Source: Soul Numerology
To calculate your Expression number you will use the chart below to find the numbers that correspond with the letters of your FULL birth name. Calculate each name individually and reduce, then add those together and reduce again.

Example: Jane Doe Jane = 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 = 12 which reduces to 3(1+2). Next, we take the last name Doe 4 + 6 + 5 = 15 which reduces to 6(1 + 5) to get the final result we take 3 + 6 to reach the Expression number of 9. If you have a middle name be sure to include it as well! The numbers of each individual name can also provide some other underlying themes.
What is the Expression Number?
The Expression Number is also known as the Destiny number. This number describes your inherent traits and often natural talents that you come herewith. It speaks a great deal to your potential and what you can likely accomplish. It is often referred to as a “destiny” number for this reason because it speaks of qualities inherent within you that you can work to develop.
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Meaning of Your Expression Number
Expression 1: This expression number represents the pioneering spirit, the risk taker and someone who is willing to put him/herself “out there” and try new things. Extroverted (typically) and very self-confident, sometimes even a bit too self-centered. This card speaks of someone with the desire to win, who will work harder than most to reach his/her goals. Independent and competitive – always growing and striving.
Expression 2: The natural diplomat is represented with this destiny number. Two people are well-balanced, able to bring people together and reach compromise. They are quite intuitive and can sense the feelings of others which leads to this innate ability for teamwork. Two's embody fairness and balance. They also tend to develop strong musical talents as well due to their natural sense of rhythm and harmony.
Expression 3: The 3 expression number speaks of someone who is very theatrical by nature – very expressive, outgoing, and a natural charmer. People with this number are often drawn towards writing, acting, or the arts – anywhere they can express themselves and share their views with others. Three's are capable of abstract thought and can paint pictures easily with words and communication. They have an innate ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy for everyone to grasp.
Expression 4: People with a 4 expression number are considered down to earth, practical, and orderly. Four people thrive in environments that are well-organized and they love structure and stability. They are often seen as “the rock” or pillar strength in their families and businesses because of their strong sense of duty and discipline.
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Expression 5: The person with the 5 expression number is a natural adventurer, someone who thrives on new experiences and who is a lifelong seeker and learner through hands-on methods. These people are often “jack of all trades” types who are self-taught in many areas and are always wanting to try something new. The 5 expression number is destined to travel, have a variety of experiences and break free of the societal mold that tells us to “do one thing” career-wise, etc. Five's changed their minds often and when they give themselves the freedom to explore they lead very rich and interesting lives.
Expression 6: Six people are driven by a strong sense of duty and often put others ahead of themselves. They are called often to careers that allow them to help others – counselors, health care fields, teaching, etc. People with a 6 expression number tend to measure their own sense of self-worth based on what they do for others. They need to be careful to not be too overprotective and to allow others the freedom to make their own choices in life.
Mark Mad Munki
Explain reducing…I forgot.