By Lily |
We all know that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, right?
Many people do not realize their supercharged energy can cause electronic and electric appliance interference.
Yes!!! And I want to admit I am one of those people.
Sometimes really WEIRD things happen when I am super excited, charged, loaded with a lot of energy, even when I am super happy or upset, when while asleep or when in the presence of people with high energetic vibrations.
Let me tell you, it can be frustrating, it can get annoying if this type of energy runs for way long, so it is good practice to get centered, grounded, breath deeply, say a prayer and make peace with these energies, so your energies won’t act up and cause electronic interferences.
Sliders: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena
Despite the name, Sliders phenomena are not limited to street lights only. Often folks who have this “ability” can’t wear watches; they will stop working within a couple of days, regardless of how many new batteries are put in them.
They also affect other electrical appliances such as headlights and alternators in automotive vehicles, light bulbs and computers. Light bulbs may blow every time a “Slider” touches a lamp or a light switch.
Computers may freeze up or experience other problems. CD players may change tracks suddenly whenever a Slider is near. Magnetic phenomena may also manifest. For example, sliders may be unable to use credit cards because the cards become unreadable after they’ve been carried on their person. They can cause an irregular EKG.
Those who share these experiences are usually relieved to hear that they are not alone. Most have spent years questioning what was happening, until eventually they were convinced that something unusual was going on. Most independently report that high emotion plays a key role in such experiences. When they are upset, angry or simply very excited, the phenomena really kick in.
Super-charged bioenergy fields (auras) seem to be the cause. The human nervous system is chemical and electrical in nature. Neurotransmitters are electrical impulses. When we are emotionally wound up, our nervous systems light up like a busy switchboard.
While in most people this does not affect street lights, etc., in people who already have very high energy, getting revved up can boost them to a level where they actually affect electrical systems around them in noticeable ways. Many electrical appliances are easily affected or damaged by sparks of high voltage electricity. We might say that high energy people who are revved up send off “sparks” that trip or blow fuses.
As for what causes this, the theories vary. On the down-to-earth side of the spectrum, theorists suggest that these phenomena are entirely explainable in bioenergetic terms, though why some people seem to have higher energy than others, no one knows. As I see it, everything is related, so it’s impossible to explain anything on a purely physical level.
Everything in the universe is energy. Everything that appears to be solid is in fact almost entirely empty space with patterns of energy running through it. Our bodies vibrate at a frequency of approximately 8 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Should our frequency become abnormally high or low, unusual things electrically-oriented things might begin to happen.
This shift in frequency could have a number of different causes. Many who have had near death experiences report having slider phenomena happen from that point forward. Other sliders have been struck by lightning or suffered a major electrical shock at some point in the past. Still others claim to have had UFO or alien experiences.
Some theorists claim that humans who have lived on other planets in previous lives will be born on earth with different energy and abilities, including the slider-type phenomena. For more information, search the ‘net for “star seed,” “Indigo children,” or “Indigo adults.” In any case, it appears that something alters sliders’ energetic frequencies, thus causing unusual electrical phenomena.
It’s important to note that electrical phenomena following the death of a loved one or following attempts at communication with loved ones in Spirit are often efforts by spirits to get our attention. Just as our own energy can affect electrical systems, so can the energy of spirits. In fact, working with non-physical energy/electricity is the easiest way for them to affect physical reality. Not all anomalous electrical manifestations are Slider situations.
At the same time, many “electric people” also report a high degree of psychic ability or related experiences. This only makes sense, since “high energy” means “high vibration,” which is the foundation of psychic development. These people not only “transmit” their own energy to other electrical systems, they also “receive” energy from them. They are very sensitive to high-energy environments and situations, often painfully so.
For example, they may “feel” discomfort if a fluorescent light is on anywhere in the house. As Vicki Noble explains in Shakti Woman, “Whereas it seems that the skin is the boundary of the person in ‘normal’ reality, when that same person opens psychically, the boundary expands. The person feels herself extending out beyond the body, taking up more space, feeling things in an extrasensory way. What we took for granted as a kind of density in the physical realm is suddenly called into question on every level.”
Here is one video from a female slider where she talks about her experience:
Video Source: Husky Light
I set off alarms, lights go off when I walk under them, the television goes to a snow picture, I interfere with the radio, and I can hear electric.. In that I hear a high pitched sound and within two weeks the item I hear doing this fails to work.
Video please.
I don’t know and pardon the commentary.
But street and house lighting die all the time wen I pass them
Think it’s lightning but coincidentally follows my emotions when I speak Idk
Pretty weird
I can influence a connection by phone with computers…If I speak to someone over the phone by ordering a product for example..their computer freezes their end or goes off line my end, always..not once have I had a ‘good connection’ so frustrating..our home computers freezes or just does not work when I come near them..I seem to know about bad weather that maybe coming by just looking at the sky, I have no idea on how I can predict this, colour is a good indicator, but my prediction is very precise..better than the weather forecaster …
My verdict is this..I did not trust or believe in a higher being.. Now I do believe but I have to trust..a journey for oneself, then to pass onto others…not yet my me..x
I have same feeling. I died and was brought back with induced coma. Since then its obxious like all shades snap or plastic bottles bang. Etc. I dont share info but last dentist appt his drill shut down. Wierd. I wonder if healing is involved
With out getting to personal… have you ever been traumatized in a way that included loud noises? Could it be some type of post traumatic syndrom? I have the same issue but I am a survivor of a violent crime(loud noises included). Iif someone drops a book or a car back fires near me I am under the nearest table. I can’t even be around fire works without sweating bullets and feeling like freeking out. How long ago was the coma? Healing comes in all forms. The subconscious mind is very powerful.
I am and it happens to me you are not alone
you bettcha..healing…shut down that drill..
i told my partner…none as dramatic as yours…can’t wear watches….trried quitting smoking with e-cigarettes drain battery in 1/2 hr……i have seccond side…….which i have often wondered if it was related
Everything fucks up around me
My last broke
I just got a new one
Everything keeps getting messed up on it
My is a geek about electronics and he can’t figure it out why everything gets messed up around me
And Everytime there is a storm the top of my head goes crazy
It feels like electrical pulses are getting through it and I can’t sleep concentrate or anything
It’s driving me crazy
What can you do to stop it?
I understand for years I pass my heating system would be on but when I walk pass it would go off. Some time I would be cold and the system would be off when I get up to turn it on going forward to turn it on it would turn on before I get there . This happen all the time now . And there are other thing also. Thank for read. My grand daughter send me this enformation tonight.
I totally know what you mean. I was scheduled for augmentation surgery and the fan in my living room kept slowing down and speeding up. Of course I thought it was just dying. Then after surgery I heard the nurse talking to the manufacturer of the operating table because the hydraulics has failed – I told her to forget about it, it was me and it would be fine now…. sure enough it was working fine once I wasn’t on it. The fan never had a glitch after that either. Had another surgery years later, different house…. AC died when I got home…. happened a 3rd time too….
This happens to me all the time. I would say 90% of the time when I speak to someone who is using a computer, they apologize that their computer isn’t working. I also thought that street lights were supposed to go on and off when you walk by…. I though this happened to everyone! Computers are just always frustrating. Mine mostly freezes……I immediately ask my assistant to come stand by my computer so it starts working again. He hits the same keys I do and it will immediately work for him. I’ve blown up a lawnmower before by just thinking about it…..that was the weirdest. It makes me very nervous to get on a plane 🙁
I think you will be alright on a plane
That’s hilarious…. my whole life I thought it was weird that they would make street lights go off when you got near them it seemed to me it should be the other way around…. then found out it doesn’t happen to everyone lol! Its now just an annoyance feeling a light go off when I’m near but always noticeable. Can’t wear a watch or a wall clock either. Always dies. And cars! They die too. No reason. Some short somewhere. Had to have the whole dash replaced in my last car. Lol
Yet I was drawn to electric cars and have no problem with them.
It’s the opposite with me I can speed up a connection and make things stop buffering I have a sort of super charge overload effect on everything but it I’m always super tired since I use it so much since my internet sucks
Get a better modem so you can save your energy!
my modem is powered by poop…
The same for me. It’s like 90% of the time I speed up connection. Tonight for the first time, a street light went off. I tested it a few times by waiting for it to come back on. And every time I went back under it it went off again
WIW, I wish I had you in my office! I could use a slider that increases internet speed!
