Through out the course of my life I desired to be many things and there was always a common thread. I desired to be the best version of myself. As a result many opportunities for growth have occurred. Some I desired and the unexpected ones took me onto expansive paths I couldn’t have ever planned or dreamed. Those were some of my greatest teachers and I will write about them in the future.
The by-product and huge benefit from working on yourself is clearing your karma. Karma, in simple terms, are events that occur in your life allowing you to follow your original blueprint. This blueprint is to live as the optimum You. As you live your life developing awareness, your consciousness, opportunities for expansion multiply. With that expansion comes peace, joy and bliss, but wait! These beautiful qualities often are coupled with trying events, however the trying feeling fleets. In other words, it doesn’t last long, the season is short. The benefit is long and is cumulative. As you clear your karma, then those around you are positively affected. This also results in all planes of existence: past, present, future.
A pretty cool word and a neat acronym for increasing your ability to grow and expand consciously. Deepak Chopra used this acronym years ago preceding a mediation he wrote. I have summed it up below. Deepak has dedicated his adult life to helping others live SMART and wise, by lovingly writing down his soul in over 80 books. Some of my favorites: Perfect Health, Quantum Healing, The Seven Steps of Spiritual Success, The Healing Self: A Revolutionary New Plan to Supercharge Your Immunity and Stay Well for Life, The Soul of Leadership: Unlocking Your Potential for Greatness, and Creating Affluence, The A – Z Steps for Creating a Richer Life.
Live well by being S.M.A.R.T.
Realize you can go further than you can reach. It requires curiosity and going beyond the limitations of your present knowledge and experience. This prepares your mind for making smart choices in every circumstance that arises in your day. Be specific on your goals.
“Pearls don't lie on the seashore, if you want one you must dive for it.” Chinese proverb
Being a visionary requires a, map to get to the goal. The map shifts everyday. By measuring your progress you stay in control of the unfolding progress.
I control my life, by knowing what comes.
“Success is the progressive of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” Paul J. Meyer.
With your inner self and those around you.
Make decisions when you feel centered and calm. Don't make decisions when you are in discomfort and distress. Never act when you are uncertain. Be patient and wait for the time when you are self possessed and feel good about your decision making. If others show discomfort and misalignment, heed this as a warning that you are not in agreement with your outer reality. Live with your choice from the inside reality for a day before announcing it to others. Do show others that you need advice, counsel and help. Don't pretend to know everything or shut yourself off from other opinions. Seek resolution. Develop an atmosphere of sharing and mutual support.
Centering thought for meditation: My inner and outer worlds mesh perfectly.
Write down your progress. Notice and acknowledge that inner growth, consciousness change is happening. By recognizing the transformations that are happening, we firm up the transformation and establish that change as something real and useful to our further progress. If they are recorded and registered they are like sprouting seeds for continued growth.
Meditation mantra: Om Shreem Namah – I let divine joy, beauty, and abundance into my life.
T…ime limits
Respect and manage time. Even though a true self is timeless, we live and experience sequential time. Dr. Daniel Siegal looked at ways we spend our time. Seven ways that support our wellbeing: Sleep time, physical time (active), focus time, time in (prayer, meditation, or self education), time out (time to be here or rest in existence), play time, connecting time (with those you love). Be conscious of these time events and include them, as possible, in your daily regiment.
Be well my friends and act SMART.
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.