By Sylvia Smith
Entrepreneurs have the drive and determination to build a business from the ground up. But that doesn't mean they were born this way. For married entrepreneurs, the start of true leadership begins at home. The way an entrepreneur behaves behind closed doors says a lot about their character, qualities, and skills.
Marriage is an amazing gift for entrepreneurs. It broadens the mind and expands how leaders think and communicate both in a professional setting and in their personal relationships. One partner can have a positive influence on one another and builds each other up. This, in turn, helps individuals to develop positive qualities and show empathy.
Marriage and business have a lot in common. Both require passion, time, and energy. And undoubtedly, both of them require a partnership to make them a success. Here are 6 reasons why married entrepreneurs make the best leaders.
1. Happier Leaders
Married entrepreneurs are happy entrepreneurs. They have a wonderful support system at home that makes them feel valued and satisfied in life.
Don’t underestimate the power of a happy leader. Studies reveal that couples who laugh together feel more satisfied and supported in their relationships. Not only will this positive and cheerful attitude make team interactions easier, but the leader will also have less stress to deal with.
Stress can have a negative impact on a person's mental and physical health. Stress and anxiety have been attributed to poor mental health. Physical symptoms of stress include high blood pressure, upset stomach, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.
Happy people have less stress. Not only does this make them more pleasant to be around, but it also helps prevent such problems as depression, diabetes, and serious heart problems. This leaves them with plenty of energy to devote to their team.
2. The Power of Compromise
Compromising is often easier said than done. Partners agree to meet in the middle or concede to something your spouse wants in order to be agreeable and keep the peace.
Marriage is all about compromise. From small things like what to have for dinner to bigger issues like when to start a family or moving across the country.
Leading a team is not always going to go the way an entrepreneur may have planned it. But, it is important for them to listen to their team and make concessions when it is reasonable to do so.
By cooperating and compromising to please their team, the entrepreneur raises morale and makes the team feel acknowledged and valued.
3. The Ability to Have Empathy
One positive quality of a natural born leader is the ability to empathize with those around them.
Empathy is essential for a marriage. Getting married is all about bonding two lives together and caring for a partner the way one would care for themselves. They must be able to understand one another on a deep level. Once they do, couples develop an emotional intuition about one another and are able to relate and sympathize.
When an entrepreneur has empathy, they are able to understand their team and their clientele. Empathy also has a unique way of boosting productivity. One study shows how lifeguards drastically increased their productivity at work after ready stories about how their work has helped people. Why? Because they heightened their empathy.
4. Conflict Resolution Skills
Having a healthy conflict resolution is an absolute essential for a happy marriage. Differences and arguments are bound to happen occasionally. How they are handled says a lot about the couple, and the leader, in question.
Typically, arguments occur when one person is not happy with a particular situation. Married entrepreneurs know that in order to resolve conflict, they must get to the heart of the matter.
A marriage thrives when a partner feels understood and acknowledged, as does a team. Listening is a huge part of communication and conflict resolution. A married entrepreneur knows they must allow their partner or team to speak their mind openly and without interruption.
Many couples can get carried away arguing or using disagreement as an opportunity to hurl insults at one another, but this doesn't help anyone. Not in business and not at home. Once the problem is out in the open, couples should continue the conversation with a view to solving the issue at hand.
5. They Make Smarter Decisions
A leader does not make decisions on a whim. They put a lot of time and consideration into the team choices they make. This is a quality that is most definitely learned from being married.
At home, entrepreneurs make decisions as a team with their spouse. Couples sit together and give their honest opinion about a matter before making any rash choices. They are considerate of one another's feelings and work hard to make a choice that will benefit both partners.
Similarly, a true leader will be able to make wise decisions that benefit their business and boost team morale at the same time.
6. They Treat Others Well
Research shows that couples who express gratitude and appreciation for one another on a regular basis significantly boost their levels of relationship satisfaction.
Entrepreneurs don't build a successful marriage by being rude or cruel to their partners. Just the opposite! They take the time to get to know their spouse and nurture the bond they share. They make regular date nights with their spouse so that they can reconnect and deepen their connection.
Married entrepreneurs also know that showing respect for other’s feelings is an absolute must for business and love. This principle applies at home and in business. They must show kindness, respect, and gratitude for their team if they expect to succeed.
Married entrepreneurs have been given the opportunity to learn important social skills from their romantic relationship. By showing empathy, respect, being reliable, and never giving up, entrepreneurs show true leadership skills that they have gained through marriage. These positive qualities learned at home can mean a huge success in business.
Author Bio:
Sylvia Smith is a writer who likes to write about relationships and how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. She is currently associated with She is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt its principles in their relationships. By taking purposeful and intentional action, Sylvia feels any relationship or marriage can be transformed and truly enjoyed.
The whole premise for this piece is flawed. Thats IMHO, but I guess Im a 2nd class citizen because Im single. Not.