Sparktacular is a state of being formed from an ignition of light that glows just enough to encourage and allow one to envision goodness, truth, light and love.
Sparktacular is felt, seen with one's eyes closed (a speck of light or several spots of light), or emanating as light in unusual places.
It is, as its name suggests, a beginning point to light, a spark.
It is a knowing that there is something more to be known or remembered.
It is an encouragement to not give up in the seeking, the developing, the renewing of the mind. So, spartacular is not only the state of being, but it is a process.
We are all living in a ‘New Energy’ age. The old ways of achieving spiritual growth have passed away. The new energy is easier to reach. It doesn’t take years of mastery. It does take recognizing it is available. This awareness builds a desire for an even greater awareness, as one realizes the huge benefits: inner peace, good relationships, and the feeling of abundance. These feelings then have a result: unconditional love and discernment (as opposed to judgment).
How Does Spartacular take me to Spectacular?
- Recognizing the spark increases frequency/vibration.
- With this raise, changes occur that manifest in physical and mental states of being. The mental state of being is the precursor to making better choices.
- Better choices could include:
- Nutrition: non-GMO foods, clean or no animal meat, lots of whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
- The use of essential oils/crystals with limited or no chemical pharmaceuticals.
- Admiring or creating art.
- Digging in the dirt or walking in nature.
- Moving your body more
- Gazing at the stars, appreciating sunsets and sun rises.
The previous is not a ‘to do’ list. Better choices, however, occur with the raising of ones vibration. Pursuit is the key. Don’t give up! Follow through with what feels right. Ask yourself a question, Will this particular response or activity benefit me now or later? Many times the benefit is not in that particular moment, but in the next moments, minutes or days. Also, deep desires are an essential part. These desires well up within. They have the potential to lead one to spectacular.
What is Spectacular?
Spectacular is the state of well-being. It is not dependent upon another or anything outside of self.
It is not a state of perfection. Stumbling, even illnesses are powerful teachers. When one falls (messes up, make a mistake or bad choice) or ones body is not working properly: these are times for reflection. A time to slow down, cry, mourn, grieve and ultimately not give up. Ignite the spark! The spark is the life force that is perfect, constant and never-failing. It is within each of us. It is our birthright. It is our goodness. It is our hope. It leads us to spectacular.

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As a home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.
Awesome article Julia!!! I am feeling much more spartacular after reading this!!!! Thanks!!! -Ross
Thank you Ross! You are spectacular too!!! 😊