Since I was a child my parents had to change electric bulbs every other time I switched on or off the lights. The man behind the counter in the electrical store advised to see an electrician as he was sure there is something wrong with the installation at home. Irons used to explode in my hand, ovens were going in short cut, then this developed into switching on and off the TV only if I concentrated on it, radio almost never get a clear signal, now I am 35, I can hear electrical appliances, I am disturbed by the mobile ovine charging in the room I am in. Street or home lights still go off.Recently we rented an electric car. It would never turn on when I wanted to start it so my husband had to start the car for me and then I could drive till it just went off. Every computer I work with freezes. I could since if someone close to me will call me few seconds before my phone rings. This things used to happen mostly when I am over exited, very angry or just happy but got even stronger so it happens even when I feel just normal. My immediate family got used to it with the time but I am uncomfortable sharing this with friends.Its great to find out there are other people like me.
You poor thing, that is a bit too extreme, lol. I would suggest grounding, serious grounding like chakra balancing, putting your energy into something artistic. I joke about tree huggers…. but literally hugging a tree is grounding. There could be stones or metals you wear that are amplifying your energy. It may be as simple as balancing with some massage but you have to channel that energy somewhere where it is beneficial- healing perhaps since you have so much of it.
Maybe she is just schizophrenic?
I have the same issues. I never paid attention to my emotions during the time . i never thought for a second they would be realated. Everyone at work complains everything i touch breaks even tho they used it fine a minute ago. Today no problems. My moods been stable today . this is nuts! How can it be possible? So what, i have to control my emotions…? What do i do. I cant afford another computer repair. 😳
I have this exact thing with the weather too! It’s like I look up and something tells me straight away that rain is coming at 2.45 haha also with all the leccy stuff- mainly draining batteries but crashing computers etc also on the other end of the phone line with insurance companie computers for example. One annoying thing that happens wuite a lot- is that info about me that should be stored with insurance companies direct debits etc says no information or info does not match or no i formation stored on this person or these details haha aaaah! 🙂
SOrry to say but you are not that what you speek of for it only works when you in a good mood not angery or mad as mad or angery your Vibration or low only when you are in good Vibration will anything maybe happen
The fact is,,i don’t know when it will work, i cause store computers to crash, street lights, i give up changing light bulbs in my house, I am curious though, I had extreme anxiety and panic attacks growing up. Does anyone else have that as a past problem?
“The fact is,,i don’t know when it will work, i cause store computers to crash, street lights, i give up changing light bulbs in my house, I am curious though, I had extreme anxiety and panic attacks growing up. Does anyone else have that as a past problem?” Dan, yes, I was extremely shy and anxious as a child and still somewhat of a nervous person as an adult…though I can temper it with an iron will and often appear quite the opposite. 🙂 I’m curious how many people who are responding have had near death experiences?
I have survived cancer.
I have had multiple embolisms in both lungs. Too many to count the Dr’s said. Almost died in ambulance and again in ER.
Yes. Very bad.attacks. on clonapin.just in case. Had nine hour attack last time
Rh Neg blood types are a great cause of this. How many of you know your blood types? I couldn’t believe the person who said even on the other end of the phone computers crash, cuz that happens to me! Ordering items, calling the bank, credit bureaus, etc., they break down a lot and they say “thats never happened before”. How do I cause effects at such a distance? Excuse to wear a Rolex. Perpetual movement! Im also very physic, intuitive can forecast and feel events before they occur.
I am rh- and experience electrical phenom.
My slider experience is that I can turn on rows of streetlights.
I am new to the term SLIder but am all too familiar with the phenomenon but only when I am very upset, which I don’t allow to happen anymore. RH-, always blew light bulbs and was a great antenna for tv’s and radios…..which is why i have XM radio now! Oddly enough, I kill regular car batteries but not electric cars….. very telepathic and have had quite a few glitches….. there are times I hear and see through the veil into what can only be a parallel world when I close my eyes at night….I can still see only the room is slightly shifted, just a bit different……… I am glad there are others rather than in just my family!
I am also rh neg and have problems with my cell phone and ipad, comp,ect all the time ,it drives me nuts. I also have suffered from anxiety an panic attacks since i was a sm child. Any body have any tips.??
I would suggest grounding and meditation so the energy is more controlled. I find keeping my phone in a rubbery case helps a lot.
I am a slider, and I am rh-, and I have some serious empathy or intuition abilities, can pick up on what people are thinking, and I have the watch and lights issue, streetlights included.
I’m rh- too and was thinking same as you…. I bet that is it!
Yes I suffered panic attacks and anxiety issues
Yes! Credit/ debit cards, brand new light bulbs,
1 half of Walmart Store lights died simultaneously with computers stop working. (I pressed and held down the green enter button and the store computers started working), transformers blowing randomly and often that connects electricity to my home, perfectly brand new iPhone 6 shorted out for no logical reason,
New Car battery failure. Amazon elexa not able to connect properly,
Connot tolerate loud noises … Too many to count.
I did, I’m 27 now but it took me most of my life to learn to get it under control.
I as well have extreme anxiety but no real cause or any experiences to cause this no near death experiences either but light bulbs burn out the second I flip the switch and the same for street lights they always burn out as soon as I get close to them so weird
No, not at all. Mine is the strongest when I am angry or scared. In my twenties I used to have to buy light bulbs in bulk bc every time I was really angry I would blow out 3 light bulbs consecutively. Once when I was being threatened with a gun, the whole house blinked off and on for about 3-4 seconds. Long bizarre story, but essentially It saved my life! So you absolutely don’t have to be happy or feeling positive for it to occur!
Hi, Thanks for making this video. I have always had this ability – occasionally turning on the TV and CD player. Now with the ascension vibrations rising so quickly it has gone crazy. I blew out 3 lamps, my computer and my iPhone. I have a Prius, a hybrid, and last night I blew out my car!! Archangel Michael came to me about 6 months ago and I still communicate with him. I have bipolar disorder and so does my son. He has always had behavior/emotional issues (he 32) and he’s breaking my heart. Is there any way I can harness this energy to help him from a distance. Thank you. Light and love. Rosemary
Hi, I think the best solution for this problem is grounding, grounding and grounding. That is because basically we need to have a balanced energy in our system for best performance. There are various energy healing systems that could help you. Reiki is best to start out with. With all the super duper energy you can make good use of it into doing healing. There is also pranic healing. This could be learnt to heal all diseases provided with the blessings of the higher beings and good karma.
I hear electric too, same thing it usually goes out soon after. I also can’t wear a watch, phones batteries zap super quick…ruined several phones, cameras can’t keep up, and recently I’ve learned when I’m very angry or hurt, whatever electrical stuff I’m around glitched out, locks up, or shuts down completely…sometimes all day long. Also usually people drain me of my energy… But I think I’m draining him of his now…but I stay super tired. I could sleep on a dime. I used to call it ” rebooting” which is weird since I’ve learned I actually have an electric thing happening ..and I used to say “riding the lighting” and it seems that’s a thing too…I find I manifest things sometimes but don’t have any control over it, to be able to do at will. I want to learn to harness it…
Does any one what this means… my friends phone dies every time I’m around … it happens on a daily basis, she’ll charge her phone I’ll have full battery not much time will pass and the bloody thing dies on her…. what does this mean???
I set off fridges/other electrical stuff to be loud, or work a lot more when im near it
i told my partner…none as dramatic as yours…can’t wear watches….trried quitting smoking with e-cigarettes drain battery in 1/2 hr……i have seccond side…….which i have often wondered if it was related
I got really angry thee other day and alight that has not worked for several months suddenly fixed itself. I can hear high pitched noises from electronics, especially alarms.
Holy crap people say im crazy csuse i can hear the tv in the other room when its muted…..
Yes. I think posting the video would be helpful.
For me, I have an irregular EKG (which is common) but no heart issues.
I hear higher frequencies that no one seems to hear, but I can trace it to the source and turn it off (like a pool pump) and the noise goes away.
Florescent lights are super frustrating to me, they hurt (but when I had lidocane injected in my nerves, florescent lights stopped bothering me for about 3 hours). This seems to be related to tension in my head and neck irritating my optic nerve.
I also have very unusual sense of smell (I can smell bacterial infections on children and adults, that no one else seems to notice — it reminds me of the smell of black licorice).
It is possible I nearly died. I don’t remember the incident, but I have the scar.
I think empaths are usually people who want attention, because they never seem to be able to pick up my emotions, but I am really good a picking up others emotions (I basically ask about what I feel and I’m nearly always correct). I believe this is because I’m observant and logical.
BUT The one thing I can’t explain is why, when I’m stressed out I affect computerized equipment to a fault. It drives me nuts, because it makes me more stressed. I joke the machines are the emotional ones.
