By Sydney Spencer
“All of life is vibration; and when we vibrate to success, happiness, and abundance, the things which symbolize those states of consciousness will attach themselves to us.” -Florence Scovel Shinn
Most of us have heard of the Law of Attraction. But did you know the more fundamental, underlying law is the Law of Vibration?
When the movie and book The Secret first came out, it was exciting, as people embraced the message that we all have the power to create abundance in our lives. The Law of Attraction became a hugely popular idea, and bookstore shelves were soon stocked with many bestselling books on the subject.
But soon enough, it became apparent that the Law of Attraction was perhaps a little too simple, unrealistic in its promises — and a little bit greedy!
Everyone wants good things, yet the philosophy of “believe it, and you will achieve it” seems to promote an ego-based orientation, and the ego tells us we need — and even deserve — all kinds of great jobs, riches, beautiful houses and cars, and perfect partners.
But the problem with this type of ego-orientation is that fulfilling selfish desires doesn’t necessarily help us — or the world. And even if the law works to bring us those things we ask for, those things aren’t guaranteed to make us happy, especially if they aren’t aligned with our greater purpose, or if we aren’t poised to handle those new developments well (such as great wealth). As is illustrated in the sometimes-negative effects of winning the Lottery, we have to be careful about what we wish for!
And so, a more grounded, credible law to work with is the Law of Vibration. With the Law of Vibration, we change our vibration through working on our mental, physical, emotional and energetic selves, but we don’t try to control the exact form of what appears.
This law is backed by science — namely the science of quantum physics. Physicists have discovered a field underlying everything that has a low level of vibration (making it almost undetectable, which is why it’s been hard for scientists to discover). All of the microscopic building blocks of our world are now believed to arise from this field.
What’s more, everything within this vibrating field is connected “non-locally,” meaning that everything can affect everything else instantaneously, in spite of being separated by a distance. Albert Einstein called this phenomenon a “spooky action at a distance.” After this spooky effect was proven time and time again, this uncanny state of interconnection was termed “quantum entanglement.”
And so, it follows that when we vibrate in the same frequency as other things and people, we communicate with those things, join with them, or attract them to us. We want to be conscious of how we are vibrating and what we are aligning with, in order to improve our lives.
For instance, if our vibration is one of peace, we resonate with peaceful situations and people, gathering those experiences towards us. If our vibration is a strong vibration of abundance and we believe “I have everything I could possibly want,” we will eventually find ourselves surrounded by the things that represent abundance to us.
Because everything is vibrating at a different frequency, we can find ourselves surrounded by happy, sad or neutral situations. The Kybalion, a book published in 1908 about the laws of manifestation (Hermetic laws), explains the Principle of Vibration like this: “This principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit result largely from varying rates of Vibration….there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration…from corpuscle and electron, atom and molecule, to worlds and universes, everything is in vibratory motion.”
William Walker Atkinson explains in his 1908 book Thought Vibration, “The mind has many degrees of pitch, ranging from the highest positive note to the lowest negative note, with many notes in between, varying in pitch, according to their respective distance from the positive or negative extreme.”
He continues, “You are today setting into motion thought currents which will in time attract towards you thoughts, people and conditions in harmony with the predominant note of your thought.”
This doesn’t mean we control the exact form of what shows up, but through elevating our vibratory frequency, we align ourselves with likeminded circumstances — ideally, the ones that are part of our highest destiny.
How can we raise our vibration?
Raising or changing our vibration can be done through several different avenues, and each of us may have a different area of focus. Some people need to work with their negative thoughts, whereas others can make more progress through addressing the physical body, and others find it effective to work with an energy worker or other healers.
The different areas of focus for each of us may include the following:
Mentally, we need to keep our minds focused on the positive. Atkinson instructed readers to train the mind to use willpower to conquer our smaller self and remain focused on positive thoughts and desired outcomes. A cognitive-behavioral therapist may help us cultivate more positive thoughts. Additionally, we can do regular affirmations, write out our vision, create a vision board, devote ourselves to catching our negative trains of thought, or journal writing. We could see a therapist, coach or spiritual advisor to get ourselves into the right state of mind, or in some cases, we may even need to take medication or supplements to help.
Spiritually, we might regularly attend church or another place devoted to spiritual advancement. We may read inspirational spiritually oriented books, or we may do yoga, pray and meditate to improve our spiritual nature. Practicing gratitude and intentionally forgiving others can also raise our spiritual vibration. It is also important to become clear about our desires and intentionally ask for what we want, which has a spiritual aspect because we are trusting the universe to care about us and we are surrendering the details to the Divine order.
Energetically, many of us can benefit from seeing healers who clear chakras and remove energetic debris, or someone who can align the spine to enable energy to flow better. We could see an acupuncturist or other healers who deal with the body’s meridians. We can do EFT (emotional field therapy, a form of self-administered exercise involving tapping and affirmations). We may chant, meditate, or listen to uplifting or meditative music.
Physically, we may need to move our bodies more, take a therapeutic movement class, exercise, walk on the grass or dirt to ground ourselves, or make time to dance around the house (or somewhere else). We can eat more whole healthful foods that grow in the ground while eliminating toxic foods. Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals could certainly affect our vibration (think about how we feel if we are low on iron, as one example). And we may need to treat infections and remove toxins that are hampering our positive energy.
Emotionally, we could do EMDR (emotional movement and desensitization therapy) to clear out old emotional traumas, take supplements to improve our mood or see any number of healers. We may develop deep, healing relationships that shift our emotional state. We may get a job that fits our true self better and uplifts us emotionally in the process. There are many, ways to change our emotional state.
We can work on one area in particular to reach our goals, or we may work on all of these at once. As we endeavor in different ways to improve how we’re functioning and we start to enjoy our life experience more, we will naturally start to vibrate differently.
And it’s not that we someday “get there” and finally arrive in our perfect vibratory state; it’s a continuous journey. Also, we don’t have to be a perfectly positive thinker for good things to happen, nor do we have to be devoid of negativity. What happens in our lives can have an element of mystery to it.
For example, difficult circumstances in our lives can be a result of our unconscious intentions, pain or issues, which create a vibration we aren’t consciously aware of. Or they could be a result of karma or an important learning opportunity that we need for our journey.
Positive situations may be a result of an intention we strongly stated in the distant past, of karma, or of others’ efforts to help us through some kind of soul contract they may have with us. So, we likely won’t be able to trace every single event in our lives to our intentions, beliefs or “vibration.”
Sometimes, miracles can come along in our darkest hour. Miracles are real, and we can access them by opening ourselves to them. We get on their “frequency,” and they arrive.
We can’t control life, but the important thing is that we continue to move forward towards a better life — for ourselves and others. By working with the Law of Vibration, we discover the blessings are available for each of us in this time, and we go forward to experience even more of our highest good so that we can fulfill our purpose of being love in action on earth.