According to Wikipedia, Chaos Theory is defined as “the field of study in mathematics that studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions – a response popularly referred to as the butterfly effect.” In other words, Chaos Theory refers to how meaningful and profound even the most seemingly insignificant things are and teaches us that nothing is trivial.
It may not look like it, especially in the wake of the recent events in the world including the fact it has literally shut down, along with the expected MSM fear campaigns and otherwordly, and distractions in the form of manufactured illness, but the world is an amazing and beautiful place. The only thing going on here is as a species we are not aligned with peace; which believe it or not is our natural state of being as it is for all living things in nature, including Mother Earth herself.
So, what does Chaos Theory have to do with world peace? Well, for starters it is now elementary science that everything is energy and that like energy attracts like energy. There is also an enormous amount of research and evidence available showing the benefits of meditation to bring relaxation to ourselves in times of stress and anxiety. And lastly, with the wave of higher consciousness, we are ALL being called to look within ourselves and heal our innermost shadows. And as the numbers rise in those of us doing this soul work, so also raises the level of peace in our collective consciousness overall.
Chaos Theory or “the butterfly effect” is also what is making it appear as if there is NO hope for humanity at this time. Everywhere we look we see famine, war, suffering, and meaningless cruelty. But if we pan wide…if we just zoom out from our limited perspectives stemming from indoctrinated fear and try to catch a glimpse from a global or even universal view if we so dare, we just might see that great healing is occurring on this planet.
Just as in our own lives when all seems to be going to shit and we are so close to giving up does the greatest growth happen. It is only when we dig deep and get down to the roots that we can ever really see what is holding us back from progression, and as the Earth is a sentient being just as you and I are, she also heals in much the same way.
It could be said that nations and cultures are the planets various personas and as she works out the unhealed parts of herself as we each do every day of our lives, we bear witness to her growth in the form of the sometimes barbaric, collective acts of humans in the form of greed, war, genocide, etc. We are more deeply a part of the Earth than we ever learn in school, and yet our ancestors knew this and lived it. They cherish her, respected her and lived in harmony with her. But as humans do, we develop shadows with free will; we begin to believe the illusion of separation and thus begin the fall of man. There have been many cycles of this throughout our history.
Steve Mariboli once said, “The universe is so well balanced that the mere fact that you have a problem also serves as a sign that there is a solution.” This quote is a great reflection upon Chaos Theory, which would support the notion that no matter how chaotic things appear to get, that it is simply a reflection of how stable they can be as well…as all things must return to balance; to zero-point. Nature knows nothing else, just harmony and is always falling back to the center. It is only when it runs into some sort of interference do discordances occur. It could be said that many of man’s poor choices have definitely contributed to much of the “discord” we see in nature all around the world today.
So, how do we achieve the unachievable? How does humanity finally stop bickering and killing one another mindlessly over religion, oil, money, politics, and power? The answer always has been and remains a simple one. KNOW PEACE AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW PEACE.
The only way the world will ever know peace is when every person takes ownership of their shadows and does the work to heal and integrate them. This involves not forming your personal beliefs solely based on mainstream media propaganda and world “health officials” with alternative agendas to serve. The path that leads a person to be at peace within them is ultimately the path that will also bring peace to the entire world…because it has to start with one…with each of us. It can’t be each of us looking around, waiting for someone else to make a move. There is nothing “out there”….and if you continue to believe there is, you will always see a world up in arms in chaos. But if you close your eyes for a moment…breathe, and step out onto the invisible bridge of everything inside you that you fear, hate, ignore, etc….then your life and our world will never again be the same. It will be…peaceful. And more importantly, it will be your OWN.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.