This video by Sam Harris is perhaps 6 of the most enlightening minutes I’ve ever experienced. But what is funny is Sam himself would say those minutes are merely an illusion, as linear time only appears to be sequential, and in reality all we have is this very moment…and this moment…and this one.
Although persistent and measureable on a linear scale, “time” as we know it to be is anything but “real”. What we call “yesterday” consists merely of “NOW’s” that exist only in our minds as memories. What we can “tomorrow” consists merely of “NOW’s” that exist only in our imaginations and dreams. All we ever truly have in our reality is right NOW.
The NOW permeates everything and always IS. This would apply to the very fabric our existence and everything we know to make up our physical reality including waves of light, sound and mechanical & seismic waves. And as long as there is momentum; movement and action, the NOW goes on into infinity (as shown in the image below via Planck’s constant). Let’s just hope it stays that way. 🙂
So, how do we make the best of all of our “NOW’s”? Be 100%, un-apologetically present IN as many of them as you possibly can. Ride the infinite wave – it is really that simple. Focus on those things that make you happy and which feed your life-force. Things that give you passion and drive to KEEP MOVING FORWARD! For when we lose touch with the NOW and dwell in the past, it tends to slow us down, bring us down, and drag us down. It can fill out hearts with regret, guilt, and stagnation. I’m not saying don’t ever look back. We retain memories for a reason, sure. They are to remind us just how far we’ve come and of all the great (and perhaps not-so-great) experiences we’ve had, so we can reflect back on the lessons we’ve learned and see how far we’ve come. We can look back to remember the smile of your dearly departed grandmother and how her kitchen always smelled like a bakery. But if it usually hurts when we look back, then perhaps it’s time we really sit with those feelings and let ourselves finally heal over whatever it is we find ourselves always looking back to. This will let them serve their purpose and give you the strength to finally let them go to be where they are meant to be; behind you.
The same approach can be taken for the future. If we spend so much time being anxious and worrying about what may happen to us, we are only laying down a big ‘ol welcome mat to whatever it is we are fearing the most to come walking right into our lives. And what we are really doing, is choosing to spend our NOW’s torturing ourselves with mere scary stories we’ve made up in our head. Sure, it’s smart to plan, have a vision, prepare for things and of course have dreams, but these are much different things than constantly putting undo stress on yourself by always focusing your thoughts on thinking the future is full of inevitable doom. This can wreak havoc in all areas of our lives causing headaches, disturbances in our digestive system, and even sleep issues such as insomnia.
Speaking of sleep, if we look at brain waves during the sleep cycle, we can determine the specific point that defines the instant when we cross over from being awake to being asleep. It is in that cross-point where we could say the NOW resides. In the cosmic middle-ground does it frolic and play begging for our attention and calling for us to become conscious of our own unconsciousness. Buddhist Monks, Yogis and Shamans all over the world are aware (no pun intended) that the key to “enlightenment” is first knowing that the door resides within oneself and thus that is where we must look. And if we look long enough and in the right way, we will ultimately find the eternal NOW; or maybe perhaps… it finds us.
“There exists only the present instant… a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.” -Meister Eckhart
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor of CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. Connect with Tamara on Facebook by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
Hi Tamara. I love, love, love this post – both the video and your writeup. Thank you for this powerful message. Joyful blessings to you. -Ross