Why Tune Intuition?
We can benefit from tuning our intuition to experience a sense of intrinsic goodness and divine consciousness. With positively-tuned intuition, we can more clearly recognize how best to solve problems, make decisions, and make plans. We can also gain a heightened sense of purpose, meaning, value and connection in our lives.
In western society, intuition receives less public acclaim and recognition than rational logic. Greater respect and admiration given to logical, Boolean ways of thinking than intuitive impressions and insights. Intuition is often viewed as ‘mere luck.'
Happiness is Found in the Unmeasurables
Ironically, those who base their lives more on measurables are not happier than those focusing on unmeasurables. You can test this for yourself by writing a list on one side of a piece of things people live for that are measurable. On the other side, write down things people love that are unmeasurable. Things we can measure include: amounts of money, cars, houses, and other tangible stuff. Unmeasurables include: love, purpose, meaning and other intangibles. When the lists are complete, ask yourself whether you are happier with the measurables or the umeasurables.
Our intuition can help us stay on track with the intangibles, and help us realize more fulfilled, joyful lives. The intuitive mind can thus be viewed as a sacred gift, and the rational mind works well as an excellent faithful servant. All great discoveries and inventions–and all great relationships–spring forth from intuitive, rather than logical, thought. And intuitive thinking is aligned with non-measurable feelings of purpose, meaning, and emotions such as love and gratitude.
Strengthen Intuition
You can listen more deeply to intuition by spending quiet time in nature, without goals or activities, just being in an observational state of mind. You can also pay attention to your dreams upon awakening. I find it helpful to meditate on my intention to receive messages in dreams before I go to sleep. Meditation can also be a powerful way to strengthen intuition. I enjoy many types of meditation, such as clearing my mind meditation, and walking meditation.
Connect with Intrinsic Goodness
When you listen, you may be surprised by unexpected information, thoughts, feelings and ideas that come through. Some may be helpful, but you might notice some–such as fears–do not seem so helpful. We can rise above fears by regaining our to connection with intrinsic goodness. You can tell by how fearful you are feeling how well you are connecting with a sense of intrinsic goodness at the heart of everything. You can reconnect with intrinsic goodness by remembering evidence of it in your life, such as with beloved pets or family members, or in nature.
The more attention you pay to what you are most grateful for, the better you can recognize how much more there is to feel deeply grateful for. You can feel such depth of gratitude for every blessing in your life that you enter into a state of reverence–of divine bliss. Such blissful joy is not dependent on external situations, and is available at any time, wherever you are.
I invite you to watch the companion video to this blog post at:

I know everyone is out to maKE A BUCK, SO i AM NOT INTERESTED, THANKS !