The "modern" theory of dental disease suggests that we have an almost total lack of power and responsibility concerning this...
Read moreDetailsGreen tea has been a precious drink in traditional Chinese culture for more than 4000 thousand years. Because of its...
Read moreDetailsThe data is clear that, in the end, you could have all the money you've ever wanted, a successful career,...
Read moreDetailsThe existence of strong electric fields across cellular membranes is accepted as a basic fact of cell biology. The fact...
Read moreDetailsProbiotic supplements usually contain approximately 10 billion colony-forming units per capsule – a single 1/2 cup serving of fermented vegetables...
Read moreDetails"Our results suggest that the relaxation response reduced blood pressure -- at least in part -- by altering expression of...
Read moreDetailsBy 2050 the world’s population over age 60 will triple. A new trend known as ‘co-housing’ originating in Denmark, is...
Read moreDetailsWant your brain to run at full capacity? Watch this!
Read moreDetailsThe answer for Type 2 diabetes is to stop feeding your body sugar and burn off the sugar already in...
Read moreDetails92% of the world population are breathing polluted air, which can cause damage to your lungs, heart and other organ...
Read moreDetailsSo-called “preventative” colon cancer tools like colonoscopies can actually greatly INCREASE your risk of colon cancer. Read this and be...
Read moreDetailsResearchers at Indiana University discovered that caffeine and 23 other compounds kick-start an enzyme known as nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyl transferase...
Read moreDetailsThe flu shot may actually make you more susceptible to influenza and other infections — a result linked to heterologous...
Read moreDetailsThe key with avoiding Alzheimer’s is to increase your brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF). Dr. Mercola shows you simple ways to...
Read moreDetailsScraping the tongue is really just as important a practice as teeth brushing, although Western society has not yet embraced...
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