By Carissa Chesanek | The Talko
As women, we are so scared to be naked. Most of us loathe looking in the mirror because all we see are the things we hate: stretch marks, cellulite, bloated tummy. With all these imperfections, how can we possibly feel good about being naked? Especially in front of someone else? Well, it’s easy. Get naked and stay naked. Once we see what is in front of us, we can be on our way to appreciate what we have: a gorgeous, healthy body that is capable of anything. And that’s just one of the many benefits of being naked more. There are so many other reasons why stripping down to your birthday suit is a total must. If you are looking for an instant way to feel better about yourself and your body, check out these 12 reasons why you will want to get naked now – and stay naked.
Related Article: Be Free: 10 Places You Can Be Naked In Public and Blend Right In
12) Appreciate The Real You
When you’re naked, you see all of you. There are no clothes to cover up those imperfections you dwell on, or towel to shy you away from the mirror. Great! Take a good look and get to know the real you. All of you. Not just the you that looks good stuffed in those skinny jeans – even though, you do look good in those jeans. Embrace your entire body and appreciate it for what it does for you every day. Appreciate your flaws and imperfections that make you who you are. No one is perfect and no one has a perfect figure. When you get to know who you are and start to appreciate it, you will be able to get over that annoying stigma that a woman is supposed to look like a Barbie doll.
11) It’s Fun
Come on, being naked is so much more fun than wearing clothes! Your clothes can irritate your skin or get stuck in annoying places (camel toe anyone?). When you are naked, you don’t have to worry about any clothes getting in the way. And there is something sort of intoxicating about being naked. It’s so freeing, especially once you begin feeling more comfortable in your own skin. Walking around in the nude allows you to feel anything and everything, too. A sudden breeze near the window, the heat from the stove ( just don’t get too close) and the cold from the freezer. Give it a try and see how fun it is!
10) Swimming Naked Is Better
Sure, we know you have a ton of adorable bikinis you love sporting on the beach, but nothing beats your birthday suit. Okay, so maybe you won’t be doing this during the day on a public, non-nudist beach, but you might want to do at night with that someone special, or in your own pool hidden behind a fence so your neighbors don’t see (even if the thought of them peeking is kind of sexy). Skinny dipping is awesome because you feel completely free in the water and it just feels downright delicious swimming around in the nude.
Related Article: Is Being Naked Better For You?
9) It’s Healthy
Do you know it’s actually healthier to be nude? Well, it is. When your skin is exposed it actually helps fight off some fatty tissue which can help lose weight and stay healthy. Kind of cool, right? Your skin can also get irritated by wearing clothes. During those cold winter months, we are all bundled up and covering our skin from head-to-toe which can cause some serious irritation. Wool and heavy fabrics can make your skin itchy and dry, which is anything but healthy. So strip down, slather on the lotion and begin feeling the benefits of being naked.
8) No Tan Lines
Sunbathing in the nude is so much better than doing it in a bikini, because there are no tan lines, to worry about. But that’s not all. While no tan lines are great, there are other stellar benefits to soaking up the sun when you’re naked. One being able to get more vitamin D, which is what most of us lack especially in the winter months. This added vitamin D will actually help boost your immune system, keeping you healthier and happier as it’s proven to help your mood. Just remember when you are out in the sun to be sure to use plenty of sunblocks. You don’t want to burn those lady parts.
7) Feel Better In Clothes
If you feel good naked, there’s no way you won’t feel amazing in clothes. Once you are comfortable with your body, you will be able to choose the right clothes that actually fit your body type. Instead of shying away from showing off your curves with baggy clothes, you’ll want to show off your shape with items that fit your body, making you feel sexy and confident. Here are the thing ladies, it’s not the clothes that make us, it’s the way we feel about ourselves that make us who we are. These clothes simply help accentuate our shape and the way we feel about it.
Related Article: 5 Surprising Ways Sleeping Naked Can Benefit You
6) You Can Do The Deed Without Worrying About Your Body
As women, so many of us worry about how our body looks when we are having sex. Instead of just enjoying the moment (which we should be doing!), we are worrying about how our bodies look to the other person. What are they thinking? Do they think my thighs are too big? Are my breasts too saggy? We’re constantly wondering what others think because we are so hard on ourselves and see so many flaws. When you are comfortable being naked in front of yourself, you’ll be comfortable being naked in front of others. This will result in much better sex because you won’t be worrying about anything but giving and receiving another orgasm.
. Oh .
I’m always sitting nude on the grass.
Wouldn’t do that, but your choice.
I sleep naked. I love it.
I am doing a week trial of it, hope you are right.
I’d be naked 24-7 if I could. Besides sleeping I hardly ever wear clothes when I’m home. Undies if anything. It’s so much more comfortable. No joke
Just go full naked bro, not like anyone is watching…
Me, naked all the time
That would be me, if school didn’t interfere.
Sounds good to me……cloths are coming off now I don’t need 12 reasons.
Thank God i am moving alone in one month i will be sleeping naked everyday oh yeah baby.
I would be naked all the time if the seasons permitted.
But don’t Even talk to me about getting naked right now it’s cold outside it has to be at least 50 or something here in Houston I need my parka hahaha
#knewit #wearedoingitright Michelle Durst ?
Y. We were born naked. Clothes are for protection from the weather and vanity. IMHO.
Man, never knew the benefits of this, wouldn’t sit outside named, but when practicing on my piano, stripping right down babe! I am also naked right now typing this, going to sleep naked this day on!!! That is great research! When I move out, skinny dipping every afternoon when I get home. Big upgrade from boardshorts but much better! Love the idea of being naked! Yeah!
Even sitting with my dog the shirt will come off. Doing homework in my room, shut the door and strip right down baby!