Military experts (and corporatists) rule - at least since the end of WWII. They have pressured every U.S. president to...
Read moreDetailsAs Americans rushed to pay their taxes on Tuesday before the official deadline, peace groups reminded the public of the...
Read moreDetailsThe media’s job, we are told, is to ask skeptical questions about the people in power. That didn’t happen in...
Read moreDetailsA 1983 document signed by former CIA officer Graham Fuller titled, “Bringing Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria” (PDF), states...
Read moreDetailsHolding up the U.N. charter, which allows the use of military force for members only when necessary for self-defense or...
Read moreDetailsIn August 2012, then-President Barack Obama publicly warned the Assad government that the red line for his administration was “a...
Read moreDetailsThe Malaysian government is run by Prime Minister Najib Razak’s who secured majority of the vote in parliament to pass...
Read moreDetailsA district judge in ruled that 13 fossil fuel pipeline protesters were not responsible for any infraction because of the...
Read moreDetailsThe CLOUD Act will also allow the U.S. to enter into agreements that allow the transfer of private data from...
Read moreDetailsDo you think folks behind the scenes who are controlling our government fear anything? Most definitely! The one thing which...
Read moreDetailsWe need a Poor People’s Campaign to amplify the voices of regular folks above the lobby of militarized industry, a...
Read moreDetailsThe Monmouth University Polling Institute found that a whopping 74 percent of pollsters believe in a “deep state” when it...
Read moreDetailsBetween 1.5 and 3.4 million Iraqis have been killed since 2003. Now, as we begin the 16th year of the...
Read moreDetailsThough the Federal government is taking steps to eliminate net neutrality, not all states are playing along. Last week, Washington...
Read moreDetailsA considerable and potentially momentous shift in the need for Seattle to confront its homelessness emergency occurred last week, when...
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