I just make lights flicker. It used to only happen to fluorescent bulbs but now it happens with incandescent bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs flicker when go into “the zone” like when I’m reading in school and I tune everything out. Incandescent bulbs flicker when I get mad I’ve even caused a few in my lamp to blow cause I was playing gta and me and my friends were playing pacific standard and kept failing. It was like 3 am and we’d been at it for about 7 hours and I was getting fed up so finally I just snapped all my electronics went haywire and I tripped the breaker so I was just done when I tripped the breaker that’s when my light blew. I’m a generally a happy person and I can keep my emotions in check pretty well so I don’t get mad. But plenty of teachers and students have noticed the lights flicker in the classroom I’m in and it’s only the few lights above my head. They know it’s me so the ones who believe in paranormal stuff always ask. “Oooh do you have ghosts following you”. But no probably not. I just have a particular effect on lights. And buffering for some reason. I’m pretty good at stopping that. But I’m pretty sure it’s a store and release. I drain while I’m asleep or unfocused and release while I’m in a state of intense emotion or stress, and or focused. It also works way better when I’m sleep deprived. A single all nighter can cause all the electronics around me to go crazy. I think it’s cause I don’t have any focus and I’m constantly zoning out. I can even set off those little electricity sensor things by touching them. It seems to be getting worse the older I get. When I was little I had visions and knew instantly when people close to me were in danger. I still have those visions from time to time when I zone out I just all of a sudden black out and see a series of images or an event that might happen in the following months. But not as often as when I was say 6. The accuracy of these predictions is also lower and it seems to get less powerful as my ability to let the lights flicker gets stronger. So I’m not really sure what’s going on with me and I hope it doesn’t get any worse cause my friends are even getting creeped out around me now and I need some kind of social life. Any advice to help control it would be helpful cause it’s even freaking me out a little now.
Social advice? Just get used to your abilities. You can’t stop it and it wouldn’t be healthy to do so. You’ve described things perfectly and to me and my kids lol, we would consider you normal. My friends are the same way, we feel each other and we are used to it. I don’t think any of my friends have discussed sliders but boy I am hitting on that topics the next time we are all together! We are used to things like a phone call in the middle of the night saying you are in the hospital for emergency gall bladder surgery and my friend saying “ oh ok, that’s why my stomach hurts so bad”….. or one friend would get a mind splitting sudden headache and then we would get a call that another friend was hospitalized for a migraine or brain tumor cause that is how we are all connected! I am very impressed that you recognize these things so young. I didn’t get it until about 15 years ago. Now I know my gut instinct is real, this shit is real etc. Your real friends will clue in on the benefits – we tend to be healing and uplifting or bring about peace to people around us….we are vibrate at a higher level and that attracts people, even ones that have passed….
I’ll just deal with it then. Thanks for the advice I’m actually really concerned about my health cause I’m usually sick but I’ve actually felt really good since I took the mental dampeners off I’ve been trying to keep it locked up but now I feel great. Lights flicker a bit more than usual but nothing too bad.
This could be written by me. Here here. All the same. I used to work in a amusement park as a summer job, fried those machines daily because of annoying customers. Im 29 now and just realizing Im not alone. I always joke machines has emotional problems 😀 Gosh it feels good to read these. Thank you for sharing.
Comraderie is why we are here. So we know we are not alone…..
Um…you don’t understsnd what an empath is. If you did you’d realize that you’re the empath. And true empaths don’t want attention because they feel everything and literally don’t want to be around people, it’s honestly exhausting. I’m an empath too & street lights just go out when I’m near them often & don’t even get me started on electronics. I love technology & hate it at the same time because somehow I seem to really f$ck them up. It’s really irritating. Empaths receive & emit energy. & trust me…I don’t want attention nor do I wanna be around a lot of people, it’s way too draining.
My son is 10, and I can see some of these things in him. His hair used to stand straight up. He can get very mad, and he just kind of goes crazy, but he can also get really excited and it is contagious, and very powerful.
Yoga and meditation. You can sell him on it by telling him how mediating and focusing on something he wants be good at is as effective as actually practicing it….. it will also help him gain control of his energy.
I can also slam doors and windows shut when I am cross, I am not near the door or window. Witnessed
Video please.
When I get that cross I will
use the world angry ffs
Not been that cross for 15 years
Wait is this a slider thing too cause when I’m not thinking about doing something I’ve walked by my counter and a coffee cup that was on the other side of it just slides over to me and falls off. I also can walk through a door and have it close behind me when I’m not touching it like I already swung it shut behind me.
Anna Crankshaw
Nicole Jackman Clapp <3
Hmmmmm. Perhaps that may also be the explanation for why my aura pic can be so random. (Sometimes 3 different base colours in a single day) aha moment Ros Booth……..
Missy McDonald
Woah. Did not know there was an actual term for it. But, yup, it’s what I do.
Mostly throw off watches, but I have had many unexplainable computer issues that only make sense to be related to this.
I swear I’ve been through this…
Candace Henley
My father couldn’t wear a watch- it repeatedly stopped working.. he was also a psychopath. Bad juju –They drain every-one/thing around them.
This is interesting. One night when I was upset with one of my sons I went next to the K cup maker and it actually turned off as I was making coffee. I have also had other instances of things turning on and off when I walk next to it.
I worked as a technician in a medical office and the receptionists wouldn’t let me in the front office by the computers because everytime I walked in the computers would do weird things like reboot spontaneously or if they were in the process of booting up, the desktop would come on upside down ☺
I’ve been knocking out lights…street lights and interior, since I was a child. But only when I am very emotional and upset. Weird.
Mary Horn, same thing happens to me when I am really upset too. I’m so happy to hear someone else goes through the same thing.
Me too. Almost 50 yrs now. Street lights, radio signals, TV signals – I gave up watching TV a long time ago because of it. I’ve gone through a lot of phones and computers, too. It seems to have gotten better, but still… lol. This is the first time I’ve heard the term slider (other than the TV show, but that was about alternate universes). Fascinating.
It’s a potentially very useful talent. A vampiric person would drain others , an unfocused person would mess with work related items (like computers) and others would project it into the local area, affecting lights as they went by. All in all, wonderful if you can control it I reckon. Perhaps Buddhism? Meditation has been shown to develop abilities to focus even in clinical settings.
I blew a dozen light bulbs before I left my husband…our house went very dark…
Yep, I blow light bulbs and sodium streetlights, cause people in restaurants to drop dishes, screw up computers, have things “jump” out of my hands…have all my life.
Giova! Je je
Yep this is me. I’ve sinced learned how to calm that extra energy my mom had to keep lightbulbs at the ready at all times. I would walk by lights or touched switches and they would blow. Till this day my bedroom main light doesn’t work n been here round 10 years I fried that light a while ago when angry. The biggest burst was in the kitchen when I touched the switch I saw a bluish white light flow out cool but annoying at times. I’m a slider!
printers and vending machines totally hate me, the best is when the thermal receipt printers at the supermarket set themselves on fire for me.
Oh this is me ! Megan Olivia Anderson Suzanne Lyons
I haven’t been able to wear a watch for years now X
The watch I received for a high school graduation fell apart piece by piece over a two week period. Have tried wearing other watches but they stop in about 1-2 hours. My brother in law thought I was joking but I put his watch on and it stopped. I don’t have any other issues, just wearing the watches. Tried to wear one on a chain but it too died in about a month. Haven’t worn a watch for 45 years now.
Same here…. try putting tape on the back of it. It makes them last a little longer😊
Is this why I set every shop alarm off??haha dont answer that 🙂 X
This has been happening to me for as long as I can remember!! People won’t let me touch their computers because they always have trouble afterwards, watches die on me within a week, & store security alarms ALWAYS go off in me if I’m shopping stressed, tired, or in a hurry!!! I thought that it was just me!
Omg, might be a puzzle piece! But nothing bad has ever happened, only good or surprising things such as my TV has come on suddenly when I enter the living room, or it shuts off, which normally takes a very deliberate act either way. A random nightlight goes off, then comes back on. My refrigerator makes funny noises, but only when I’m near it, or alone in my house. My dining room lights have flickered when I’ve walked under the ceiling fan/light, which is fairly new. It wasn’t the carpet because the room is Spanish tile. I just kind of laugh & shrug it off. 🙂 ☆♡☆
Aka Lamp Lighters Syndrome. One day I was so upset I blew out 5 light bulbs, a laptop and a cell phone all in one day!
Bryan Cayman
yes happens to me quite a bit..
I blow light bulbs and street lamps. Didn’t know that they had a name for it.
Abigail Victoria Fitch
Jacqueline Annette
Yep- have been aware I have noticed this phenomena since my early 30’s(at least when I started paying attention). Can’t wear watches, shut down street lights, have stopped watches on other people I interact with and all kinds of other phenomena. It seems to come and go. Maybe I’m managing it better or what – I don’t know? Have heard some interesting theories on this as well. First time I’ve heard the word “Slider”. Apparently my father also could not wear a watch!
