By Olga Star |
You already may have noticed how many of us are ‘gifted’ with empathetic abilities. It’s a beautiful ability that lets us know how other people feel, it helps us to share the joy on a more profound level, it lets us have insights into other people’s states and adjust our actions accordingly, it helps us to share other people’s pain and ease their emotional burden. People around empaths usually feel better understood. And those who have friends as empaths feel lucky to have them in their lives.
And if you are one of many proud parents to be, chances are very high that your little one will be an empath as well. Empath doesn’t stand for the planetary connection nor does it tell you the origin of your child's-to-be soul. An empath is an ability or a gift if you like.
Though reincarnated angels and elementals are often referred to as an empath, your little treasure can really be from any realm and any walk of cosmic life, human including!
Why is this happening? We are in the age of ascension when the Earth Seeds and many Star Seeds will be able to evolve even higher as one global consciousness. Empaths are the links to facilitate oneness. As the newborns are now reincarnating with abilities ignited if you like, they will not need to go through the drama of many previous generations to understand what it means to be a human. They are here to know how others feel and with the knowledge of how we should feel vibrationally and energetically speaking; even though yes, they will still like to go through a human experience yet somewhat on a ‘surface level’. Based on the information they’ll sense, they’ll intuitively try to shift their friends and family member’s vibrations to more appropriate levels.
Think of empaths as connecting tissue, that facilitates oneness. That, in turn, will assist our improved, (even though somewhat infantile), telepathic communication on a global scale.
Empaths are very important in the process of awakening as well as connecting us with each other. As they are able to sense about us sometimes what we don’t quite identify, they are able to gently guide us to a better state even if only by reducing our pain and emotional confusion ever so slightly that we get just enough strength to move on and not to get stuck in our circles of negativity or emotional trauma, no matter how small or big that can be.