More than ever, we must find and live truth! All of us have been conditioned by culture and education. This conditioning left us void of one important truth. We are all connected and we are powerful creators.
Below is a list of thoughts and ideas based on universal laws that you can implement today for the express reason of living truth and making a difference in this crazy world.
Keep these three simple words in mind. To. Do. So. Be an active participant, the time is NOW for each of us to speak and live truth!
The law of Inner Revelation – In order for truth to be known: it first must be realized, revealed and recognized inwardly. Then it blossoms, grows and bears fruit. The fruit is nourishing to body and soul with long lasting benefits.
Love is the creative force of the universe.
There is only Oneness and we are all mirrors of one another in this vast creation.
Humans are radiant beings of Light with unrealized power, waiting to become transformed into higher-dimensional forms.
We each have a Higher Self that is waiting to be realized and that will transform us.
Humans are powerful creators and each person has been sent to Earth to fulfill a mission.
Below is a list of 13 codes of behavior that can positively impact your life. Immediately do you think, that is an unlucky number? Could 13 be part of your conditioning? Think of 13 as a sum. 1 + 3 = 4. Now look to the power of the number 4.
Number 4 is the number of stability, order and completion of justice
Number 4 is the number of the earth and mankind.
Number 4 is the number of the square.
Number 4 symbolizes building a strong foundation.
There are four cardinal points: North – South – East – West
There are four winds.
There are four phases of the moon.
There are four seasons.
In the West we have four elements: earth – air – fire – water.
Number 4 – A Perfect Number
13 CODES OF BEHAVIOR That Express Truth
- Your mind can hold only one thought at a time. You must choose either thoughts of hope, love and Light or thoughts of fear and negativity. Hold the perfect vision in your mind for yourself, your loved ones and the world. Let no mortal take that vision from you. Follow your dreams and never stop believing in yourself. You will become more powerful than individuals who have knowledge, but do not have the courage to realize their dreams.
- Never put energy into responding to those who try to tear you down. Feed only the positive and keep this energy flowing into your accomplishments. Negative forces divert your energy and prevent you from realizing your dreams.
- Hold the Light for the world. Never underestimate the effect of a kind action or word. Stand firm with your integrity, even under adversity, and be kinder than necessary.
- Commit your attitude and behaviors to self-improvement. See pain and disappointment as opportunities to accept greater challenges and then forge boldly ahead to become the person you are destined to be!
- Compare your behavior with that of others and become more positive than anyone you know. Strive to embody a positive attitude and watch your performance soar. (Use the string around your finger method if that helps 🙂
- Take responsibility for all aspects of your life by watching every thought, word, action and feeling that you emit. End the practice of blaming others and see that all pain and disappointment are only opportunities for growth and mastery.
- Smile, for the gift of a smile is free. Let your smile grow into laughter and share this with the world.
- See the Light of the soul within all people, knowing that each is a child of the one Creator. Treat all as you yourself would like to be treated, even though some individuals may challenge your patience.
- Never give up on those who appear negative, for the truth is that their need to find love is greater than yours.
- Never forget that a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
- In mastery, one must be willing to assist others out of the brambles. You must be willing to obey your own inner guidance. Find the teacher inside and listen to the wisdom. You not only will become enlightened, but you will also become a Master.
- Never forget that we have embodied in order to live in harmony with others and with the Earth and to increase our awareness of the God-self within. Harmlessness is a basic part of our consciousness and must be accessed if we are to become Masters.
- For every moment of every day there is an appropriate prayer to say. Find the prayer that is right for you in this moment and give thanks that you have the wisdom and insight to recognize it.
Live well my friends, by knowing and exuding your truth everyday. Be strong, resilient and of good courage. ❤️ Julia
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.