“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.” – George Bernard Shaw
I was doodling the other day as I often do and for some reason saw myself drawing the word “CREATE” with little blurbs of things I am currently manifesting in my life. Things such as healing a toothache I’ve had for a few weeks, having a safe flight next week on my trip to Indianapolis, and allowing myself more peace in my day-to-day happenings…
While my pen and makers stroked and played with the paper, I suddenly realized that the word “REACT” was staring back at me. I love word puzzles and games and so I’m convinced my brain does this automatically, lol but for some reason this time it hit me like a ton of bricks. If only for the amazing correlation between the level/lack of happiness living a creative life vs. that of a reactive one!
Let me explain…I am HUGE into Alchemy and the Hermetic Arts and so again my mind is used to thinking in ways beyond the constraints of duality. In fact, I think that even subconsciously, everything I take in I am on some kind of level trying to make sense of it, bring balance to it, center it, bring it into focus, etc. (if it isn’t already of course…and that in itself can be different perceptually from person to person, energy to energy, this is just my personal account on it.)
So at this particular moment of seeing the word “REACT” staring back at me from my literal doodle I just “CREATE(D)”, my mind immediately thought of the Hermetic Principle of “As Above, So Below…” and I realized right then and there that reaction is the shadow per se of creation.
To explain a bit further, there is a saying that says something like if we are living in love (creative life) our inner world determines what state the outer world appears to us, and if we are living in fear (reactive life) our outer world then takes control and determines the state of our inner world.
PFFF….MIND BLOWN! It begins to make clear why the Government, Church, etc. immediately teach us as children that we are weak, disempowered, and know basically nothing. We come into the world as blank slates to be drawn upon; clay to be molded. It allows me to make sense of why I could never ask or have answered the questions I wished to in Sunday school, for it empowered me and made me realize I didn’t need a “middle-man” to speak to or interact with God. And apparently, since that would put the Church out of business, they don’t seem to like that very much.
The Government is also key in shaping our beliefs that we must get our idea and opinion of who we really are and should be from the mass media, our peers, parents, and basically anyone but ourselves. The motto growing up seems to be, “Embrace uniqueness but be like everyone else. Be yourself and don’t let anyone tell you-you're not good enough! But wait…what are you doing? No! You’re doing it wrong, not like that!”
No wonder kids are so confused as if puberty and it’s army of raging hormones weren’t enough! We go onto literally be trained to give up our power of intuitive and imaginative thought. And this is vital to soulful expression and creation of who we are. In fact, to NOT allow children to figure out things they like and enjoy and wish to study rather than forcing them to focus on a particular subject or sport, etc. to me is what I call spiritual abuse and it’s just as valid in my experience as physical, mental, and emotional abuse as distorting or even killing one’s own unique spirit leaves scars for the rest of your life.
Therefore, I love to teach others how to get back in touch with those parts of ourselves that we were told were not okay, good enough, had to go, etc. because to be expressed would end up in disappointing parents, teachers, etc. and bring on feelings of guilt and shame (which are USELESS emotions used only for manipulation). This is not to say that remorse and empathy are not absolutely necessary for true growth, but no one deserves to feel undeserving of their own existence and we need to realize that these emotions serve a very small, ego-driven purpose, so be careful next time you “guilt trip” someone. Karma does come back, even when you think it’s an innocent or small request.
Be mindful of your energy and intentions and as long as you come from your heart, it will show in your creations. It is when we surrender our power over to beliefs, other people, etc. that we literally are driving blind and allowing these outer factors to always keep us in either a subconscious or unconscious panic state on some level. In one or many areas of your life, if you are NOT actively showing up by thinking and focusing on what you want (instead of what you do not), being the person who wants these things by acting like it, thinking about it, talking about it, etc. and finally taking action and doing things to make them happen, then you are always allowing yourself the opportunity to play victim in your life, and who wants that?
I have come to find that while it’s easy to bitch and moan to get short-term feelings of accomplishment, nothing compares to the feeling of gratitude and inner trust of yourself and the Universe as a whole that comes with thinking, being and doing consistently to connect and engage with their visions and dreams, rather than always keeping it at arm’s length. It’s fun to reach for the stars, but what would you do if you actually caught one? 🙂
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.