
Related Article: What Is Your Biggest Weakness? Here’s the Answer According to Your Zodiac Sign
If, however, you are not one of those few exceptional cases, fear not. There may be certain indicators that could guide you as to what careers may be suitable for your particular personality type.
Your zodiac sign, or astrological sign, has a significant effect on the specific personality traits that you possess. Different careers are particularly suited to various personality types. Read on to discover what traits are common to each zodiac sign and accordingly, which careers may be best suited to each sign.
1. Aries
March 21 – April 19
Aries, represented by the ram, are strong and determined individuals. They are full of ambition, assertive, outspoken, and dynamic people. As a fire element sign, Arians are traditionally adventurous, active and outgoing. Likewise, they need a lifestyle that reflects their dynamic personalities.
Careers suited to Aries:
- Politician
- Media person
- Entrepreneur
- Adventurist
The following careers that have been suggested for Arians are ones that provide them with a platform on which to voice their strong opinions and establish their place in the world. Furthermore, their relentless ambition is a trait, which will help them as entrepreneurs to succeed or in politics, climb the ranks.
Famous Arians:
Maya Angelou, Kofi Annan, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Downey Jr.
2. Taurus
April 20 – May 20
The defining quality of a Taurus is their need for stability and security. This is something they look for not only in their personal lives, but also in their careers, both in terms of job security and financial security. As individuals, Taureans are reliable, honest, practical, and methodical. They execute well organized and thought out plans and work well with others.
Career suited to Taurus:
- Educationist
- Lawyer
- Nurse
- Public relations person
The above career suggestions all involve hard work and dedication. If they establish themselves well in these professions, they can also benefit from stability and security for the future.
Famous Taureans:
Cate Blanchet, George Clooney, Malcolm X, William Shakespeare, Audrey Hepburn.
Related Article: Discover Your Native American Zodiac and What It Means
3. Gemini
May 21 – June 20
The symbol of Gemini is the twins. These individuals are terminally curious, mischievous, multi-faceted, and thirsty souls. Gemini is probably the most social and talkative of the zodiac signs. They tend to be better suited to careers that provide a social outlet and a lot of variety. Versatile beyond imagination, they tend to change careers many times. A willingness to try anything once brings them closer to their goals. Other traits, which are dominant among Gemini’s, include adaptability, balance, and flexibility.
Careers suited to Gemini:
- Journalist
- Traveler
- Actor
- Media person
The above career paths are filled with enough variety to satisfy Gemini’s curious natures. Furthermore, the fact that these careers are not your standard, run-of-the-mill desk jobs, will suit Gemini’s who need freshness and new things to try.
Famous Gemini’s:
Angelina Jolie, Walt Whitman, Bill Hader, Johnny Depp, Rafael Nadal.
4. Cancer
June 21 – July 22
The crab is a tough creature on the outside but soft and gentle on the inside. This zodiac sign is governed by the Moon, and as such, these individuals are often described as enigmas. They are also energetic, dramatic, kindhearted, imaginative and protective.
Careers suited to Cancer:
- Lawyer
- Psychologist
- Oceanographer
- Baker
The following careers suit Cancer’s protective and nurturing instincts. As a lawyer or a psychologist, Cancers can help individuals in need. Oceanography is particularly well suited to Cancers because they have crab for a zodiac symbol with strong connections to the ocean. Becoming a baker would allow them to exercise their creative skills and enjoy comforting and nurturing their customers with their food.
Famous Cancers:
Nelson Mandela, Harrison Ford, Pablo Neruda, Lionel Messi, Meryl Streep, Malala Yousafzai.
5. Leo
July 23 – August 22
The roaring lion; Leo’s are born leaders. These individuals are charismatic, positive-thinking, fearless, inspiring, and independent. Their inborn ability to assume leadership roles makes them good candidates for roles, which will bring them into the spotlight or in positions of power. They have very gregarious personalities and are good-humored. This makes them very likable and their positive attitude and hard work result in many opportunities presenting themselves to these individuals.
Careers suited to Leo:
- Managerial positions
- Editor
- Actor
The above careers are all the ones, which allow Leos to look and feel important. Leo’s are goal-oriented and competitive, and their work ethic and personality usually results in them becoming well-known and liked within their chosen field.
Famous Leos:
Barack Obama, Jennifer Lawrence, Usain Bolt, Madonna, Steve Carell.
6. Virgo
August 23 – September 22
Virgos are perfectionists by nature. They have a keen eye for detail and are meticulous when it comes to executing any plans. These individuals are very organized, hard-working, and helpful. Virgos require stability. They don’t like to be curve-balled. Many Virgos also pick up languages very quickly.
Careers suited to Virgo:
- Investigator or detective
- Translator
- Editor
- Statistician
Each of the above-suggested careers requires individuals to have a keen eye for detail. In addition, Virgos are adept at abstract thinking, and these jobs also require that ability.
Famous Virgos:
Beyoncé, Jimmy Fallon, Sean Connery, Colin Firth, Mother Teresa, George R.R Martin.
7. Libra
September 23 – October 22
Like its astrological symbol, Libra’s are all about a balance of scales. These individuals are diplomatic, sociable, charismatic, and work really well with other people. Libras love excitement, new situations, and adventure. They are able to make friends with people from all walks of life and are always eager to try something new and exciting with enthusiasm. Libras cannot find themselves in a boring or monotonous work environment; they need excitement and contact with people.
Careers suited to Libra:
- Lawyer
- Mediator
- Diplomat
- Social Worker
All of the suggested careers for Libras allow them to take part in engaging and challenging work with ample interaction with other people.
Famous Libras:
Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams, John Lennon, Anne Rice, Margaret Thatcher.
Most of the celebrities have career that differs from ur suggestions!
Dont agree
Astrology is rubbish. Period.
Marie Fahy if that is in fact your real name ???
I can’t see Pisces ?
Aly Kemmerly
I think the examples given of the “famous” people (why not wise people?) are mediocre, especially in regards to Leo. I don’t relate to any of those people stated here, but I know that there were/are quite a few wise people, who had left a legacy that is contributing to the Awaken of the Human Spirit. They are Carl Jung (born on the 26 July) and Aldus Huxley (Born on 26 July).
completement faux faudra refaire vos devoirs