Is your home future-proof? In other words, is it ready for all the technological innovations that are just around the corner? Further, is it adapted to the lifestyle changes that are in store for you as you become older? If you said no to either of those questions, then it's probably time to do some future-proofing. But unlike many other household tasks, there's a big payoff here.
Not only will your home be safer and look better, but you'll have the peace of mind knowing that your entire living space is efficiently arranged, accident-proof, and comfortable, while adding to the property value. With each passing year, leading into and past retirement, it's essential to know that your residence is a place where you'll enjoy living for years to come. Here are the top five ways homeowners are transforming their houses into places where it's possible to live for decades into the future.
GFCI Outlets
You probably already have GFCI outlets in your bathrooms and/or kitchens, near sinks. They are ingenious devices that prevent electrical shock. The best part is you can install them in every room as an added safety precaution. GFCI stands for ground-fault circuit interrupter, and they perform a major safety task for a very low price. If you're not handy with electrical devices, consider hiring an electrician to put GFCIs in for you. The minor expense is worth the big payoff in safety and accident prevention.
Panic/Emergency Zones
Whether you worry about tornadoes, hurricanes, or break-ins, it's a good idea to have a panic room in your home where you can take cover in times of crisis. Most people add these areas on the interior of the structure by simply converting a bedroom or utility room into a safety zone. Consider adding a cooler, comfortable seating, ration-type foods, and bathroom access. Don't let a major storm or tornado threaten your survival. Prepare now and be secure when the time comes.
Smart Door Locks and Video Bells
Here's another low-cost solution to a major security issue. Today's smart door locks are wonders to behold. They can't be picked by burglars, are virtually impervious to hammers and crow bars, and add a layer of life-saving safety to any house. Consider adding them, along with video bells to front and back doors of your residence.
Residential elevators are one of the most cost-efficient ways to upgrade a home's safety profile. That's because not only do private elevators add a powerful dose of security, but they instantly raise the potential dollar value of the property. The future proofing home elevator concept is based on several factors. First, lots of newer homes are coming equipped with private elevators, and owners of older structures are adding them as commonsense upgrades. The main appear for seniors is the fact that stairs are inherently dangerous, so having the option to ride in comfort from floor to floor is an idea that makes perfect sense.
Tub and Toilet Rails
For a small price, you can add hand-grip rails to tub and shower areas. Don't forget to install portable metal arms on toilets for easy sitting and standing. Younger people with balance issues use these low-cost devices and they are ideal for older folks as well.