Source: Children's Health Defense
Listen to our new rally cry to join the movement.
Lyrics by: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. • Music Produced by: Dicky Barrett • Performed by: Grant Ellman, Prezence Music • Video Produced by: Children’s Health Defense, Brian Burrowes, Dicky Barrett, Aimee Villella McBride • Footage Courtesy of: Oracle Films, Matt Veligdan, Souls of a Movement
Worldwide Walkouts Continue Across the Globe
European Parliament Members call on you: Join Protest for Freedom and Democracy in Brussels on January 23
Keep Showing Up Strong to Defeat the Mandates!
“Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming” on January 23 in Washington, D.C. aims to unite all citizens in reclaiming individual liberties and democratic principles
Join Children’s Health Defense (CHD) this Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Eastern at the Washington Monument and march to the Lincoln memorial. Stand united to protest all government mandates. United we stand and in peace we march.
Participants from all walks of life will be attending, regardless of political affiliation, race, ideology, or vaccination status. We will gather to peacefully protest and march together in unity to restore democracy, reclaim our civil liberties and say NO to mandates.
Speaker highlights include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Richard Urso, Attorney Tricia Lindsay, Kevin Jenkins, Rev. Aaron Lewis, Rabbi Epstein, Tramell Johnson, Jo Rose (Jo Speaks Truth), Lara Logan, Angela Stanton King, Chris Martenson, Kwame Brown, Trahern Crews and many more!
Comedian JP Sears will emcee the event.
Musical performances will also be a part of the event, featuring Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez the rapper, Five Times August, and Matt Brevner.
Tens of thousands have already registered to be here on this historic day. Learn more and make your plans to stand together to Defeat the Mandates. Spread the word, share on social and encourage those in your community to make their plans to be in Washington DC. Buses are now available for same-day, roundtrip transportation to DC from multiple states. Check back often as more buses will be added.
The goal of the march is to peacefully protest vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, COVID vaccines for children, and censorship. Participants will be marching in support of informed consent, natural immunity, and the doctor/patient relationship which should exist independent of government interference.
In addition to objecting to COVID vaccine mandates on democratic principle, many are also expressing concern about the safety of these shots citing that as yet another reason to protest mandates. The latest data from the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reveals 1,033,994 adverse events following COVID vaccination including 21,745 deaths.
“The rise of tyranny can only be stopped if Americans rise up against it while they still have enough freedom left to do so,” said CHD president and general counsel Mary Holland. “We encourage all who can be in Washington on January 23rd to stand in peace and unity with us. Once governments take away the rights of individuals, they are nearly impossible to regain.”
Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming. CHD will Livestream the event on CHD.TV.
Help spread the word! Access our promotional assets for Defeat the Mandates — including the four images below and more — to share on your social media.
* Select an image to open the full-size resolution for the best download quality.
Listen to the message from our Chairman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. above on why it’s critical to join us in Washington, D.C.
Keep Showing Up Strong in 2022!
Help others engage in the movement. Share information with compassion, empathy, and an open heart to bring others to the right side of history.
We at Children’s Health Defense are calling on advocates everywhere including our state and international chapters, coalition partners, affiliates and all of humanity to peacefully assemble and actively engage with your state elected representatives to stand against mandates.
Our elected officials need constant reminders that they work for the tax-paying citizens of this country and that many of us, if not the majority, want choice when it comes to what goes on and in our bodies.
These representatives must see our faces, hear our voices, and know that we demand choice when it comes to our healthcare decisions. Parents and individuals should make these decisions, not the government. The tyranny ends when We the People stand up!
Here’s how you can keep Showing up Strong in 2022:
- Find the date for the start of your state’s 2022 legislative session. If your state hasn’t commenced the new session yet, be prepared to be at your statehouse on day one and bring your friends.
- Organize and invite local groups and community members to show up at your statehouse and to meet with your elected representatives. Collaborate with as many groups as possible within your community who are concerned with health freedom. We have strength in numbers!
- Create promotional graphics for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with our free design templates to promote your event and get the word out!
- If you are planning a rally, be sure to share the information with CHD to be featured on this Worldwide Walkouts page and our Community Calendar.
- Visit our Advocacy Hub to download, print, and share educational handouts and postcards with your community and elected officials. Here is some helpful guidance for interacting successfully with legislators.
- Engage in polite dialogue with your local board of education members, school administrators, county executives, department of health officials, mayors, and other local elected officials on this critical cause. Request meetings and attend in small groups, be prepared to share information and educational materials, and advocate for healthy choices in your community. Review your school district’s approved Health & Safety plan. These are public reports that you can check to see whether the American Rescue Plan Act and COVID grants your school may be receiving are driving mandates in your district.
- Download, print and share our new stickers and join the “Stick to the Truth” campaign. Post them in high-traffic, high-exposure public areas such as community bulletin boards and utility poles to share important truth-based messages to counter the propaganda.
Never has there been a more important time to fight back and protect our rights to stop this tyranny and government overreach.
Be a defender of truth, freedom, and health. Let’s keep SHOWING UP STRONG in 2022!