Try wearing a watch again but this time wear it on the opposite wrist than usual. And get back to me and let me know how that works out.
Hahahaha…i guess i’m a slider cauze whenever i’m extremely angry i send off sparks that blow fuses…lol
Antwonne Smith
When I am really stressed, cash registers at stores mess up with “glitches”. The most was about 3 in one day. I felt like apologizing, but it was awkward.
Genesis Kane
Slider? Whatever that is, I like it when you learn to control your natural abilities such as telepathy, on that point I hate smartphones.
I can not use smartphone they all go haywire on me plus light bulbs and even microwaves have blown up I can feel lightening in my teeth and skin b4 it gets here and can get headaches internet tv hates me and I shock people when emotionally charged this is my life and can lead to frustrations which leads to more problems dont get me angry lol iam have phyic abillities and can say what people are thinking often I hope I can control it more as I get older I sometimes feels its a curse tbh
Last night I went in my baby’s room around 12:30am to give her a bottle. I placed her back into her crib as soon as I put her down her crib mattress was glowing as if tiny stars were alover her mattress I picked her up and it went away. I put her down again and the little lights were back not to sure what to think about it.If anyone knows what this could be please let me know if it happens again tonight I don’t think I will let her sleep there anymore
I’m definitely a slider. Battery’s drained in watches after a week.
Nodnarb Notgniroht I remember u used to not be able to wear a watch…
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Brandon Mucha Riley Paddie – I never knew this was a real thing! Shoot, it IS me. :O
I am!
Glad there’s a name for it and that this happens to many people!
Why are we called ‘Sliders?’
To answer your question SK, the name Sliders comes from Street Light Interference – SLIders. I have been aware of this occurring to me since I was a child. I’ve never been able to wear a watch as they speed up, go slow or stop. Also, when I’m stressed I find every Street light goes out as I pass under it and also computers freeze and I blow the lights at home when switching them on.
When I’m upset is when all of it usually happens.
I had heard of only one other person that had this happen until now. For the person that said that this only happens with positive, they’re wrong. This only happens when I’m very upset. I can turn lights off in the house, the TV Guide static he, radios go static.
My mom won’t even let me hold her cell phone. One time I was walking to my hallway and thought to turn my light from the cell phone on because I had a feeling my lights on my house with turn off. Then I thought,” Why am I thinking this?” Then the lights turned off by themselves. I also predict earthquakes and can feel bad things before they happen usually. I knew my friend was having a boy when she was told she was having a girl by the doctor. I can’t do this all the time but I do it once in a while and I’ve always loved it and wish I can make it happen like this all the time. I know have Lyme disease and I’m wondering if this was given to me because of having this ability. My mom always told me not to tell people but I don’t care anymore. I also feel like EMF is being put in everywhere to shut us down. Check into it. There are smart meters everywhere around the world. Even when you pay to take them out, they stick something else in that gives off EMF. It makes my brain go haywire when I’m around it and I get weak.
This has happened to me since childhood. I have learned that I can change my frequency to a more sympathetic one and those machines and computers that just refuse to work for any one else come alive under my touch. I can get that last spark out of that dead battery, I just had to learn how to change my vibrations.
I’m just randomly adding an entry to this forum. Genuinely, this is my first time doing this. I have experienced all of the phenomena I have read on this page. I want to reach out to people that are similar to myself. Can you share what you’re aware of, and what you’ve experienced? I can tell you some about me if you are be interested.
Read my other posts.
Dead battery children toys go off in slow motion as I pass by from a distance, they are tangibly activated with movement,
TOTALLY related to TRUE emotional intensity
Just been researching on this topic as I’ve been experiencing numerous electrical disturbances and haven’t a clue what’s happening : the radio stops working or flickers constantly when I turn it on , light bulbs blow , computers freeze , cd player turns on , tv turns on , weighing machine in supermarket stops working & more worrying I was recently at a neighbours house and she asked me to show her something on her computer , I started typing and the hard drive made a loud noise & the pc stopped working (completely broken and had to be replaced). I’m.not sure what’s happening or what to do . My partner has now noticed and is equally baffled.
When my husband and I had a fight and split up, I was so angry at him that I just screamed at him, next to me lightning hit the tree in the yard… Freaky. Can’t wear a watch.. Neither can friends that are around me for an extended period.. Credit cards die batteries drain lights blow,cell phones die. So aggravating… My neighbor had an ankle bracelet on for probation.. Every time I went into her house the receiver box goes down and the cops show up. Hardcore telepathy, extreme empathy, realistic dreams that come true, I draw others and after hanging with them it becomes stronger… I hate knowing other people’s thoughts because I know when loved ones are lying or when other people are trying to be my bff. But have scandalous intentions.. This stuff sucks for the most part.. All my kids have “it” also. My youngest is a year and a half and she really has no reason to talk out loud at all.. Very strong telepathy.. My oldest is 22 and we don’t have to talk out loud either. Just a few glances across the table .. I’m glad they finally got a name for this, I’ve always had “it” but neither parent seems to, or my two brothers.. Not something u can really talk to just anybody about either cause they think you are a freaking nut job.
I relate😊
NEUROTRANSMITTERS are NOT electrical impulses. They are chemical compounds which INITIATE electrical impulses. I thought I finally found an explanation for my issue with computers and other electronics. I go through them all the time.. but it’s hard for me to feel information is reliable when it is done without good research. What else is wrong or inaccurate about this article? I don’t know!!
I have it very strong, not just lights going out, much more than that. I’ve had many many things I’m passing or using just explode, such as entire circuit breakers as I walk by, 2 stove elements, one computer, one computer crt screen, many appliances, lights I’m walking under in the house, washers, etc, over and over, and about 6 car transmissions and countless watches stop when I wear them. I don’t wear them at all now. Its very expensive until you learn to control emotions to turn it off. But as an hsp (highly sensitive and indigo) when I’m stuck in a classroom with people that are less than kind, my emotions do still get overwhelmed and the sli phenomenon can just come on. Its usually when I’m experiencing strong frustration or anger or overwhelm that these EMF events occur. Our family was in a haunted gravesite and a radio turned on all by itself in a childs zipped backpack and started playing – yet, it was not even ‘ON’ when she pulled it out. It just played in the off position.
Yes! me too!!
Had similar with separate radios two times in different states. Both were completely unplugged and turned on by themselves ( and could not be turned off), have had lamps across a three mile bridge go out one after another as I drove by ( was very upset and emotional at the time) have televisions turn on and off, ceiling lights and fans turn on and off, light dim every time I go into a room, every computer at the office I once worked in turned off as I walked by ( I was late and frustrated), light bulbs actually blow up (not just snap out) when I walked in the room, a window blew shards outward when I was angry and getting ready to knock on it, car batteries are typically replaced two to three times a year in our household; had a huge transformer box on a light pole blow up as I was under it and the electricity ran down the wires as I crossed the intersection spraying sparks all over the hood of my car( I was very upset at the time), phone calls often and suddenly cut short when I get annoyed with what the other person is saying; often apps or internet pages that I think of open by themselves without me touching the phone, numbers dial erratically and repeatedly on my cell when I am upset and not touching the phone so that I cannot dial out in emergencies, text messages and emails often have words typed double, such as: “hello hello how how are are you you” even though I know I didn’t type the actual words twice, card readers, printers and computers in close proximity stop all once when I am frustrated at work and often have to be replaced multiple times during short periods, I’ve had police pull me over in a road check and the driving record (previous ticket) that came up as current and unaddressed on their computers was from 12 years ago, then their computers malfunctioned, I’ve called in reservations to rent cars and had the woman on the line insist I already had an open reservation for a different state and then exclaim, “why is it showing an open reservation from 6 years ago as current?!” she couldn’t help me book a new one; most often calls to companies for purchases or complaints and purchases in groceries stores are met with, “why is the computer doing this? I’ve never seen this happen!” …in fact, that is the most common thing I hear on the phone or in person when doing business, “I’m sorry, my computer shut down. (or gave strange error message) I’ve never seen this happen before!”, GPS rarely gets signal for me no matter where I am; on a day a few months ago, when I was beyond tired and frustrated and while I was driving, my car alarm decided to go off with blinking lights and siren that I couldn’t turn off, the remote on my key chain stopped working so I made a bee line for the mechanic shop, but not before being pulled over by police who thought I had stolen the car and then had to escort me to the mechanic. When we got there, it just stopped and the shop could not find anything wrong. People have joked as recently as this past week while I was in training and multiple machines did not work so long as I was in the room, that I have super powers, but it’s far from that! The situation is very frustrating and it interferes with my work…also, it affects my SO’s work as he builds telescopes, computers and cameras- their memory is erased when I come into his room, hard drives are suddenly kaput, internal clocks stop, all sorts of things go haywire. It’s a very costly anomaly that I wish I knew how to control… :-/ and it runs in my family. Most of the time it is brought on by heightened emotions and stress, but sometimes it takes me by surprise. When my sister took her GRE the computer burst into flames! no bueno!
