Nothing makes me happier than to read a new article about the worlds of science and spirituality coming together. Albeit a slow process, it’s been steady. At least for the 40 years that I’ve been here incarnated on planet Earth.
Let's go back in time a bit…
For as long as I can remember, (no, really…all the back to literally my first vivid memory right before my 3rd Birthday), something always felt “off” to me. Like even the most confident adults seem to put out this vibe of inner doubt and a lack of real connection.
Very few adults could ever make me feel safe, comfortable, and just free to be a kid. Because I somehow felt in the presence of so many adults, underlying fear and the absence of simple joy within the moment.
While I could never fully grasp the full understanding of what I was sensing and feeling, I innately knew to trust it. No matter how afraid or alone I’ve ever felt, that inner guidance would always lead me to a safe place… the depths of my own imagination.
It was here that I was the Queen of my world, the architect of my own design, and the creator of all things dancing and free within my own consciousness. It was in the welcoming arms of my imagination that I could truly trust the world around me because I had made the entire thing myself.
We all remember being told by our parents or teachers that our imagination is some part of us that isn’t to be trusted. It was where all things real to children, but invisible to adults, such as spirits, angels, etc. come from, go to, and belong. That there is no place for them in the “real” world. But as kids, we all knew better. So, when and why did we ever stop knowing?
I see so many complacent souls reaching out from all parts of the world for connection, validation and a sense of belonging. Yet, we fear true connection these days it seems. The ones where all involved are so committed to and in tune with at the moment and all they are creating within that moment.
Unsure to this day if this is a blessing or a curse, I have come to learn that feeling, true, real, heart-wrenching feeling is what connects us all. And perhaps if we all learned the importance of NEVER losing that connection with ourselves, that inner child with the vivid and alive imagination, then maybe just maybe we wouldn’t be so afraid to reach out to one another…either to offer assistance or ask for it.
I am in the choir to which I preach, of course as I’ve never been quite good at asking for help. Working through my feelings of “not good enough” or “undeserving” have always kept me at the precipice of mastering the trick behind the way my own mind fucks me. Quite aware of my own self-sabotage, but seemingly content in waiting for it to stop itself when I know it must come from me.
So, what does all of this have to do with your frequency and dimensions? Well, I’m glad you asked. I am sure many of you are aware of Cymatics. It’s actually become a mild obsession of mine ever since the day I saw Science Vs. Music on YouTube by the incredible artist, Nigel Sanford.
If you’d like a taste, you can check it out here:
Video Credit: Nigel John Sanford
Long story short, Cymatics, from the Ancient Greek: κῦμα, meaning, “wave”, is a subset of modal vibrational phenomena. (Source: Wikipedia) It is not only beautiful to watch, but it also is visual proof that the world of sound and frequency has a physical signature we can bear witness to.
This opens up the proverbial “doors of perception” in that we can literally see how sound, language, tone and frequency truly build the world around us, that everything is energy and while it cannot be destroyed, this energy can be manipulated into some of the most loving or dark manifestations of our choosing.
This is why the wise ones always say to be mindful of your thoughts as they become words that harden into your deeds and character. If you tune in closely and are paying attention, you can actually feel the shift in energy as your frequency adjusts. If someone jumps out at the bushes at you, you feel that rush of adrenaline, fear and need to escape, jump or scream. If someone you love brings you soup and flowers when you are ill, that simple act may overwhelm you with tears of joy, gratitude and a reconnection to your own Soul.
When we are aware of our thoughts and where they lie on the frequency scale, something beautiful happens over time. In my personal experience, when I feel good, happy, relaxed, I also feel open, expanded and confident. I may not know it at the time, but I am literally growing my own energy field, and thus my capacity to open to other dimensions.
No, this is not science-fiction, but rather the science of spirit. While we’ve come to believe that dimensions are all around us, and we are merely one matryoshka doll within the stack, what I’ve come to believe is that all dimensions exist WITHIN us simultaneously. I’ve also never been the same since first hearing quotes such as, “Everything you ever need to know is within you at all times.” “The only way out is through.” and “Go Within or Go Without.”
By claiming our multidimensional selves, we open up to all possibilities of our own potential and find that the more we expand that faster it all comes back around to reconnect us with our inner child. The one still playing out in the fields of our imagination…
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.