Find Your State’s Legislative Session Start Date
We know many states are battling mandates for masks and the COVID vaccine. And the legislative session will be upon us in just a few weeks where states like New York, California, Louisiana, Washington, DC, and others will attempt to pass bills making the COVID vaccine mandatory for school-aged children. New York and California are crucial states so we ask that if you are in or around those areas that you show up to support in addition to the rallies in your home state.
The states shown in red are key battleground states!
AK: Tue, Jan. 18
AL: Tue, Jan. 11
AR: Mon, Feb. 14
AZ: Mon, Jan. 10
CA: Mon, Jan. 03
CO: Wed, Jan. 12
CT: Wed, Feb. 09
DE: Tue, Jan. 11
FL: Tue, Jan. 11
GA: Mon, Jan. 10
HI: Wed, Jan. 19
IA: Mon, Jan. 10
IL: Wed, Jan. 12
ID: Mon, Jan. 10
IN: Tue, Jan. 04
KS: Mon, Jan. 10
KY: Tue, Jan. 04
LA: Mon, Mar. 14
MA: Wed, Jan. 05
MD: Wed, Jan. 12
ME: Wed, Jan. 05
MI: Wed, Jan. 12
MN: Mon, Jan. 31
MO: Wed, Jan. 05
MS: Tue, Jan. 04
MT: *
NC: Wed, May. 18
ND: *
NE: Wed, Jan. 05
NH: Wed, Jan. 05
NJ: Tue, Jan. 11
NM: Tue, Jan. 18
NV: *
NY: Wed, Jan. 05
OH: Wed, Jan. 19
OK: Mon, Feb. 07
OR: Tue, Feb. 01
PA: Tue, Jan. 04
RI: Tue, Jan. 04
SC: Tue, Jan. 11
SD: Tue, Jan. 11
TN: Tue, Jan. 11
TX: *
UT: Tue, Jan. 18
VA: Wed, Jan. 12
VT: Tue, Jan. 04
WA: Mon, Jan. 10
WI: Tue, Jan. 18
WV: Wed, Jan. 12
WY: Mon, Feb. 14
* These states are not in regular session in even-numbered years.
Get full session information from
Join Us for Upcoming Worldwide Walkouts!
Worldwide Walkouts are demanding a return to freedom and democratic principles. Citizens around the globe are protesting illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach. Every man, woman, and child is important to this movement.
This grassroots initiative is ongoing as we organize and connect activists around the globe to execute coordinated acts of peaceful non-compliance and civil disobedience. Check back often for dates and events near you.
“No government in history has ever surrendered power in the absence of demand. We need to tell these governments and their friends in the technocracy, the Silicon Valley billionaire boys club, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry that we will no longer tolerate their trampling of citizens’ rights.”
– Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD Board Chair and Lead Counsel
All times are local to each event. View the event graphic or flyer for details.
January 22
- CANADA: Freedom Rally, 12:00pm in Vancouver, BC – graphic
- NC: Worldwide Walkout in Hayesville, 2:00 pm, Herbert & Main
January 23
- DC: Defeat the Mandates – An American Homecoming, 11:30 am – website
- CO: Defeat the Mandates Rally in Denver, 1:00 pm – website
- FL: Defeat the Mandates Rally in Ft. Lauderdale, 11:00 am – Facebook event
- MT: Defeat the Mandates Rally in Bozeman, 9:30 am – Gallatin County Court House
- OH: Defeat the Mandates Rally, 12:00pm in Defiance, Ohio
February 1
- OR: Salem Rally for Medical Freedom, 11:00 am – web page
Let Us Know About Your Event!
Submit your event for review using our online form.
Children’s Health Defense launched a new medical freedom song “Hold the Line” to kick-off the launch of Worldwide Walkouts and in honor of those who demand a return to freedom and our democratic principles.
“Hold the Line”
Artist: Ito da Truth featuring Ac Da Kid
Editor – Deana Vincuillo
Photo Credit: Souls of a Movement (IG: @soulsofamovement)
Producer: Aimee Villella McBride
People have been battered during the epidemic for the last 1.5 years. And now their jobs, livelihoods, education for their children, and way of life is being threatened because they refuse to take a government and employer-mandated injection.
Religious and medical exemptions are being rejected but that is a false choice anyway. Since when does anyone need an exemption to exercise their personal right to reject a foreign substance being injected into their body by the government?
Americans and the world need to stand up, walk out and just say NO. CHD will encourage recurring walkouts where citizens target specific industries and solidify our grassroots movement as a powerful voting block in elections to apply political pressure.
Children’s Health Defense and our State and International Chapters are joining citizens and organizations from all over the world as they come together for “WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS!”
“WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS!” is a call for a global shutdown to stop business as usual and celebrate human rights. Citizens around the world will be asked to unify for freedom and commit acts of civil disobedience to make their point. No masks, no vaccines, no testing. No coercion. The potential headlines: “500 towns in America and around the world have nurses, teachers, etc. walkout for freedom,” “French and Italian Voters in acts of civil disobedience…”
Any mass gathering of people in peaceful noncompliance engaging in acts of civil disobedience. People can gather at local town halls, courthouses, their department of education or state capitols, or any high-profile, high-traffic area. Any location works and no event is too small or too large. They will only grow with time.