Computers; printers; anti-theft alarms in shops; lights’ streetlights; shocks off metallic (and weirdly) non metallic items too. Static electricity from clothes …I don’t wear nylon clothing or pantyhose any more. I give people shocks, and I upset small engine machinery and appliances. I haven’t worn a watch for years as they stop working, but conversely I have recharged other people’s watch batteries just by wearing them for a few hours. One battery gave 5 more years of power during constant wear. Sadly that doesn’t seem to work for larger batteries. I’ve received direct mains shocks from a light socket and a switch (in different houses) and another time a fuse board tried to kill me when I was replacing a blown fuse…correctly, safely, and with the mains switch OFF! In all cases I didn’t suffer any injury and electricians could find nothing wrong. It seems I am different from most SLIders in that these events aren’t related to emotional extremes but rather when I am calm and relaxed and going about my normal daily life. I do not experience all of these all the time, just one, or a random mixture, on such a random yet regular basis that whichever happens whenever, is my norm. It began when I was around 9yrs old playing tag with the other children after Church. The huge stainless steel cross on the front of the building was our ‘base’. I’d touched it hundreds of times before with no effect but this one day, as I reached out to touch ‘base’ but had not yet connected, I received a huge shock which threw me backwards to the ground. A thick arc of silver and purple electricity (like lightning) was clearly visible between the metal and my hand – right up until I ended up flat on my back. I was in shock but unharmed with no physical mark. None of the adults we children told believed a word we said. That cross was bolted to an exterior brick wall and was not wired to anything, or near any wiring. And it was a lovely, sunny day – no storms and certainly no lightning. Around age 12, again on a fine day, what I can only explain as a short bolt of the same colour and thickness lightning came through the net curtains and glass of my bedroom window and hit a transistor radio, knocking out the station for a few seconds, after which it came on again no problem, and worked well for years after. There were no holes or marks on the curtain, glass, or the radio. Weird or what!
very interesting
Ive been going through this for many years. Its not intetesting or intruiging but rather highly annoying and upsetting! 😢😢
I’m a gay 41 year old white male from Alaska. All of my life I’ve noticed that I shut down street lamps that I pass under (both side of the road), and frequently late night city street traffic lights don’t function properly. It’s common for everyone at my intersection to end up with a four way stop – a blinking red light.
I dampen cell phone signal. On the plus side, with enough focus, I always seem to be able to fix any cell phone, cable, pc, device issue for friends or family, even though I have no electronics skills and only use my intuition and luck for repairs.
I’m a 41 year old white , gay, male from Anchorage, Alaska.
All of my life I’ve noticed that almost every city light in close proximity shuts down around me. City street lamps that I pass under; both sides of the road will go dark and resett (especially mercury lights), they snap off immediately and then begin recycling and starting up with that annoying whine once I’m out of range.
Frequently, late night city street traffic lights fail to function properly. It’s common for everyone at my intersection to end up with a four way stop – a blinking red light.
Im probably not the bast house guest; in close quarters, I tend to
dampen cell phone signals and interrupt streaming and data downloads from all devices including cable and dish satellite networks
On the plus side, with enough focus, I always seem to be able to fix any cell phone, cable, pc, device issues for friends or family, even though I have no electronics skills and only use my intuition and luck for repairs.
Finally!!! I have said this for YEARS that I make electronics go haywire, freeze up and even crash! The fact that I too stopped wearing watches due to batteries!! OMG!! This is just crazy but also releaving that I’m not crazy! This is a real thing. My mind is blown right now, but it makes sense everything now.
I also have an electrical issue with my heart too! When I get EKG’s done they want to put me in the hospital because it does weird things too. They have done 2 different stress tests checking my heart and they are always good. It makes sense now for real!!!
I’m glad this is actually a thing I thought I was crazy. Ive had things turn off and things turn on around me uncle I was vacuuming and the vacuum caught on fire. Ive been through so many washer and dryer machines. And sometimes things will shock me, Things like cars dryers fridges. My phone once like went haywire and started highlighting words it was scary actually it said weird stuff then started typing my initials over and over. Like is this normal how do I try to control this a little???
Oh my goodness…since age 13 these things have been happening to me…my fella made me look this up as he has had 5 laptops just die when ive been near..bulbs blow all the watches stop …signal on my phone never works phone gets a life of its own writing words and going on random apps…in Tesco last year the alarms went off every time i entered the store but if i walked out then in again would not player in car always jumps or freezes as do the electrics and alternators..4 hard drives just stopped completely..go through batteries like no tomorrow..lamps It probably does not help that i have bipolar disorder and OCD too…must say it has made me feel quite special now I am a Slider!oh and had to wear heart monitor for a week as my heartbeat always goes crazy then seems to stop before catching up again.
Oh my.. I was thinking something has become weird about me, in the last 2 months each time I am very angry something happens, my laptop died beyond repair, my smartphone and even the screen at work too…I thought it was a weird coincidence..
Ya this is getting expensive… i have blown light bulbs, exploded a tv, all when I was really angry. On an every day basis… I have blown through 7 lap top computers 3 tablets, and I have had to replace my cell phone every 3 to 6 months. In addition in the past 2 years I have had to replace my car battery 9 times. In this car the battery is on the drivers side. Unlike other cars i have owned. 3-4 times a year i have to replace my car head lights. Cant ware a watch, like ever and if I hold a compass in my hand it goes around and around and NEVER tells the right direction. My friends and family think it’s funny when my cell phone is on my night stand or across the room and it begins to call people at random with out me going near it. Guess i have learned to live with it. Im glad to know im not the only one.
One quick question to all who responded to this wierd phenomenon…
Did any of you experience panic attacks or extreme anxiety attacks while growing up?
It appears I may have this syndrome also..
Watches stop and all the light bulb issues, etc..
I had very severe panic attacks in my early 20’s and was wondering if they had anything to do with it or maybe even, why they happened..
Please respond anyone..
I have had an emotionally charged childhood, and became or already was more sensitive to others emotions as well as my own. The light phenomenon has often been present when my emotions were more charged as well. When I was silently wrestling with solutions to serious problems, or even just extra excited at the beginning of a trip away, and it would show as I would drive or walk in a parking lot under street lights.
The common element seemed to be my emotional energy.
Yoga is helping, working out too. Centers emotions and seems to smooth out my energy.
I am often silent when this slider lights events happen, so it’s my internal energy that seems to draw it out.
No panic issues here. Though I have had a difficult childhood I had this’s electrical issue from as far back as I can remember. It’s simply always been there. As I am getting older it has increased in strength. I’ve just learned to except it, live with it…
With out getting to personal… have you ever been traumatized in a way that included loud noises? Could it be some type of post traumatic syndrom? I have the same issue but I am a survivor of a violent crime(loud noises included). Iif someone drops a book or a car back fires near me I am under the nearest table. I can’t even be around fire works without sweating bullets and feeling like freeking out. How long ago was the coma? Healing comes in all forms. The subconscious mind is very more apt to think the panic attack causes the issue rather than the other way around. Any thing that causes high energy good bad or unknown.
I have had issues with electrical devices all my life, lights burn out and controlers fail as with anything electrical devices. I can’t ware a watch but a wind up one. It has been happening all my life and just the last 3 weeks I have started a chakra coarse. I think it’s funny finding this
I have experienced lights going on or off, as I got near them, walking under street lamps or even driving by, they go on if already off, or off if already on, and reverse as I pass them.., car horns, and lamps blinking like crazy near me. Most of the time it was when I had extra intensity inside of me, when I was highly charged, often when I was emotionally and mentally working on a problem, or having an extra emotional even occurring.
Also, lights will blink near me and something extraordinary will occur after the blinking, like a warning , to pay attention. Sometimes a less than safe event around me. So when I see blinking lights, I always pay attention, play it in a more careful mode..and within an hour or so, something occurs…
Sometimes it happened with a moment of a great spiritual event, something extraordinary would be told to me that would have deeper meaning…
This had been going on for some years now, and I have forseen some events before they happen, on many occasions.
I have learned to ground my emotions, get centered, and it can be controllable.
I am greatly relieved to have found others with this unusual occurance!!
I see events too or I get strong warnings. Before the big earthquake in LA, I had this strong feeling to get out and so I drove to my parents house. I knew my ex-boyfriend had cancer in exactly where he had it and I told him to go to the doctor. He thought I was nuts but he finally went to a doctor because I wouldn’t stop telling him to and he had cancer. He’s fine now after a year of chemo. I no my friend was going to have a boy but her doctor told her that it was going to be a girl. It’s always in knowing feeling. I can never guess or try to read the future. I love that others can too but I also worry about who’s reading our posts.
