By Luminita D. Saviuc | Purpose Fairy
This is a different kind of New Year’s Resolutions List, a list that’s meant to help you do the things you want to do, while at the same time learning to be calm, flexible, open and receptive when things don’t go as planned. Because you and I know that life doesn’t always go as planned, and that’s okay.
15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually Make
1. Be open and receptive.
Be open and receptive to whatever life sends your way.
2. Allow.
Allow life to shape you and to mold you in a majestical and graceful way.
3. Surrender.
Surrender to what is.
4. Let go.
Let go of fixed plans and concepts and allow events to follow their natural course.
5. Accept.
Accept life unconditionally and trust that it’s all happening for your highest good.
6. Embrace.
Embrace with grace all that you face.
7. Be soft.
Be soft, fluid and yielding, just like water is, and you will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.
8. Trust.
Trust the wisdom of life more than your own wisdom.
9. Treasure the moment.
Treasure the moment. Don’t let it pass by you unnoticed.
10. Be of good cheer.
Be of good cheer, there is always another way.