An open-source, front-end web application development framework Angular is very popular among developers today. Backed by Google, this Typescript-based platform is famous for creating dynamic apps. It’s popularity also stems from the fact that its data binding and dependency injection features eliminate the need for long and meticulous codes. As developers use Angular to build everything from web and desktop, to mobile applications, the opportunities for professionals who are trained in Angular are rising.
What makes Angular a favorite among Developers
AS Node JS allows developers to execute their code on the server side, there is now a faster way to write light and scalable scripts. Real-time applications can now be written, and at the same time, it provides scope for mobile application development.
Is it the right fit for you?
If you have a background in IT, are a coder or a dev looking for newer avenues or are simply looking to upskill or make the jump then this is the course for you. As a matter of fact, there is a huge demand for people in the software and mobile app development industry with the knowledge of Angular. However, to be able to stand out from the crowd, it is ideal to get proper credentials that state that you have undergone training in Angular from a recognized institution and will be able to use it comfortably. It is not necessary to have any previous experience in Angular as most courses online offer to teach from the very basics. However, you must have some experience in coding in JavaScript to be able to understand things better.
About learning online
A quick search online for Angular JS training will show you a number of institutions offering online classes and certification for Angular. Online courses offer that flexibility you need to squeeze learning into your daily schedule. To make learning that much easier, make sure you do the course from a reputed source. This will ensure that you get value for money in terms of a more structured curriculum, classes taught by industry experts and loads of resource materials.
Why you should get certified
Angular training will go a long way to future proof your career by offering the necessary qualification to make the jump to a bigger role. By the end of the course you will become familiar with the fundamentals of the language and learn to build SPA applications that will help businesses reach their ROI faster due to lowered cost for development and maintenance, and enhanced accessibility. A certification in your resume will give it the push that it deserves to land lucrative roles.
What you will learn
Most of the online providers have slightly varied course, but the essence of it will be pretty much the same. Here’s what you can expect to learn:
You will learn the concepts of typescript that are well used in angular application development which will lay the foundations for all your future use of the software.
A bit of a no brainer actually, you will learn to create components manually – decompose monolithic UI and recompose to make larger pages.
One of the key concepts of angular, you will learn how to modularize Angular application by creating feature modules.
Simply put, you will learn template syntax and apply the concepts in developing dynamic templates. But the actual topic is a bit more than that.
Form Management
As a developer using Angular, you will be expected to know how to develop forms. You will learn to do so with 2 kinds of techniques; template-driven and reactive forms.
You will learn the power of dependency injection, create services to hold business logic and injecting services into services and components.
Again pretty self -explanatory, you will learn how to implement navigation and protect routes using Angular router.
Remote Communication
As one of the important concepts of Angular, you will learn how to consume remote services, configure custom headers using HTTP client.
Web components
This is the bulk of most of the courses. You must learn and familiarise yourself with how to implement web components using Angular elements.
Unit testing
You will learn how to unit test Angular applications using Aasmine, Angular testing utilities and Karma.
It is important to learn how to debug Angular applications using Chrome and vscode.
Dev Tooling
Learn how to take advantage of Angular cli and augury.
And finally, you will be made to understand the bundling process and optimizations applied by Angular cli.