This happens to me on a regular basis too!!! So glad I’m not the only one!!!
I’ve been able to do things since I was a kid. Ever since smart meters and EMF, it’s not a strong. I’m wondering if they’re putting in EMF Meters for a reason. They really effect me badly. I can’t think or have a conversation if I’m around a smart meter. I used to be able to read thoughts. Just the people who think loudly. Not all people. Also put thoughts into their heads. I want to get better at this. Does anyone know how. i usually have to be extremely angry to cause energetic changes. My mom won’t let me touch her cell phone anymore. My aunt can do this too.
This post got my attention because I am one of these people. For me, whenever I get very focused or in “the zone” while I’m driving I have made traffic lights flicker and street light bulbs completely blow out as I drive directly beneath them. I used to think it was always a coincidence (even though it would happen at least once a month), but once last year (I had a fight with my best friend) on my way home, I made 3 blow out in a row, each time only happening when my car was directly beneath the light. It was a chilling experience. Could it still be a coincidence? Yes of course, but what are the odds??
Me and 2 friends were outside late at night just talking sharing story’s and I got super passionate telling the story I was telling and as my energy levels rose so did my neighbors outside drive way lights brightness and I noticed it. I asked if they had noticed it .They did not. Well it happened the same way 2 more times the last time it happened it had pulsed and fluctuated way brighter than before and it was in sync with my laugh . They both noticed… anyone exsperinced anything similar not just bulbs breaking but actual synchronicity with your changing vibration levels?
Yes often lights will brighten when my energy increases. Weather it be frustration or happy/excitement. I’ve also been called the human antenna. VT’s and radio ‘s seem to come in better the closer I am to them. And tv’s tend to change channels on there own when I am in the same room as they are or it turned its self off and on. I had the cable co at my house 16x in less than a year before I realized it was not there issue but my own energy field. I would love to know if there is a place ware they study this type of energy and how I can, perhaps, redirect my energy for good (good things to happen) not to end it permanently. This could be useful I think!?!?!?! Does anyone know of such a place?
Hello guys my names gareth goodram and Im a slider because it’s happened to me too I have walked past a certain street light and this certain street light goes out just as I’m underneath it? The weird thing is that when it goes out it does not come back on is there anyone on here that has experienced the same thing going on?
Yes, Im a sweet light manipulator as well! CHECK YOUR BLLOD TYPE. MANY RH NEGS HAVE THIS PROBLEM!!
i do and im O rh neg too ..i do hear a lot about this blood type .although not as rare as some think i seem to know a lot people with it my entire family for generations that blood type always appears only two members of family have different type…maybe the rarity is in the fact we can give blood to any yet only another of our blood type can give to us …..
I’m rh – too!
OH NO WAY!!! I had no idea!! Im also RH neg!
Can I send me more information
Is there anyone out there I can talk to
haha this power is mad, this is one of many i have. scared at first i thought i was insane being locked up in mental hospitals 14 times. this only one power i possess but its cool just a matter of using the right channels. that’s what i am working on. telepathy is easy enough so is world jumping. just be careful this power can cost you quite a fortune. and never share information with people that are not open minded or you will look silly.
I seem to have an effect on EMF …mainly microwaves phones computors and just as now bought new induction hob ..they all go haywire and then break ..i also have problems with watches always have done but i hear thats commen …many reasons that you have said is the cause i have experienced ..near death ..electric shocks although as a child i loved holding onto the electric cow fence the pulse used to thrill me my parents however had to remove the fence ….
My question is that recently I started hearing vibrations loud ones that were coming from anything plugged in.
Next, I started touching these electrified objects (Fridge, TV, wall AC Unit, Lamps where I could hear the very loud vibrations coming from. I quickly realized that the electricity would go through one arm and through the other arm. My face would hum and it is definitely electricity ,but I can do it for hours,and it never hurts. I also realized I don’t have to physically touch the objects. I just to be generally near where the vibrations are coming from. I have no idea why and can’t find anyone else like this. There a lot other weird things that go along with what I am describing, but since I already sound nuts, I will refrain from listing them…
Yes….stay away from Christmas lights lol
I have been a slider as long as I have been alive. Spent most of my life studying the events that would occur and looking for others like me. It’s amazing to see so many of us in one place. (not physically as that would be a bad idea!) what I know, is that we CAN control the effects at least to some degree. The particular state of being that acts as the control mechanism varies from person to person. But in general, your energy levels will rise when you are most serene, or at peace with your body, mind, and surroundings. Intense focus (hyper focus) will lower energy levels and cause external electrical events to stop. Studies show association with the state of “zen”, 42Hz synchronous brain resonance (gamma).
The government (for some reason) tracks us as we travel, by monitoring the interference we cause, hence the name they gave us: S.L.I.ders. Which stands for Street Light Interference.
Omg! Yes things disappear! I have just resigned to it as I’m super forgetful lol but my whole life always losing things especially keys. Lost 13 house keys as a kid. We don’t even have a house key for our house now lol😂
Curious to know more about your thoughts on government tracking us…
I know I am weird to not care if the government tracks me. I am cool with it because I am not breaking any laws except maybe speeding! I gave nothing in my life that would be disturbing to them so if they watch me, I am ok with it…
I’m not sure if my experience is the same as everybody else, but a few times when i got very angry i have causes a few light bulbs to either blow up or flicker.
Would that happen to be the same thing as a slider or no?
I never notice anything else odd go on when i’m out anywhere else, just at home.
Only odd experience i’ve had so far.. can anybody help me out?
This event has only occurred since dying (twice) – they obviously revived me using electricity (CPR). It doesn’t happen all the time, but emotional arousal is quite severe – when it happens, I’ve now noticed that I drain watches, have had an effect on computers and I’m forced to mainly use low powered lamps in my home!
I’ve been through many watches, but now I put leather between me and metal surface of the watch. My emotional state has to be controlled – if not I become a bit of a live-wire!
Me too! I use battery operated lights because I blow out the bulbs.
I have had this going on for many years. Back in ’93 after I became a full on Targeted Individual in Denver I used to lock up cash registers 100% of
the time. Was a real drag because I was electrically and chemically sensitized
so it was actually painful to stand there and wait for a manager to show up
and unlock the register. The employees would sometimes get a little goofy
too. People who do this have a different energy signature which is apparently
detectable with equipment. At that time I would always have a helicopter even when camping out and I have no physical implants to track. I ended up making the Lightlife Tools as remedies in ’96. Been quite a ride. Thx.
Im a slider, and it is the single most frustrating thing I deal with in my life. It is always worse around that time of the month which certainly doesnt help as Im already irritated and emotional. Lightbulbs blow out, none of my devices (iphone ipad ect) respond properly and even TV remotes act up. It’s stressful and annoying when things won’t work right for me!
Every computer i use messes up even on the job the time clock register my boss sees me and says oh ohh here comes jammel.computers at home glitches watches end up messing up and ive went through phones like 20 . my girlfriend even sees this. Guess its something i have 2 live with all my life thus has been happening.
Yes had this happen to me mainly when I go psychic events and or I get really exciTed or nervous my mobile phone crashes or a light will flicker if I pass under try to control my emotions and it’s ok
I’ve been wondering about this lately. I’ve replaced 6 lightbulbs in the house in the past month only to have them burn out again. The radio goes fuzzy when I’m in the room (or car sometimes). At first I wondered if it was my house’s electric, but the lights have flickered in a few other places – friend’s house, at work… (and it typically only happens when I’m by myself, which is frustrating trying to explain to my family). It mostly happens in my room and the living room, the places I spend most of my time. 3 new bulbs have gone in the last 2 days, which is slightly frustrating. I’ll have to read more about this. It’s either something with me, or I’m being haunted lol!
What do you think or know with our gift and lightening? I went to a fair and they had a ball with electricity in it showing the storm frequency. Focusing on tornadoes. Apparently you are not supposed to be able to touch this ball while it’s on . Especially if your not grounded. I can touch the ball when it’s off and then turned on, and also with it running already then touch it. I can send the electricity out with my right hand, socking them, with little burns in their body.
I hope this made sense? This was an awesome experience for me. I obviously can do what you do as well, but this was new for me with the electricity. He said he’s only met 2 people in his entire 30 year career that can do this. And I’m one.
Try it out.
Love and light.
I think it is really strange that when you comment on this site it specifically says your email will not be published, but all of our emails are published and are now searchable by the phenomena we have written about. Yes, the government tracks people like us…both Rh neg and by unusual abilities. Be careful what you state online. I too have commented on this post previously and am a little upset that it was not anonymous. It seems more of a fishing site to gather peoples’ contact info. None of it is private. Just my 2 cents.
