July 2019 is one of the most complex months for, well, yes you’ve guessed it, many a Moon. The Sun, Venus, Mercury and North Node will all be opposed by Saturn and Pluto at some point, leading to intense exchanges and powerful battles of will.
Also feisty Mars roars in Leo on day one joining with the bubbly Mercury which then goes into a retrograde on the 6th before rewinding into Cancer on the 18th. The Sun then returns home to Leo on the 23rd followed by Venus on the 28th and a Leo New Moon on the 31st. Oh and just for extra drama, both Mars and the Sun square up with Uranus. To discover that this means for your zodiac sign, please watch my in-depth video below…
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SvMYH-beeY[/embedyt]
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