By Bembu
When you see the words “fat burning foods” are you a bit skeptical? I mean, it’s pretty hard to believe that putting more calories, fats, and carbs into your body could actually lead to weight loss. But there are some health foods that have a very high thermogenic effect and can burn calories as you digest them. There are also foods that boost the metabolism and trigger hormones that fight fat. So grab your fork and dig into these 36 fat burning foods that help you ditch those pesky pounds!
1) Tomatoes
Is it a fruit? Is it a vegetable? Who cares? All you need to know is that it’s got a ton of good things for your body to help you burn fat and lose weight! A team of Japanese researchers discovered a powerful fat-blasting compound in tomatoes called 9-oxo-ODA. Other studies have found the beta-carotene and lycopene in tomatoes benefit fat loss. Researchers found people who eat beta-carotene and lycopene-rich diets have smaller waists and lower belly fat.
Additionally, tomatoes are low-calorie, low-fat, and rich in fiber! Like any bona fide superfood, tomatoes bring more to the table than just weight loss. They contain antioxidants that ward off various diseases and illnesses. So next time you go food shopping, be sure to add tomatoes to your cart.
2) Grapefruit
Grapefruit doesn’t tend to make it onto many people’s shopping lists, but it should. In regards to weight loss, the long-standing myth that grapefruit promotes weight loss is turning out to be true. In one study published in the journal Metabolism, researchers found participants who ate grapefruit for six weeks lost a full inch off their waistlines. In a separate study with 91 obese individuals, researchers found participants who ate half a fresh grapefruit before meals lost 3.5 pounds over a 12 week period. There are numerous other studies that have reached these same findings.
Along with activating fat burning hormones, grapefruits have been shown to keep people feeling full and suppressing appetite. If you don’t have time to eat a whole grapefruit, you can always make fresh grapefruit juice and take it on-the-go!
3) Spices
There’s no need to eat bland and boring food when you’re trying to lose weight. This is a great time to experiment with seasonings from different cultures. Many of them have thermogenic properties that boost metabolism while simultaneously making some so-so dishes taste like they’re from a restaurant.
Some examples: Mustard seed will spice up your entree as well as rev your metabolism, ginger can help with your digestion, ginseng can boost your energy, and black pepper can help burn calories. Then there’s the yellow magic spice turmeric. If you like Indian food then chances are you will like turmeric. Along with a delicious flavor, turmeric can help break up fat.
4) Hot Peppers
If you like your food hot then I’ve got some great news for you! Hot peppers like habaneros, jalapenos, and chipotles can actually help you to lose weight while also adding a kick to food. That’s because they contain capsaicin, which provides several benefits that relate to losing weight. One of the main benefits of capsaicin is its ability to convert food into energy, which speeds up abdominal fat loss.
If you’re worried that eating such hot peppers can somehow burn a hole in your stomach, recent research shows they may actually help to prevent stomach problems, like ulcers, by killing the bad bacteria responsible. So fire away!
5) Cinnamon
Don’t underestimate the power of cinnamon … it’s not just for baking anymore. You can get weight loss benefits simply by adding more cinnamon to your diet. Just consuming a teaspoon a day is showing positive results. What causes the magic? It’s the way that cinnamon helps to regulate your blood glucose levels. These levels play a major part in how you feel throughout the day — how energetic you are or how sluggish you feel. Maintaining good blood sugar levels can also help you crush cravings. Just make sure that you’re not counting that cinnamon on your cinnamon roll!
6) Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Acidic foods can increase the rate at which your body burns up carbs. They can also give your metabolism a good boost, which can lead to weight loss. Apple cider vinegar is no exception. The enzymes found in apple cider vinegar help digest food and regulate blood sugar levels. As I mentioned above, this can help crush food cravings.
Aside from adding apple cider vinegar to a salad, you can also simply add a spoonful to a glass of water and drink the mixture about 30 minutes before eating. When it comes to what brand of apple cider vinegar you use, though, don’t judge a book by its cover. Rather than using a crystal clear vinegar, you’ll want to use one that looks murky and has a cobweb-like substance floating in it. This is actually desired. It’s called the “mother,” which means it still contains beneficial compounds (including beneficial probiotics).
7) Apples
Apples are often viewed as the ultimate health food and rightfully so. They offer the body many health benefits, including weight loss. That’s partly because apples are high in pectin, which binds with water and limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Additionally, apples are high in fiber, which makes you feel full for longer. Just be sure to chew your apple really well before swallowing and go organic so you can leave the peel on! Did you know the peel is loaded with beneficial nutrients?
8) Pears
Pears often get overlooked as the long lost cousin to apples, but they too offer a host of benefits, including weight loss. Just like with apples, pears contain pectin and are rich in fiber, which helps beat mid-morning or afternoon snacking. If you don’t keep pears in your house, then it’s time to start. You can eat them plain as a snack or you can cook with them!