In recent years, Stephen Hawking, who suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, was outspoken on a variety of...
Read moreDetailsThe next time a hazardous asteroid lines Earth up in its crosshairs, we may be ready for the threat. Scientists...
Read moreDetailsHawking's answer to the question "What was there before there was anything?" relies on a theory known as the "no-boundary...
Read moreDetailsResearchers from the University of California, Berkeley, have tracked emotions such as compassion, joy, love, and so on versus the...
Read moreDetailsWith scientists performing a famous experiment and proving that reality does not exist until it is measured. The bizarre nature...
Read moreDetailsAnd we can see this inter-connectedness in everything if we just look closely enough. If you're a writer like me,...
Read moreDetailsIf we consider that this scaling applies to human consciousness, then each of us is an individual dimension of reality;...
Read moreDetailsIn this day and age, it almost seems impossible to get away from the noise of everyday life. And what’s...
Read moreDetailsWhile 2017 had some sad moments, like the end of the 20–year-long Cassini mission, we also learnt a huge amount...
Read moreDetailsWhen the wave gains enough speed (faster than light), something amazing happens! It becomes a particle and materializes into physical...
Read moreDetailsMount Agung on the resort island of Bali, which has been rumbling in recent months, erupted on Tuesday afternoon, the...
Read moreDetailsA scalextric powered by the mind is the latest product to make use of our brainwaves. Stephen Sigurnjak, senior lecturer...
Read moreDetailsA new study indicates that oxytocin might make social interactions more rewarding and pleasurable by stimulating our own cannabinoid system.
Read moreDetailsMost of us might not be able to write out Schrodinger’s equation, but many of us have at least heard...
Read moreDetailsCan the season that you were born in affect your personality? New research shows that the season you are born...
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