Best wishes and peace to all of you…and please be careful.
LOL I saw that too but really don’t care because everyone knows anyway. I just have a name for it now. I have watched the news about a major earthquake for a week before it happened so bizarre shit I am used too. A weaker soul might become paranoid. Like I told my son, just because you think people are watching you doesn’t mean they aren’t. I used to think it was being insecure and self conscious until one day walking through HD my boss starting laughing because everyone looked at me. Guys he expected, I am pretty but he saw that everyone looked, old young male female …. That realization changed my life!
I hear all to often people say” that’s wierd that’s never happened before ” from cashiers, friends,and anyone using a digital device .also occurances where one in million odds had to happen multiple times in a series to make whatever to happen happen. and mood directly affects especially anger !!! All girlfriend I have ever lived with thought I was crazy in the beginning but were true believer withen months i find it effects people I am near I call it my karma cloud i.e. if you have been getting away with something that’s bad u get close and wham karma finds you .when I am aggitated my coworkers and I have labled the series of bad events that seems to accompany me “Virgil my shit gremlin ” do not envoke Virgil she will destoy whatever you are trying to accomplish (consider virgil a she cause only met women willing to absolutely destroy someone for nothing) could be wrong
Doesn’t work when you’re angry??? WOW! You are so wrong. Don’t know how many light bulbs I’ve literally blown up, getting showered by glass when walking underneath them. My son is the same way. Put us in the same room when we both are upset, you are in for a light show, or perhaps better stated a “dark show”. We had an argument back when he was a teenager in regards to him wanting the lamp turned off which was standing above the TV, I wanted it on as my eyes hurt if I only had the light from the TV while watching it. Heated argument, the light bulb exploded, 1 second after the TV blew up, so yes, all forms of heightened emotion trigger slider phenomena…
I am glad that I found this, because it’s harder than it might seem to discuss these matters with anyone when it makes you look crazy. This definitely occurs to me as well. Out of curiosity, does anyone else with this tendency notice that items go missing for no apparent reason? I don’t mean simple misplacing something, I mean deliberate and intentional placing of the item, this being witnessed by others, and no one touching it – all for it to mysteriously vanish out of the blue never to be seen again.
This stuff happens though! Makes sense that my grandmother had trouble with watches stopping all the time on her. When this first began happening noticably it was definitely music playing by itself, always coinciding with my emotions, and that events and things that would happen to me (but no one else) would be completely screwed up. When it was really triggered, people thought my house was haunted. It’s been a while since that happened, however. The weirdest anomalies with electronics always occurs with me. And often the more I try to solve the problem (and more upset I become) the worse it gets. I can be certain that it is me, and nothing else that is causing all of this to happen. Health problems can inhibit this kind of thing, actually can make it worse I’ve found! I’ve been dealing with extremely unfortunate health issues for several years now (partly when it started) and I definitely notice a serious increase in negative occurences toward myself and my life. It’s like there is no winning; when I am feeling especialy awful everything goes to crap – the phone stops working properly and then the service locks me out with a million inexplicable errors no one can fix, the computer crashes, (and goes totally haywire, all my projects are lost), all the bank cards have some kind of weird error too, so then I go outside and go run some errands to get what is left of the day accomplished, to my mind off of things. When I have the groceries, the items won’t scan right, and the lights are flickering. All in the same day! It just goes like this, sometimes in waves, but mostly all the time. Unfortunately when one has health issues mucking it all up, there isn’t much that can be done from an individual perspective.
Now, regardless, I rather like the fact that we have such a unique gift, really. I know there are people with more honed psychokinetic ability (as that is really what this is), the ability to utilize this energy in such a way. Because if we can cause all of these things to malfunction, just imagine what we could accomplish once this is controlled, and is put to good use!
I also would be considered a slider. Recently I have noticed that if I have something in my hand and my attention is very quick sharply concentrated towards a table or Jour by someone else the next time the people in the room with me look about I don’t have what was in my hand am I am. So I have done this a few times quiet my mind try and fill the object I know exactly where it is in the table that everyone knows no one‘s touched in hours open the drawer and there it is now that I cannot explain. Blowing lightbulbs and computers can’t keep a phone working no watches over two or three days working it’s been that way for me and my husband for decades but this objectThang transferring to other physical places just because I intensely think of somewhere unconsciously is beyond me please repot reply back if you find any answers I am curious as well thanks
Omg! Yes things disappear! I have just resigned to it as I’m super forgetful lol but my whole life always losing things especially keys. Lost 13 house keys as a kid. We don’t even have a house key for our house now lol😂
Slider. Reading these articles brings some relief to what I have experienced over a life time. Thank you. Still I think I My have gone beyond the initial experiences of not being able to wear a watch!! The connection of slider with alt dimensions, it would seem increases after many near death experiences, of which i have had. Although the so called psychic stuff was there since i was a kid.
The science world is currently being led by evolving areas of thought in quantum physics. In spiritual terms, we are seeing for the first time the common truths that bring us together, a spiritual awakening.
Quantum science and spirit are seen as opposites, but with closer inspection actually say the same thing. That impacts our understanding of the universe and ourselves as physical and spiritual beings.
We have traditionally looked, particularly in the west, at the human condition with a great deal of psycho-analytical chatter, but should also take into account, in addition to that useful dialogue, how we work with the universe and everything around us within the laws of attraction and our connection with our limited understanding of God and the spirit world from which we come and return.
I have experienced the drainage of electrical stuff and the charging of lights. So it seems to be related to me but outside of body as if in relation to a higher source. I have seen across dimensions and people starting right back. I could ramble on with the supernatural stuff, but the
the message that I have had loud and clear through all this is that, this is a journey which when it ends another starts, put simply. But in conclusion why waste such a valuable gift of life by so much focussed introspection, and in many cases self destructive behaviours that lead us ironically to should search at such a level.
How do I explain that? How do I know this? Well, the same way you explain how you know someone loves you without words. Deep, unbreakable, unquestioning, unconditional. It’s what we all search for in all the wrong places and yet its there all the time from God and a soccer team of angels.
Thomas Fairfoot. Author of “Gladiators of light” and Comedian.
soul search i meant …shame cant edit …LOL
All validating conversations here and it’s great to know there are others. I go through phones very quickly because they simply stop working and apple never has a reason for them stopping. I’m getting over getting sick and today I feel significantly better but I’ve had all my electronics freaking out, especially anything wireless like speakers or WiFi or cell service. I had to go back a few times watching this video because it kept on skipping and tweaking out. Once I put the phone down away from me about 5 feet to play the video, not only did it finish the rest of the video without a blip, but as soon as I let go the volume raised to uncomfortably loud level immediately without it saying the volume was changing at all. I’ve asked around my apartment building and no one else has any problems with the wireless services here as it’s a quite nice place. Lol even while typing this my phone volume of the keyboard clicks are fading in and out from silent to super loud. Often it freezes and after I type a sentence and put it dow then it will type my whole sentence at once. That happened earlier. My fire alarm goes off only when I’m near it too. Also happened earlier today. Just a few things today that have already happened today.
This is great to hear lol! I’m not crazy lol! I’m curious about blood type. I’m a-. I experience all the things already mentioned . I get migraines and get tired a lot too. How do you ground this energy? I’d love to hear suggestions on ways to use this positively in my life.
Hello fellow Sliders, I too share in this strange behavior. For me, it’s generally after a breakup. I’m too proud to beg my partner to come back so I “light it up.” This only causes a roller coaster type relationship. The energy always brings my partner back. I call this my light it up” time. I was 1st able to control this in 1995, but I don’t use it that much, as the focused energy inside me also is overwhelming. It feels like a spell. All consuming.
However, their is a downside, during my “light it up” period, my car didn’t start for a week, my computer, Skype was futzing out, TV cable just shuts down until I calm down, I even broke my weed waker. I’m conflicted on using this strength. I feel it’s a gift, and we should all use our gifts. But, I also feel guilty afterwords.
I’ve been through so many sets of headphones in the past 2 years, I lost count. My current pair stopped working after a week of purchasing them. Another pair stopped working the same day. Yet another pair stopped working 2 days after purchasing. My computer has been freezing up daily. Very frustrating!
How do I make it stop? How can I get crazy shit to stop happening around me? Magnetic bracelets? Should I bathe in iron filings? Make it stop.
Crap. I should have invested in aluminum foil for caps when I had a chance. What a bunch of absolute loonies.
