1. Clearly show how much everybody loves your product
Before a customers buy your product they are often going to hesitate. What is the first thing that a hesitant buyer does? – He looks for reviews. So you need to make sure you have reviews on your product page. This is really important. Even if you have to go through the painstaking work of calling every person that buys your product initially to get them to leave a review, it's well worth the investment of your time, because the more reviews you have on your product page, the more people are going to see that and they're going to convert, right?
You're going to have a low conversion rate if you have no reviews. How many ecommerce or dropshipping sites have you been to where you looked at a product and you thought, “Hmm, that looks pretty good” and you went and you clicked to the review tab and there was literally nothing there? I'm probably pretty sure you left that site, right? That's what all of your customers are doing as well, unless you get reviews. If you have reviews there, they're actually going to check out, which is money in your pocket, which is particularly important if you’re in the aliexpress dropshipping niche.
2. Make checkout really easy
Have your checkout button be massive, or you add to cart button be massive. Make it super simple. You have to dummy proof it. You don't want any friction in here. If you have any friction, if they have to hunt for anything to add something to their cart, once they add it to their cart and then keep shopping, if they have to struggle like a scavenger hunt to find your cart, that's a problem. You need to make this really, really clear. Test it on your grandma, right? Go to your neighbour that doesn't seem very tech savvy and see if they can do it. At the end of the day you need to make sure that your checkout process is really smooth and tight.
3. Make it easy for people to share your product online.
A lot of times somebody will buys something and they're excited about it, right? They're in an emotional state. So if it's easy for them to share this on social media so that their friends can see what they just bought, that's an easy way for you to get more sales, right? I would call that a twofer. Where somebody buys something and they share it and then their friend buys something, that's called a twofer. The more twofers you can get, the more profitability you're going to have because the second person that comes to buy, that was free, right? So make it really easy for them to share this information online and you're going to get more sales. Okay, so there's my seven tips, but I got two hidden power tips for you I'm going to pull out.
Power tip number one is you have to make sure you test your store and your product page on mobile. Everybody's buying mobily now. I understand your probably designing your product page on your desktop computer, right? It's easier, you probably uploaded your picture, you added your description and it probably looks really good to you, but if you didn't test it on your phone, you're missing out, because everybody's buying on their phone, right? Put yourself in their shoes, like where are you shopping? Probably when you're sitting on your couch, right? On your phone, you're not at home on a computer, so all of your consumers are doing this too.
So you need to make sure your mobile site loads quick and it looks good. If it does those two things, you're probably going to get a lot more sales. Power tip number two is to compare your E-commerce store and your product pages with your competitors. Go and look at every single one of them and for this you need to try to be like unbiased. You need to just pretend you don't own your business and look at all of those different product pages and stores and ask yourself this question, would you buy from you or would you buy from your competitor? Because if you would buy from your competitor, you have some problems to fix. You need to make sure that your product page and your E-commerce store is so good that it is always the number one choice. And if that is the case, you're going to kill it online.