Adding to the mountain of statistical evidence showing the severity of U.S. inequality, an analysis published Friday found that the...
Read moreDetailsIf Dr. Warren were convicted and imprisoned on these absurd charges, he would be a prisoner of conscience.
Read moreDetailsThere’s a rapidly progressing effort to vilify and even criminalize those who express concerns about vaccine safety, and to shut...
Read moreDetailsHere are five examples of things that were once derided as zany conspiracy paranoia and are now accepted as mundane...
Read moreDetailsThe top one-tenth of 1 percent controls as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent, while roughly a fifth of...
Read moreDetailsFreedom of the press is dying as the most hated are being targeted by the establishment, opening up a door...
Read moreDetailsNow is the time to take action. We must urge the UK government to oppose the extradition of this persecuted...
Read moreDetailsEdward Snowden joined the chorus of advocacy groups, reporters, and critics as the NSA whistleblower described the arrest of WikiLeaks founder and...
Read moreDetailsRep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday demanded the release of U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning and called for a ban on...
Read moreDetailsWhen Senate Democrats unveiled legislation to fully restore net neutrality last week, every member of the party's caucus signed on to the...
Read moreDetailsDavid Icke talks about how John Bolton, the National Security Advisor to Trump, is the front man pushing for more...
Read moreDetailsMost Americans support Medicare for All, higher taxes on the rich, a Green New Deal, and other major items on the progressive agenda—so why has...
Read moreDetailsDavid Icke, world famous researcher and theorist talks about the absurdity of QAnon, an obvious psyop meant to distract people...
Read moreDetailsThe Deep State vs the Alliance: What is happening with the sealed indictments? All questions are answered by David Wilcock...
Read moreDetailsThe #QAnon, Q-Anon or Q phenomenon, which started around October 2017, managed to attract a large amount of die-hard followers...
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