With millions of Americans already on the brink of deep poverty, Philip Alston, U.N. Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and...
Read moreDetailsAfter making the widely condemned and erroneous assertion that responsibility for Israel's massacre of more than 50 Palestinians "rests squarely...
Read moreDetailsThe death toll in Gaza increased dramatically on Monday as Israeli Defense Forces opened fire on thousands of Palestinian civilians,...
Read moreDetailsThis month, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9-11 Inquiry, a group representing families of the 9/11 victims, filed a petition with...
Read moreDetailsThe budget blueprint from the Republican Study Committee (RSC)—and titled A Framework of Unified Conservatism—says it "would take unprecedented steps...
Read moreDetailsMilitary experts (and corporatists) rule - at least since the end of WWII. They have pressured every U.S. president to...
Read moreDetailsHolding up the U.N. charter, which allows the use of military force for members only when necessary for self-defense or...
Read moreDetailsIn August 2012, then-President Barack Obama publicly warned the Assad government that the red line for his administration was “a...
Read moreDetailsDo you think folks behind the scenes who are controlling our government fear anything? Most definitely! The one thing which...
Read moreDetailsThe Monmouth University Polling Institute found that a whopping 74 percent of pollsters believe in a “deep state” when it...
Read moreDetailsThe US already does not have a healthy health care system because a powerful minority will not allow it. The...
Read moreDetailsLuke Rudkowski discusses how Trump acted with absolutely no evidence that the Syrian government deliberately attacked their own people and...
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