By Veronica Monet | Your Tango
Can you handle it?
Does your sex life fulfill all of your fantasies? Are you enjoying the best sex of your life? Or is there something more you dream of and wish for?
No matter how awesome the sex you are currently having is, there is the possibility for more. … But more what?
Many people imagine that a new pill, potion or position is the key to an exciting sex life. It seems everyone wants a quick fix, something that will magically transform boredom and routine into a thrilling joy ride of coital bliss. And sometimes those pills, potions, and positions can accomplish just that — for the short term.
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But eventually, even new thrills can become empty and boring. And predictably, the search usually resumes for something new and exciting to fulfill our fantasies of what sex should be like. Does this mean that we are doomed to a life of uninspired sexual routine or, conversely, the endless pursuit of one momentary sexual high after another?
No — it all depends upon the erotic path you choose.
If you are willing to invest as much time and effort in your sex life as you do in your favorite sport or hobby, sex can be catapulted into a high art form which has the potential to exceed your wildest dreams.
Sex, like much of the rest of life, is shaped by our intentions as well as our technique. If your approach toward sex is oriented to simply having fun, then your sexual experiences will tend to be more superficial than heart centered. But if you combine your sexuality with your spirituality, you can open erotic doors which transcend the mundane and literally launch you into a world defined by other dimensions.
Although an erotic journey of this nature can involve a variety of teachings and practices, here are five of the most basic elements designed to take your sex to the next level:
1. Perfect Your Touch
You can touch something or you can touch your own desire. When you allow your hands and your finger tips to find their pleasure, your touch will naturally create pleasure in the person you are touching. Shift your focus from how you are touching and how you imagine your lover feels and instead allow the pure joy of touching to excite your senses.
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The energy in your body radiates past the confines of your skin. Learn to sense this energy by holding the palms of your hands about a half inch to an inch apart and gently push at the space in between your hands. Notice how it feels when your hands come close to each other and how it feels as they move away.
Can you feel the energy generated by the palms of your hands? This is what you want to touch your lover with. You want to learn to direct that energy so that your touch extends past your fingertips.
2. Master Your Breath
Everyone breathes deeper and more frequently when they are sexually aroused. But unfortunately, many of us have learned to hold our breath when we orgasm. For some, holding our breath seemed like a wise way to avoid making noise and getting “caught” masturbating or having sex when we were younger.
It can take some practice to unlearn this habit, but it is important that you allow yourself to breathe while you orgasm if you want to take your sexual pleasure to the next level. If you learn to breathe during your arousal and through your orgasms, you may be surprised how receptive your body is to continued arousal and multiple orgasms. Conscious breathing exercises including some yoga practices and meditation techniques are an excellent way to master the art of breathing yourself to an ecstatic state of being.
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When you know how to raise your sexual excitement with your breath, your ability to experience pleasure is enlarged. Plus another benefit is an increased ability to connect with another person intimately. The breath unleashes emotions and when we breathe deeply, we feel our emotions more intensely. Allowing these emotions to the surface during sex creates more intense sexual and emotional sharing.
3. Expand Your Consciousness
Not only do meditation and yoga provide conscious breathing techniques which can enhance the enjoyment of sex, meditation and yoga can also expand your ability to sustain your awareness and focus. The ability to stay present with yourself, your lover and your pleasure is a crucial feature of heightened states of sexual arousal. Sex which is deprived of these deeper abilities is not nearly as satisfying as sex which occurs in a state of expanded awareness.
It may seem counterintuitive, but more awareness and more pleasure can be very confronting and even frightening until you become familiar with the emotional terrain. A torrent of buried emotions can surface, creating confusion and fear. Which is why you need to…
“handful”? LoL
Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don’t wait. Because right now is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll be…ever again.
Gotta steal this one!!! Love this… Thank you … ?
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And don’t compare a rape victim who suffers from PTSD to a combat soldier who suffers from PTSD and imply that one has more right to the disorder than I like: Want to have a spectacular sex life? Here are a handful of ways you can take your love-making to theNews, Articles, and Information for Conscious Living on Planet Earth
yeh. i’d like to add a man to my atm un-specky sex life.