Now, more than ever, we need to take care of ourselves and each other, so that we can help steer...
Read moreDetailsIf you don’t think you’re smart, perhaps you just don’t know what your intelligence type IS. Read this and find...
Read moreDetailsOn April 1, connect in the heart with all people around the planet who are radiating love and care to...
Read moreDetailsIn a time of social upheaval, even small expressions of solidarity can serve as a wedge against complete acquiescence to...
Read moreDetailsEven in times of social distancing, building a collective, social response to the Coronavirus pandemic is our only salvation. #coronavirus
Read moreDetailsYoung people are demanding change. In the last few days, young Indigenous activists and their supporters blocked parliamentarians in Victoria,...
Read moreDetailsStudent-led anti-fossil fuel campaigns at universities across the country pointed to Georgetown University Friday as the school's board of directors...
Read moreDetailsHomeless in Denver Assisted With Converted Housing
Read moreDetailsDiallo Brooks shares how the Senate Republicans chose to stage a shameful cover-up and protect a lawless, corrupt president. #wethepeople
Read moreDetailsDo you believe that our individual and collective thoughts and prayers create our “reality”? In the Sierra Nevada Mountains along...
Read moreDetailsThe spiritual activist is our natural state of pre-mind-controlled being. The being who has not been pacified by indoctrination to the...
Read moreDetailsSolutions to global issues, and to inequality in all its forms, will not come from comfort and conversation. The solutions...
Read moreDetailsAs we head deeper into a divisive election season—and as we remember Dr. King—it’s worth remembering that our real enemy...
Read moreDetailsBy supporting human rights globalization as a counter-movement to corporate globalization, we can advance people-centered policies and build upon earlier...
Read moreDetailsCraig Kolavo shares how a spiritual revolution is long overdue. A simple shift in awareness is all that is needed....
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