By Luminita D. Saviuc | Purpose Fairy
Each and every one of us is a piece of divinity. And through our words, actions and behaviors, we need to learn how to become a reflection this Truth. We need to learn how to honor all that Life created us to be and start doing all the amazing things we came here to do. And today I would like to share with you a list of things that’s meant to help you move in that direction.
Here are 13 things you should start doing for yourself today so that you can remember your beauty and perfection and start living the wonderful and meaningful life you came here to live.
1. Surround Yourself With Good People
2. Take Time To Breathe
Take deep breaths throughout the day. Breathe in Peace and breathe out stress. Breathe in Love, and breathe out upset. Breathe in Life, and breathe out everything that no longer serves you.
3. Take Your Brain Off Autopilot
Take your brain off autopilot and allow your mind to reconnect with your heart and your body to reconnect with your soul. Bring awareness into your everyday life and choose to do all things in a conscious way.
4. Be Gentle With Yourself
Practice gentleness towards yourself and everyone around you. Be gentle with your weaknesses and your so called mistakes. Be gentle with your flaws and all your imperfections. Be gentle with yourself and be gentle with the world around you.
5. Listen
Listen to the sound of silence. Listen to your body. Listen to your heart. Listen to your inner guidance. Listen to the wisdom of your soul. Listen to what Life is trying to tell you.
6. Honor Yourself
When you honor and respect yourself, you honor and respect the whole humanity. So honor your beauty, your grace, your wisdom, your power and your confidence. Honor all that you are and all that life created you to be.
7. Walk By Knowing, Not By Sight
Focus more on what you Know in your heart to be true for you, and less on what the world wants you to see. Trust your heart and intuition more than you trust what’s in front of you. Walk by Knowing, not by sight.
Spend at least 10 minutes each day to learn something new about that which makes your heart sing. Take time to learn more about the things you’re passionate about and let allow this passion to help you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams.
9. Pay Close Attention To Your Energy
Pay close attention to your energy levels and how you feel around certain people. “Pay attention to whom your energy increases and decreases around because that’s the universe giving you a hint of who you should embrace or stray from.” ~ Unknown Author