Video Source: Steve Nobel
By Luminita D. Saviuc | Purpose Fairy
“The empath rescuer has learned that taking responsibility for other people’s actions and rescuing them is a sure way of receiving love and attention.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
The Addiction to Fixing and Rescuing Others
The empath rescuer has learned early on in life that taking responsibility for other people and rescuing them from their actions is a sure way of receiving love and attention. Therefore, they give so much of themselves away to the point of self-sacrifice.
Blinded by the programs of their past, they can’t seem to realize that helping is fueled by Love and Empowerment while rescuing by fear and insecurity. In their eyes, rescuing and helping, are the same thing.
Rescuing is a very toxic way of helping that keeps one stuck in a world that is dark and painful. A world infused with shadows, fear, and insecurity. In fact, behind this need to ‘save’ others hide all kind of fears, fears that hurt and harm, not only the ‘rescuer’ but also the ones who are to be ‘rescued.’
Rescuing is not helping, and it surely isn’t Love.
If you are ready and willing to free yourself from this unhealthy pattern of ‘saving’ and ‘rescuing’, use this meditation to move in that direction.