Make it a celebration of unity. Create a unified voice with signage, posters, singing of popular songs, the national anthem, chants, and more. Ask veterans, first responders, educators, and children to speak. Create a community by asking the crowd to introduce themselves to their neighbor, encouraging hugs, and holding hands to resist the mainstream narrative of social distancing and fearing close contact with others. Choose for everyone to wear a consistent color to unify the crowd visually. If you’re expecting larger crowds or use of amplified sound you may need to consider securing permits with local municipal, precincts, or community affairs offices, but people also have the right to peaceably assemble in public areas as long as they’re not obstructing vehicle or foot traffic.
Come back to this page for helpful planning information on this and future rallies including best practices (i.e., press releases, getting local media) and ways to order posters, flyers, T-shirts, and more.
Articles, Brochures, and Pamphlets
- 10 Reasons to Not Let Your Child Get a COVID Shot
- Notice for Employers and Universities Mandating Covid-19 Vaccines
- Top 10 things you need to know about COVID-19 Vaccines
- The Greatest Crisis
Links to videos/pictures of civil disobedience
Video from events covered live on CHD.TV
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks at NY Rally on October 16, 2021
New Yorkers shut down the Brooklyn Bridge
NYC Sanitation workers

Colorado Citizen Fights Back Against Mandates
New Yorkers Protest at the Governor’s Mansion
French citizens are storming stores that enforce vaccine passports, filling up shopping carts, and leaving them right before the checkout before walking out.
Italian citizens take to the streets in protest of Green Pass
- Thousands of Italians protest against Covid green pass | Pandemic | World News | WION
- Opponents of Italy’s Green Pass Stage Demonstrations
The Defender Articles
Nov. 3: Join Kick-Off of ‘Worldwide Walkouts,’ a Global Protest Against Government Overreach
Public Relations
Recently Past Events
November 19
- NE: Omaha Rally for Medical Rights, 5–6 pm – map, graphic
- WA: Seattle Rally in the Rain, 1–3 pm – map, graphic
Customizable flyer for the November 19th – 20th Worldwide Walkout
November 20
- IL: Glen Ellyn Worldwide Rally for Freedom 5.0, 9:30–11:30 am – map, graphic
- NC: Hayesville Walkout, 10–11 am – map, flyer
- NE: Omaha Rally for Medical Rights, 2–4 pm – map
- NH: Concord Weekly Freedom Fest, 10–11:30 am – map, graphic
- NJ/NY: Bergen & Rockland Counties Stand for Vaccine Choice, 3–5 pm – map, graphic
- NM: Alamagordo Walkout, 1–3 pm – map, graphic
- NY: New York Light for Liberty, 12 pm–6 pm – map, graphic, Livestream
- OR: Portland Protest Against Vaccine Mandates, 11 am–2 pm – map, graphics & resources
- VA: Worldwide Walkout + Rally for Freedom, 11 am–1 pm – map, graphic
- WA: Seattle March for Freedom, 1:30–2:30 pm – map, graphic
November 26
- IL: CHD-IL Schaumberg Walkout for Health Freedom, 11 am–1:30 pm – map, graphic
- NC: Hayesville Walkout, 10–11 am – map, flyer
- WA: Bellevue March for Freedom, 1:30–3:30 pm – map, graphic
December 4
- WORLDWIDE: SOS from Australia, 12 pm everywhere – learn more (with video)
- GERMANY: Frankfurt Protest Against Green Pass and Forced Vaccination, 3–5 pm – more info
- CA: Los Angeles Rally to Support Australian Resistance to Medical Tyranny, 12–2 pm – graphic
- CA: San Francisco Rally to Support Australian Resistance to Medical Tyranny, 12–2 pm – more info, graphic
- NC: Hayesville Walkout, 10–11 am – map, flyer
- NH: Concord Weekly Freedom Fest, 10–11:30 am – map, graphic
- NJ/NY: Bergen & Rockland Counties Stand for Vaccine Choice, 3–5 pm – map, graphic
- NY: NYC Rally at Australian Consulate, 4 pm – graphic
- VA: Stafford Worldwide Walkout & Rally for Freedom, 11 am–1 pm – map, graphic
- WA: Seattle March for Freedom, 1:30–2:30 pm – map, graphic
Done for You Graphics for December 4
Create your free Canva account to access customizable social media graphics:
- FB customizable graphic
- FB customizable cover page
- IG customizable graphic
- IG customizable story
- Twitter customizable graphic
January 3
- CA: Our Children, Our Choice Rally at the Capitol, 1 pm – graphic
- IL: Rally to Stop V-Passports, 11:30 am – graphic
January 5
- NY: Albany March for Freedom on the First Day of the Legislative Session, 10 am – graphic – RSVP on the Facebook event page
- MA: Show Up Strong, Stop the Mandates, 12 pm – graphic
January 10
- IA: Freedom Rally 3.0 on the First Day of the Legislative Session, 8:30 am–5:00 pm – graphic – RSVP on the Facebook event page
January 15
- MA: March – Massachusetts Says NO, 11:00 am – event web page