Your lack of being a slider doesn’t negate the fact that some people do affect electrical fields. You probably haven’t experienced many of the other things that sliders have, such as seeing ghosts and telekinesis. Unless you experience it you won’t believe it. We’re ok with that, we don’t think that makes you an idiot, your comment shows you’re an idiot. We are ok with that too!
I agree with you. Considering I just learned about this term 5 minutes ago. I’ve done some weird things with electricity fields around me my whole life without understanding it until now… Although I’m not comfortable calling myself a slider..LoL
Why the name Sliders? I have always called us Teslas… Because that’s kind of what we’re like, walking Tesla coil’s.
It’s definitely weird! I hadn’t heard of it either but I am glad I am not alone. I tend to think sliders are probably “in the light” and therefore see things others don’t. That would be a great poll question. See how many sliders are sensitives too.
Both me and my daughter are both “Sliders” as well as Sensitives. I agree with you that most likely, quite a few of us have similar gifts. Energy (electricity) is energy and we tend to have more of it than the average person. Spirits are attracted to energy so, it only makes sense that we’d be easier to contact and visa-versa.
Both me and my daughter are both “Sliders” as well as Sensitives. I agree with you that most likely, quite a few of us have similar gifts. Energy (electricity) is energy and we tend to have more of it than the average person. Spirits are attracted to energy so, it only makes sense that we’d be easier to contact and visa-versa.
I’ve never been able to wear a watch. Took til my early 20’s to really realize that there was a problem… lol But, I’ve also always been really good at telling time, so it worked out. I came looking because I know I’m a clairsentient/empath whatever we’re being called these days. Been forever, I’m 53 now. Jesus, dealing with a twin flame as well?
But, I’m on my second vehicle that decided to short out on me. MY last rig was my Love! But, after years of replacing the battery, alternator, everything imaginable and getting stuck in places I wasn’t happy about. I purchased a new car. Had it a few months and got hella pissed off about something and it wouldn’t start. Then I was like, “Ok I need to deal with this now!” I’ve also blown up my parents garage light when I was mad. I thought my dad was joking at the time, but he was like, “If you can’t calm down you need to go home so you don’t blow my house up!” Why all the names? I seem to be ALL of them???? :/ I live a lonely life…
I have had that issue with cars too but now that I am aware of it, it isn’t a problem. Oddly enoug I did great with electric cars! Don’t let yourself be lonely, a massage therapist with the right essential oils can balance your frequency and help you get grounded!
I literally gave my rig away when I purchased the new rig. $300 cash to the dealer for his daughters… 🙁 I have to let it go now, but at least I know now. Only wish it didn’t take my whole life to realize it lol … Thank you for the reply, I will definitely be looking into a massage therapist, I’m also searching for the right energy worker.. . Last Monday I went for my first acupuncture session and that definitely purged a lot of emotions… Going back in two weeks for more!
A lot of massage therapists do energy and chakra balancing. It’s easier than hugging a tree, but that works too.
Are you telling me that all I’ve needed to do is get outside and hug a tree to balance my chakras???????????? I haven’t done this in decades… I’ve waisted so much time. I’m really thankful I found this article. I started acupuncture last week and would like an energy worker near me. I’m in Northern California, near the Bay Area
My brother has a beautiful tree with part of it’s roots out of the ground… I felt so much better once I got over there and let the tree nestle me for about 30 minutes. I didn’t want to leave.
Lol, I am glad the tree helped. There has to reason they are grounding…… their canopy taking in energy from the heavens and funneling it into the earth.
This was in response to to Angel….. something is a bit quirky here
I’m a slider! Yay! Now what? I think everyone is but they aren’t aware of it, or care to pay attention to it, not observant. Too bad we can’t channel this energy to charge our techno devices.
Explains why I can levitate and make the objects in the office swirl threw the air!
I am electric. Many instances. I suspect my dad was, too. He grinned when I told him I got a hell of a shock frorm the coffee maker, my hand was wet as I lifted the turned on coffee maker to wipe underneath and the back of my hand touched a screw on the bottom of the appliance and zaaap! I could feel the current going diagonally through my body from my hand toward my chest and pulled my arm away in time before it reached my heart. Talk about another close encounter! And my dad pissed me off for grinning like that, I was like wtf? He worked with electricity so I surmise he had his share of shocks. The street light thing has happened to me a lot and one time I walked by the main computer at work and it blew out shutting the entire office of computers down and that time there was a witness, my boss, and she even yelled out my name right when it hsppened. Everyone was sent home for the day.
I guess the much higher rates of static electricity are probably related, I always hated grocery shopping because the shocks….yet I never really put the two together thinking it was more related to wind. In thinking about it, it is certain people and certain objects.
I’ve been depressed for years. I’m a good person, but I am not a happy person. I’ve dealt with frustration and anger poorly, and as a result I’ve become isolated.
I’ve never thought I was a “magical” person, imbued with any kind of psychic or extra sensory abilities. But lately, the last few months I have suffered a great deal of heartbreak and frustration and have noticed electronic oddities often.
I told my friend about random lights going out on my car at different times, as well as the cigarette lighter, various charging cables for phones. All seem to be in good shape. Now lately I did not touch my computer or have any program running- it shut down. Then at the same time my laptop internet page moves forward- but there was no page loading and I did not touch the keyboard.
All my life I’ve been a skeptic. And these all seem benign on their own, on occasion, but it’s happening to the point where It seems noticeable and odd.
My questions are: Why? Why me? What does it mean?
Because I consider myself agnostic/atheist. Almost all persons who have these beliefs tend to be some kind of spiritual.
I am not a happy person who is full of life. I’m negative and sad. I’ve also seen most of these issues in people who seem full of life, joy, vigor.
What is the point? Is there a way to use this energy to my advantage? Or is this just another small curse to make my miserable life even worse?
Perhaps the purpose is to show you that there is more out there. That there is more that you can’t see. Did you ever consider that perhaps you’re depression was caused by unseen influences? If you are a sensitive, a person in the light etc. you will feel what other people feel. The person in line in front of you could have just lost a loved one, you feel their loss….. a child was abused 100 years ago on the land you live on and you feel that sadness and hurt. It’s just another possibility.
Agnostics seek truth, atheists are just completely closed off. This stuff is like ghosts, you don’t think they are real until you know they are…..
What kinda drugs you on fam?
WOW! I didn’t know we had to do any type of drug to have energy inside of us???????? Especially since we are all made of energy and water.
Ignorance is bliss… Enjoy your ignorance, you have free will and by God you are using it! 🙂
Lol, no shit right? I wonder though, maybe this is the kind of thing one experiences on drugs…. I know native Americans believe altering the mind with drugs can leave you open, a piece of your soul can be replaced by something evil when you are high. Then you are never whole and a little lost…. sounds like addiction.
No drugs…….. have you never experienced strange things? I never understood how people could do drugs because frankly there is way to much weird shit in the world that most people turn a blind eye to.
how to fix it , stop it
I have been noticing when I go to stores the checker always has problems with their register when I approach. Over the phone with computer systems debating about billing. I recently experienced the HR person at work having trouble with her computer showing me an issue with some leave time I entered. I’m always purchasing light bulbs and none of my watches work. I was involved in a really bad car accident about 20 years ago. I have questioned this in my mind and have mentioned it to a friend. I must be a slider.
I literally just got super anxious in my basement because there was a spider in one spot and it is gone now and then a light bulb near me flickered. It did that until I walked away. I was wondering if it was my great grandmother because when she was alive, she would unscrew the light bulbs a tiny bit to save electricity. She gave her house to my Mom when she passed away and the lightbulbs were often a tiny bit unscrewed and my Mom didn’t do it or my dad because he didn’t know she did that.
Our energy is always with us and our emotions effect it so I would say Yes, your energy was erratic since you were scared. Do you kill batteries? Do street lights seem to go out a lot around you? If you hold an antenna does the reception improve? If yes then you’re a slider!
WOW! This page is amazing! I am a little taken aback by this whole thing. I’ve never heard of a SLIder till today! When I was in high school, I received an electrical shock from a stove that threw me across the room several few so I am imagining that’s what started mine. I have gone through five watches in six years, went through 2-3 microwaves, a washer, a dryer, I had a car that was fine when I bought it but after a while, the headlights were constantly going out, I had another car that the door locks would click on and off constantly. COmputers *always* freeze or programs crash for no reason. My work pass card keeps demagnetizing…and I actually thought up to prior to this post that ALL street lights flickered??? LOL, guess I’m a SLIder. Good to know I’m not crazy!
I wanted to add that I also get electrical shocks like crazy…even in the summer. I once answered the switchboard at work and when I answered it, I got a very nasty shock, the entire switchboard lit up and then it disconnected everyone that was on the phone. LOL!
All the time and they hurt like hell! Not little simple shocks but hard ones often visible to others and always loud…..