One of the best things to come from the trend of marijuana decriminalization is the growth of the medical marijuana industry. Though scientific research into its potential benefits is still in the early stages, more and more ailments are being treated with cannabis sativa and its extracts such as CBD.
There is a growing amount of evidence that CBD can be used as a method of therapy for disorders like schizophrenia, as well as treating certain conditions which can cause or manifest as pain and inflammation. This evidence suggests that CBD has anti-inflammatory qualities on the body.
Let’s look at some of the ways you can use CBD to help treat muscle and joint pain.
What is CBD?
CBD stands for Cannabidiol, which is a chemical substance found in the cannabis sativa plant. Unlike THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not have any psychoactive effects on the human body, that is, it does not make the user “high” and therefore cannot be used for recreational purposes.
CBD balm has quickly become one of the cornerstones of the medical marijuana movement. It is made by extracting CBD oil from the cannabis sativa plant using a process called CO2 supercritical fluid extraction.
This oil can be consumed orally or mixed into a balm using beeswax, coconut oil or shea butter, that is applied on the affected area like a topical ointment or cream.
Why Use CBD Balm?
The beauty of CBD balm is that it is totally organic. This makes it a healthier and safer option to treat muscle and joint pain compared to pharmaceutical medication which is not only expensive but also highly addictive. Lab made drugs can also be toxic to the body, particularly the liver and kidneys.
With opiate abuse on the rise, it is no surprise that more and more people are switching to greener, natural, organic methods of treatment and medication. It is also quite simple to use. All you have to do is spread a generous amount of balm on the aching muscles or joints, then it will sink into the pores of the skin and work its magic.
Benefits of CBD Balm
CBD balm helps relieve pain by soothing the body and stimulating the skin’s natural cannabinoid receptors, which are enmeshed in a complex network of neurotransmitters called the ECS, or endocannabinoid receptor system.
Simply massaging the balm into your skin helps ease muscle soreness and joint pain.
It also has anti-inflammatory properties. The balm’s stimulation of nerve endings works to suppress incoming pain signals in much the same way that local anesthesia does. This effect is amplified by the fact that the balm is absorbed not just in the skin cells but also in sweat glands, hair follicles, and neurotransmitters.
Go Green, Go Organic
You don’t have to take over-the-counter pain medication to manage your aches and pains. There are perfectly natural and holistic methods of treatment that can be just as effective, without using any toxic chemicals that might cause an addiction/dependence or overdosing.
CBD oil has been used for medicinal reasons for thousands of years and is only now experiencing a resurgence due to changing attitudes towards cannabis. Skip the painkillers and opt for a balm instead to soothe your sore muscles and joints.