here and now, we can choose to keep asking questions we wish to live the answers to, such as, “How good can it get?” and “How good can I get?” We can lean into kindness and away from cruelty. We can become more grateful, and less thoughtless. Wherever we observe some less-than-optimal aspect of ourself, we can choose to improve, with loving kindness.
EXTRA FOR EXPERTS: When we're feeling grateful, kind, loving, and calm it's a lot easier to be the change we wish to see in the world with our family, friends, neighbors and colleagues. We thus have many opportunities to bring our peace with us wherever we go, feeling love and connection with all who we are blessed to have in our lives. Through bringing gentle, kind thoughts, words, and actions to every relationship and event, we are welcoming the first golden rays of Shambhala and the Golden Age. Additionally, we can view everyone we meet as “wise humans,” allowing for and inviting opportunities to witness how this can be the case.
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Dennis, Kingsley L. The Inversion. Aeon Books, 2024.
Larson, Cynthia Sue. Aura Advantage: How the Colors in Your Aura Can Help You Attain Your Desires and Attract Success. Lightworker, 2006.
Miller, Hamish and Paul Broadhurst. The Sun and the Serpent. Pendragon Press, 1998.
You can watch the companion video to this blog here:
Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, and first President of the International Mandela Effect Conference. Cynthia hosts “Living the Quantum Dream” on the DreamVisions7 radio network, and has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, “How good can it get?” Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at:
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