Video Source: Inspired
David Icke: Those who seek to control humanity are hiding 2 big things & they're trying everything to keep you from finding out what they are. Listen carefully to find out what it is they don't want you to know…
They don't want us to know how our perceptions through a process of frequency attraction, our perceptions become our experience. A little me perception becomes a little me experience – not because you have to be little me, but your perception is your little me so you live a life of little me. So they don't want us to know that our perceptions create our reality because they want to control our perceptions and thus create our reality without us knowing that's going on.
We live in two worlds in the same world. You got the world of the population, which is systematically kept in ignorance. This is why the education system is an inversion of education. This is why everywhere you look – the health system is an inversion of a health system. It's all inversion. You look around: madness! But it's to keep people in ignorance.
And then there's this other world of what I call the global cult, which is this global network of secret societies and semi-secret groups and satanic groups. And they are fiercely compartmentalized. So most Freemasons won't have a clue. what's going on. They don't have a bloody clue. They might do a bit of manipulation down the local lodge, get a bit of business for their shop or store or whatever, but they won't have a clue what's going on. Only in a core really knows. It's all fiercely compartmentalized.
And there are two things that this compartmentalized network is hiding from the population:
1) Where they're taking the world and why and the techniques they used to do it, which I've been exposing in my books for decades.
2) The other one and this is the key one: the nature of reality and the nature of the true “I” that has to be kept from the population because that's going to set them free.
And so because they pass on this knowledge of how reality works, how we interact with reality, and what reality is. It's not a physical world at all. They pass it on through the upper levels of this network from generation to generation and they're using the way that reality works, not least psychologically, to impose their agenda on the population. What they don't want is the population to know that this is reality works.
And so they created mainstream science to shut off any perception of eternal life – any perception that we are just one expression, one level of our consciousness, which is multilevel. And to any idea that life goes on after death. And then academia has been brought into this. So academia basically tells the same story as mainstream science. They're just different expressions of each other.
And the idea is that people are kept in ignorance of how they interact with reality, and how they can control reality, how they can start living life instead of life living them in their ignorance about reality works. And also that they do what? They fear death. They fear death because death is an unknown to them. People fear that the lights go out and that's it.
Or they may fear that some judgmental God is going to judge them, like some Chinese surveillance system. God is always making lists watching you. And the fear of death is one of the great controlling mechanisms in human society.
I remember talking to the great Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, who was describing to me that when the when the British moved in on South Africa, with people like Cecil Rhodes, a Rothschild frontman, that in his words they milk the minds of the shaman and then killed him because they didn't want that knowledge to go on influencing people. The knowledge of how reality is. They wanted to shut that down and create basically a closed world, where you are pressured to believe that you're born by accident. You have a few seconds or a hundred years in some meaningless existence and then and then the lights go out. And that has a traumatizing effect on people that believe that.
This is why bringing to the surface the nature of reality, the nature of the “I”, the eternal nature of life, the fact that this tiny band of frequency that we call the human world is not what the rest of infinity is. You know, the rest of infinity is dominated by love, by joy, by happiness. Yes, there are pockets like this one and what we call evil, but they're rare out there. This is not how life is. We are caught in something that is not like most of the rest of infinity.