Many resonate with the energy of certain words. Truth is one of them. Known as an energetic sound and symbol for power, you have most likely clung to it; understanding that within it is a key.
In this new day, truth has emerged as the savior. It saves you from disease, from grief, from darkness. It talks to the cells in your body and radiates light so they operate in harmony and balance.
Do you feel it? Are you being it? Living it?
Turn down the voices that cry out, seeking to confuse and scatter. Set your course to what you know, within, Truth. It is the highest potential and it is the only way that we all will find union. Ask and it shall be given, seek and doors will be opened. It is within you and it is within all, no one is excluded, no matter their belief. It is the great unifying factor. Open yourself fully to It. It is Love. The Divine expresses through us in love and we express divinity to others by love. We have nothing to prove, to convince, we only have love. It is our breath and our bread. It is our life and death. It is our existence for now. It is our future as the past is gone, and love is alive.
How is Truth Experienced?
Truth is a frequency. It is not seen, it is felt.
When I was a young woman, I searched for truth. What is it? Is it God? Is it written so I can grasp it and live it? I knew its power, its transformative ability, yet it was illusive. I felt it was available and also realized it hid behind the hypocrisy of religious institutions and those that desired control. I believe that desire came from misinformation, they believed a lie. Thus, I was influenced by that lie. The lie that Truth was in another, it was ascribed to creeds and actions. Truth was outside me, not so much in me.
How Does Truth Relate to the Real World?
Let’s relate this to something that seems a bit odd. Dietary theory. As a holistic health coach, I have studied over 100 different dietary theories. There is a common denominator in them all. As theories go, one is right for you. A certain food plan that gets your body in balance, so as you increase in energy you also decrease in body mass. It’s a beautiful thing. Within this is the key. The key is the truth for your body. It makes everything work as it should. The truth was within you all along. It needed a factor to make it spring into action. Belief/faith that it would do so. Yet, belief or faith was not quite enough, it needed action. The action was tangible and related to what you ate and how you moved your body.
What about the New Energy Realization?
In this day, in our awareness of this moment, we are in a new energy realization. The action can actually be non-action. It can be mental, a higher conscious state of being. This higher state of being can change you at the cellular level thus change your body to be more efficient, in balance, in health and slow the aging process. How? Vibration from this higher state of consciousness affects your physical being and even those around you.
What Practice will Develop Your Truth?
For years now the medical community has recognized the benefits of meditation. One’s ability to go beyond the current state of affairs to a higher reality. Meditation is a tool to connect one with their Truth. Along with meditation is visualization. Picturing the desired outcome and believing it to be so. Now, when one can understand that time is illusory, then past and future can be changed. Yes, for some these are deep waters and makes no sense at all. But to others this is reality and is where reality is beautiful and life is experienced as a creator, an architect.
Experience Your Truth!
I wish you to know this my friend, deep within. Believe it, experience, live it. As a result a deep contentment develops. Not one that leaves you stagnant, but one that washes you with deep peace and also a creative urge. This peace and urge place you in the path of awareness where synchronicities abide and show you the beauty of this world and the life you experience.
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She loves her life in Western North Carolina.