I love to write in my journal and then go back later and be inspired all over again. One of my favorite things to do is to write out sentences, passages, verses of script that will benefit me forever. I use a large unlined, 8.5 x 11” hardcover journal, that way I can doodle into it as well. It is a lot of fun and has been my friend throughout the years. Last year my journal was the crown, corona 🙂 and my intention was personal sovereignty, this year 2021, my intention is personal responsibility.
We as humans, have a lot of choices to make. In these days it boils down to when to wear a mask and then to get/not get a vaccine. I admit I wore a mask (and still do when forced to) only when required. Now, I am sometimes the only one not wearing one and will put it on when asked (in a public store for instance). I never wear a mask out doors for I believe it is harmful to your health for long periods of time. I will not get a vaccine for the same reason, my health is more important to me than a jab in the arm of something that has not been proven effective or safe. I still scratch my head when I see pictures of my friends or family showing off their vaccine bandaid. Yet, I do respect their decisions, because I love them.
Yes, lots of choices to make. But one I believe to be the most important: respect one another and live my truth. So when I see or hear of those that make decisions that I wouldn’t make, I try, try, try not to judge them. It does take a bit of work on my part. Why? Because one of my personality traits is a strong sense of justice. So I tame that part of me with this truth: each of us are on our own individual journey and we incarnated to have an experience. Another’s journey and experience will often conflict with mine, so I must release my thoughts and opinions and let them go. Then, I stay true to what my experience is to be. This is where my freedom lives. In this place my heart is happy.
So all of that leads to my journal and some of the passages that I love to read from time to time in these remarkable days. Some of these are mine and some are quotes. I hope they ring well with you too. Much love to you my friends, stay positive and smile at as many people as you can.
We change the world not by what we do or say, but as a consequence of what we become. The tiniest increase in our own consciousness benefits the world at large.
“Real learning is beyond curiosity. It is when the heart and mind come together to consciously process the information that is coming to you. This is the mind and heart super highway.” Andrew Bartis
“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” A Course in Miracles Workbook
“Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold on others’ guilt. Don’t let the surface things delude us, set us free from what hold us back.” From the Lord’s Prayer, Christian Bible, an Aramaic translation
Silence is golden and words are often unnecessary. One can share more by being high vibratory. This is transmittable to others.
“…Embodying more love on the planet. You are a being of pure love, here to use the technology of dreaming to build our new societies. You have your own source connection and can drop your old identity, complete with all the patterns and personal issues you have been suffering from. It’s time to upgrade, purify others and rewrite the future. It’s all about you now. Nature. The Planet. And All Beings.” Oracle Girl, Dr. Jacqueline Hobbs (thank you Ross for introducing Oracle Girl to all of us that read Conscious Life News, last July 2020)
“Those that develop self, not only help themselves, but humanity as well. Peace in the world begins with peace in the individual.” “A breath is the shortest path to God.” “Every single soul is a spark emanating from the Great Cosmic Fire.” “According to the Law of Light, a person chooses his or her own reality.” Lars Mul
“If I shall speak with every human and Angelic language and have no love in me, I shall be clanging brass or a noise-making cymbal. And if I have prophecy, and I know all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have all faith so that I may remove mountains, and I have no love in me, I would be nothing. And if I should give everything that I have to the poor, and if I hand over my body to be burned up and I have no love in me, I gain nothing. Love is patient and sweet; love does not envy; love is not upset neither puffed up. Love does not commit what is shameful, neither does it seek its own; it is not provoked, neither does it entertain evil thoughts, Rejoices not in evil, but rejoices in the truth, Endures all things, believes all things, hopes all, bears all. Love never fails; for prophecies shall cease, tongues shall be silenced and knowledge will be nothing; For we know partially and we prophesy partially, But when perfection shall come, then that which is partial shall be nothing. When I was a child, I was speaking as a child, I was led as a child, I was thinking as a child, but when I became a man, I ceased these childish things. Now we see as in a mirror, in an allegory, but then face-to-face. Now I know partially, but then I shall know as I am known. For there are these three things that endure: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love.” 1 Corinthians 13, 1-13. The Peshitta Holy Bible, translated by Glenn David Bauscher, Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing
Be well my friends and love much. Love, Julia
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.